System flags

As long as you keep pinning the blame of your post closures on me then we’re not going to see eye to eye on anything.

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Gets out his Shado-Pan Geyser Gun, points it up and sprays high up in the air. :innocent:

Ard doesn’t know this is already in effect to begin with since the game launched. I mean people can deny him as well anybody else for literally any reason. Like if they hate their face or if he likes waffles or etc.

Not having Btags wouldn’t change anything to begin with. As far i’m concerned, it just sounds like a series of excuses for him to cover up his entitlement.

Or the fact that you support harassment via the character-server as proven in the other thread.

Truth hurts huh?


Truth is that you disproportionally assign the blame of your post closures on me.

And why you try to label me as a monster now.

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Ironic how you’re thinking it has everything to do with threads being closed or post being removed when it has nothing to do with the threads or post.

Whatever you wana think calling me this or that isn’t going to change my opinion or much of anything for that matter.

Um, it’s a belief, opinions can be changed, not a belief.

If they are on your BNet friends list, that’s on you. Also, you can remove them from that list and it will remove you from theirs.

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Sounds like nitpicking to me which doesn’t matter either way as my stance won’t change.


Which are mostly the same people who want your in game ID, lol.
wonder why?

Which you do quite bit.


That poster knows it lol
once they have your Btag you cant swap alts to get away from these harasser sorts. they know that fact and its one of the reasons why they demand it.
That and being your in game ID lol

They say they arent harassing trolls, but then one of them above has already CONFIRMED they are keeping our account alts on record as it is.

“Aren’t you the one who brags about having half the forum on ignore, Rahkeetahp?”

They get your account ID and now they have your entire account, not just a couple alts you can delete to get away fro m their harassment.

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As this community confirmed with the RealID fiasco.
“not the same thing” blah blah blah blah…lol.
No, but it showed us what some in this community are…how they behave and what they do.
they dont need to see my Btag for this forum to operate…PERIOD.

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First thing… Why are you approving a Battle Net Friend request out of the blue? Maybe not approve them?

Two, If you inadvertently approve a request, they can be removed, and it will drop them from their list also.

Three, you can even ignore requests from them, by blocking invites from that account.

That’s how it works.


no, THIS is how it works…

bye bye alt :wave::wave:

You didn’t read what I said… Can’t even quote correctly.

True to form from you. You are raging incoherently. Go ahead, take your ball, put me on ignore and go home, like you always do.


Doesnt need to change.
Look at B and his twitter raging. NOT someone I want with my Btag.

Look at the poster above who is CLEARLY holding onto lists of our alts.

“Aren’t you the one who brags about having half the forum on ignore, Rahkeetahp?”

again, NOT the behavior of someone I want with more o f my account information.

Had THEY NOT behaved like they do in here, Id have never questioned the Btag thing.
I literally had identifying information in my battletag for a long time UNTIL I crossed this 12-15 persons in here and realized with THIS group that was a very poor decision and so I changed it.

Oddly I have used that moniker all over the web without problem but on THIS forum with THEIR twitter behavior, yeah, sorry, cant be trusted with it like most of the rest of the internet evidently can.

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But then can’t you just block their btag and get away from them forever? Without ever having to swap characters again?

You get my btag in this hypothetical situation and then you send me a request. If I don’t want it, I decline it. If I want it, I accept it.

If I decide later I don’t want it, I remove you.

How do we harass each other after that? I’d have to accept your request again knowing that it’s you.


yeah…its like saying if we only had speed limit signs people wouldnt drive too fast lol.
The majority might slow down and drive more sanely, but there are a few who dont care about the signs and rules and will constantly push the envelope.

We already see stalking behavior in here by this group. They show up EVERY time this kind of topic is posted for some ODD reason. Almost wonder if its one of their alts in the OP half the time.

Theyre ranting on about this forum offsite.
Theyre keeping lists of our alts as proven by one poster above who blew their cover.
They ALL flock to this topic any time it shows up. Very odd how that happens. Almost like theyre waiting in the wings to see it happen so we can start whining for Btags again.

Im here every day reading and posting…thats my excuse. But they’ll not post for a while and then boom…a topic like this pops and they are ALL in here posting and its always pushing Btags.
VERY odd.

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I don’t think it’s analogous at all, but we’ll go with it.

So then do we remove speed signs because a handful of people will ignore it anyway? Or do we keep 'em then have more time and resources to only handle the few still being silly?

These forums are very slow, after like the first 10-20 topics everything else is a day or more old. It’s not surprising to see regulars pop up in everything, especially if the topic is pricklier.

But again, you keep saying if we had btags that people would be able to track you no matter what you swap to. But you keep forgetting that you could just put that person on ignore and never hear from him again!

Like, you’re announcing in here that you’re blocking alts… You’d never have to block alts again! I’m not understanding why this isn’t good for you too?


Thats not the issue.
The Btag is our in game ID. They know that fact and thats why they want it.
Dont be fooled…they will use it in here if they have it, but its that game ID theyre really looking for.
One of them slipped up a long while back and admitted that if you get nailed in here that it should be carried into the game.
And given THEY think THEY are the ones here who should be able to ‘hold you accountable’ (watch for that sort of statement in here) then given their behavior on twtter (and there are a few of them over there ranting) and their keeping track of your alts on your account already…yeah, they know they want that btag for more than just seeing who you are in here.

No one obsesses that much about something like that unless they have intentions with it. Given the behaviors in here and on twitter, its nothing good or positive, rest assured.

Because this group loves to flag bomb people they dont like. I know. Im on their list. lol.
So they get your btag showing publicly in here like they all want…they can harass you and if you swap alts to get away from it as a blue suggested to someone elsewhere, it wont matter, your btag would still be showing…they’ll know exactly who to keep flag bombing and stalking around.

one of them…Star-something…many months ago stalked me around in here for a few days, thread to thread, trying to keep trouble going.

they dont NEED our btags in here for this forum to operate.
I run a list of forums and have for 20 years. I know how this works. The software doesnt need to show them that information for things to function here…period.

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