System flags

Making it a daily activity to mess with people over a game/forums/ then to Twitter is pretty sad, not going to lie.

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Sorry you hate that people sharing things on the internet. The X Button your browser is always there waiting for you click if you hate this fact of life. :man_shrugging:

Like I said one of the Community Managers said they don’t want to punish people if they are wrong with their flag .

Just because a person flags something doesn’t mean they are being spiteful but in their opinion believe it violates the rules. Blizz understands that and doesn’t believe people should be punished if they are wrong . To do so would make people not want to report even those posts the mods would agree are bad.

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Why try and dilute what people are saying into nonsense, even responding to you is tiring. :frowning:


…How’s saying “People sharing things around on the internet” is nonsense to you?..

WoW forums is like any other game forums or any other website. If people say silly things, that gets shared around, same with smart things and etc. That’s how it always worked, and it’s never been a problem then. So why would it be a problem now because, oh no, i shared something on the internet?

I don’t hear you having a problem with other people sharing the wow forums around. Just only with me. :thinking:

Having an entire public rage fit is not normal. Sharing a picture of a funny cat is normal, borderline stalking and rage posting for an entire day is not normal, especially within the confines of instigating negative interactions. Which is pretty blatantly what you are doing.

Seriously or not, it proves my point on you further.

Because you’re using the responses to your inflammatory posting as an excuse to badly create a twitter presence.

Spending all day on twitter, and some today too, posting about the same players repeatedly is not “making fun” it’s actually unhinged and not normal.

And I wonder why people don’t. odd.

Your twitter posting leads me to believe that any discussion with you would not include any good faith discourse from you. So I didn’t expect any. Just glad to see you defend your tantrum online. Gives me a sensible chuckle.

And you wouldn’t spend an entire day malding on twitter if you weren’t upset.
If I was bothered, I’d walk away. However seeing you defend your tantrum amuses me. Especially since you regurgitate classic internet phrases and pose only leading questions when you have no rebuttal.

Essentially I am waiting for the “u mad bro?” which technically has already happened. How’s 2008 treating you?

That isn’t what you are doing, but further shines light on you as a person. It’s the internet, walk away.

“posting all day on twitter to one comment and maybe one like” fits that for me. YMMV.

You clearly don’t want a discussion. Adjusted people who want a discussion don’t freak out online all day when disagreed with.

You entirely can. You 100% can. Not waving this a badge of honor or something I’m bragging on but having been stalked they will 100% find you.

and as I said, in an attempt to have this discourse with you (the sigh is unnecessary) those cases would more than likely be minimal and caught out easy.

Likely walking away from this as I’m having flashbacks to 4chan level trolling from you. Im sure ill see your opinions later on twitter where you can get away with a lot more negativity than you attempt to here.

I may read your response I may not. Leaning towards doing the smart thing and walking away but seeing you defend a rage fit over being mad online is pretty amusing.

INB4 comment about “not wanting a discussion” or “echo chambers”.

So uh… it’s raining here.


Wish it was here. I am melting.

It was hotter than idk what earlier


Honestly not hyperbole sometimes to say “surface of the sun” in comparison.

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Heat honestly gets worse the higher the humidity. I grew up in the south east and this time of year was awful for going outside. I remember one year it got to 100 outside with a Heat Index of 110.


GROSS that sounds legit oppressive.

I am a bigger fan of being cold than being hot. cold you can add layers, blankets, etc. Being hot, there is only so much you can do to mitigate that.

insert central air quote from Dogma

It was awful. That was the summer I learned what a heat stroke was.

Oh lawdy it’s the worst! Always always stay hydrated, that gunk can creep up on you so fast.

What you consider “Rage fit” is subjective.

If you think sharing pics is normal, then i don’t see what’s the problem what i’m doing then

This seems like double standards.

Taking a username off a game isn’t stalking. To continue to say it is, only tells me the lack of intelligence you have.

You can’t stalk people with an account username unless you foolishly put private infomation on there.

The only point you proved is you’re rather triggered over something silly like that.

Orange Text is Serz Ban8z guys.

Oh no, people share things on the internet. That’s problematic! /s

You sound controlling tbh. Do you get on people’s back’s constantly for how they wish to spend their time?

Ironically, you sound more like a twitter user then i do, because at least i don’t try to force people to do something, unlike you lol.

You only see it as “Not making fun” is because you lack a sense of humor and take things seriously.

Well, people like yourself would instead of engaging on a debate with somebody, they rather try to deter me on twitter (Which only has the opposite effect lol) and throw other ad-homs… while oddly enough claiming i don’t engage in a debate, despite the fact these comments show otherwise… And you engaging as well.

To say i don’t follow your strategy here would be putting it mildly.

Tell me you only looked at my first 2 tweets out of 10K without telling me you only looked at my first 2 tweets out of 10K. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice projection mate.

I don’t think you know what “Malding” is at this point.

Okay, so why didn’t walk away instead of responding to me first? :thinking:

Nice Deflection bro.

Well considering people like yourself like to deflect or do the whole “No U”, thing on me, as well try to deter me from posting on twitter by telling about my followers or etc, i might not even have too considering you pretty much radiate that engery to begin with.

Much better then how 2024 tricking you into thinking everything is problematic and you aren’t allowed to have fun, lol.

Your disagreement is subjective.

All you’re simply asking me to take a punch and not punch back because you hate being punched. Maybe don’t start the proverbal punching? Just a thought.

You first on this advice son.

That only tells me how warped your definition is. You think sharing things on the internet is getting mad lol.

So not blocking people = not wanting a discussion? lol?

Just going to put this out here rn since were losing the plot, you’re indirectly defending people who wish harm on other people by telling me i’m in the wrong for sharing and giving my opinion on it since you think it’s “Raging”.

Nope. That’s Misinfomation bro.

Stalked in game for silly reasons like /spit on somebody, or just being a general dick, or… dare i say to report somebody… is not the same as irl stalking. And i think people like yourself should stop trying to downplay this rather serious thing for over silly video game drama.

Also learn accountability.

Yeah, how dare i thought you have a modicum of intelligence.

…And no, there’s no sarcasm this time, i think it’s high time for me to stop thinking that with anybody on the forums at this point given they think WoW Forums is excluded from the internet for some strange reason.

Then don’t respond if you hate it.

“Anything i don’t like, it’s X!”

It just sounds like you’re projecting mate. And given everything i’ve heard from you, you would rather silence people with “morality” agruments or etc. When in reality, you’re just offended over my humor and me saying my opinions on twitter, while putting up a mask of “I’m not offended, YOU ARE” charade. Which that’s worse then what you claim i do.

Yeah I learned that pretty fast. I usually try to stay out of the heat now.


you guys want spicy and hot. try some of the fish i make with my special hot sauce.


In the event if you don’t feel like reading,

If you REALLY find what i do amusing, why have a problem what i do then? And if you think i’m making money by engagement, pray tell, why… WHY then did you choose to come up to me at all then?

You’re quite familiar i share Wow Forum quotes around twitter whether it be to make fun of, praise, criticize, etc like any other. So why you feel the need to come up to me and give me more stuff to share?

And also, why tell me i should make money off of Twitter?

You’re welcome to be wrong if you decide to not read my response then.

:hot_pepper::tropical_fish: :hot_face:


serious i think it was thursday made some haddock…so spicy my lord…had to throw some of it away reheated it too many times cause was taking too long to eat over too many days. put in scorpion garlic arbol sauce with my mystery hot sauce mix. I saw mystery cause i dumped like 6 or 7 seperate hot sauces in together mixed them together cant remember what they all were. 24oz canister of hot sauce.

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