System flags

False flagging is basically what happened to OP, as you can see now a mod unflagged it, rightfully, as can you see any reason why it should have been flagged/hidden? It’s reporting based off emotion, differing opinion, or just wanting to hurt someone specific that’s false, and you discredit all REAL flags when they’re required.

W… what? Eeew!

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yup, but don’t worry they only want open discourse on public web forums about unrelated topics. No ulterior motives or anything.

lol…got curious and opened your post…
So…youve seen his twitter rants, have you?
And so youve seen THAT crap and then you PRETENDED Im not validated in saying that kind of behavior IS the problem on this forum with some?

yeah, I was right to ignore you if you cant use logic and reason to connect those dots lol
and back you go…

Why are you stalking people’s Twitter, and probably other social media?

Oh I just read the phrase and was like “uh… um…”

concerned fox noises


Sup Baridorielor.

And if you aren’t, not surprised you lean his direction in terms of thinking. The post of yours I replied to drips with the same unwarranted victim mentality and right wing media talking points. I’m not even on the left and your ideology sticks out like a sore thumb.

All I see are instigators upset over the consequences of their actions.

I laughed when I read it. Dude’s over inflated for sure. It is textbook immature though.

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Just gonna leave this here.


If enough folks flag something that is all it takes. I have seen posts that do not have anything negative in it flagged. System is bonkers.



I see this thread is going about as well as I thought it would.

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Yea this is false, and has been disproven on many videos you can watch right now.

That’s about the game.

To be fair, he frequently tweets (or Xes or Musks or whatever they call it these days) screenshots of people’s forum posts to trash them in his own curated space.

Which is not a normal thing to do, but here we are.


For views and clicks and to garner faux outrage. You and those streamers are wrong.

Nah, it’s entirely normal. They said so! /s

Yeah, and those “videos” are edited garbage, they are designed to garner clicks, not tell the truth.

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Thank you, didn’t know the history.

Pretty sure it’s hard to edit a live broadcast of you asking for people to report you in discord, so there’s no WoW content at all, and then being DCed pending review. I’m just sharing what I’ve seen, I don’t really mind what people believe on that fact anymore. I silenced myself as to avoid drama from people who dislike you just because you’re alive and speaking.

Then why say this? :point_down:

Sharing things around the internet to give an opinion on it isn’t inane. Infact, it’s normal.


It’s somebody taking emotes giga-seriously, and i figured i would have a bit of fun with them on twitter. I don’t think that’s meant to be taken seriously lol.

Orange Text is serious b8nz guys.

Then why say this in response to my first comment then?

I mean it’s a little strange to say you’re not comparing here, so what is this comment then? Surely you don’t mind telling me what you mean by this then?

If you think making fun of somebody (Because heaven forbid that happens on the internet) is “raging”, then i think you should reevaluate on what you think is raging… I mean that’s like calling a normal conversation “raging”.

Walking away would be them not saying anything about Btags at all. If they choose to still respond and even talk about people behind a block/ignore (Which is childish i might add), that’s not walking away.

And you thinking being open for debate is the wrong choice says more about you then me. But hey, you wish to be wrong, so i won’t stop you. My only mistake is thinking i can reason the unreasonable like the anti-taggers.

I don’t put people on Block on Twitter. If anything, i do actively encourage people to come up to me and talk to me if they have a problem with me.

If that’s what you truely think, why have a discussion with me if that’s the case? You can’t have it two ways where you think i’m not open for discussion and then… open yourself up to a discussion lol.

You wouldn’t say “You have zero this and that” if you wern’t truely bothered lol.

Oh no, a person learned how to stand up for himself? that’s problematic! /s

I don’t think you know what “Getting mad” means at this point.

If anything, it sounds like you’re projecting.

Oh no, i don’t want an echo chamber like you want to, aaaaaahh. /s


No, you can’t stalk somebody with username on a game, esp since said game requires you to have consent in order to be friends with the person.

If it was truly a “live” broadcast. I can slap a “live” image to a pre-recorded feed, and make that claim.

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Is this your first time on the internet?

People share things all the time across the internet.

It’s like the forums here are like 1995 where nobody understand how the internet works.

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lol…they…and a blue…PRETEND there is no such thing as a false flag.
Im sorry but WE ALL KNOW what IS and ISNT a violation on this forum by now.
Anyone saying they dont is just lying. lol.

“False” flagging is knowingly flagging posts you know dont actually violate the rules in hopes you can get a moderator to just take action…delete, 404, whatever…because you dont like the person or arent adult enough to deal with the fact that not everyone agrees with you.

its really that simple. I know it. They know it.

Sometimes it works and we’ve literally had them delete threads that DONT violate any rules because of the massive amounts of flags that happen…and happen again…and again. We’ve seen admission that that has been the case from at least one blue over this last year.

IF False flagging isnt a thing, then NO thread that isnt a clear violation of the rules would be removed other than off topic threads, which obviously cant be allowed to flood the forum.
That ONE thread was removed over massive flagging, yet DIDNT break any actual rule is PROOF BEYOND ARGUMENT that false flagging IS a thing and a small group of posters in here have learned how to abuse the situation