Sync queue premades need to be abolished

or ppl stop exploiting around the party cap if u were supposed to be able to bring ur raid group in u woudnt half to sink


nah im good ill never stoop to your level of q syncing ive done so b4 in the past n i hated every second of it . I would rather solo q n play the game and get into 20 epics back to back , than sitting in valdrakken for over 4 hrs q syncing groups an dropping qs all night and waiting in between deserter buff just to play a whole 2 games before everyone quits for the night .


Just give us a soloQ button for BGs. In a group? Cant hit that button, you hit the other button and get put in the Q with other groups.


That is another great idea Fam.

BlizZard stance is clear.

Oqueue was common in late WotLK but started to become a problem in Cata so they addressed it somewhat.

This following a similar arc like last time.

Like I have said before BlizZard doesn’t care about partial premades even though their “official stance” is a limit of 5. A partial premade of 10-15 players in an epic isn’t going to bother them.

What they consider a disruption of game play is when a full premade shows up. Same principle applies to world PVP if you show up with three full raid groups. Worse if those three raids groups end up crashing the server.

So it is a fine line.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


For once I agree with you on this.

I solo queue a lot as well as community. I do it both ways. It works, it really does work.

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Like all the other threads. Yes, premades(more than 5 from same team) need to go. Those who say No and/are part of that are Exploiters.

It really is just a plain and simple stance and the account actions need to happen / AND Blizzard needs to add crossfaction + Premade vs Premade Epic BGs since these people like to focus on the big modes. That way it doesn’t ruin the fun of casual and they can compete in the bigger ones if they want to play with more people.

Then comes the comments that there are not enough premades, people dont like to play against each other ect ect… but that is a THEM problem, not for the rest of the casual experience. :smile:


that could counter work out the problem cross faction breaks up premades due to RNG at a high % . Cross faction premades v premades wouldnt really even be premade vs premade .

the better option would be just add cross faction to all bgs being randoms & epics . Throttle the RNG % even higher and add group , account , stacking deserter debuff and well be golden .

if people dont want to deal with deserter all the time maybe stop dropping qs to dodge or if no one gets in .

2 different responses were inteded there.

  1. Crossfaction for normal Epic BGs
  2. Premade vs Premade Epic BGs for Rated to give some incentives sense they lock some cosmetics and mounts behind the Rating wall that they could group for.
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There’s not even enough players in PVP. Often find myself fighting the same premade back to back in epic and random bgs. If it isn’t the same premade in epics, then it is another well known premade and then it’s back to back again. The premades also mercs as well, so if you’re not fighting them, then you’re fighting with them. The pool of players is really small.

Premade Epic BGs for Rated is only going to end up in the cycle for RMT.


If Epic BGs end up in the cycle for RMT thats a Blizzard problem not a customer problem. They are big enough to deal with those issues while providing a good experience for customers.

PvP is small because it has less focus/development. Also people get turned off by premades. At the end of the day you have to stop looking at the top of the iceberg and start looking at the whole thing and start chipping away at the issues.

Or ban people who exploit the game design /shrug I already offered to do it on my free time for just some coffee.


we all know most premades would use it except for the one lel

they cant even fix the casual premade problem we have now tbh


I understand from reading this Battleground forum in the last few months that there are some players that wants to make a living out this in the past threads. As we already see today that the Rated Battleground is full of it and so is the Arena.

All it will be is catering again to the top 1% of the PVP players (life support) and PVP players will decline again just like it is currently. Most would say it’s the end of an expansion or season so it’s going to feel like it. It’s definitely more empty now.

If Rated Epic BG is made, those same players who run it will come into the non-rated and run over the pugs as usual anyways. They will run RMT in rated epic and then during break time, they stomp on pugs in non-rated epic. It doesn’t fix anything we are facing right now.



u know how they get a 25+ man raid into a bg currently right?

Cross faction, at the very least, and group matching would be very good changes. With cross faction merc could go away obv.

There are good, fun players on both sides and I’d rather have a chance to play with them all the time instead of be forced to choose which faction to queue on.

People who can play the maps without the need of “our sole lord and leader” will do fine. Too many in communities (both factions) do not fit this description, but they have had a ton of time to learn and it’s on them to do so.

There would still be the issue of bad, lazy players who enter BGs expecting to win in 10 or fewer minutes with no actual effort on their part. But they’d be more randomly spread around with cross faction.

Just put grouped players against other grouped players. Solo vs solo and group vs group. Even if you only want to que with 1 other person, fine. You’ll still be lumped with other grouped people anyways. No disadvantage.

No. I choose my faction for multiple reasons and I also prefer the side of the map and tactics of the faction I chose.

This would only result in every bg being premade vs premade where solo players get crapped on and kicked for not running straight to mid for the dumb clash. And the jerks will be coordinating their reports via their discord. OR you end up with a more consistent spy problem.

Merc should go away anyways. Longer ques for the overrepresented faction is a player created problem with a player solution. If you don’t like longer ques, DON’T JOIN THE LONG LINE! Old blizzard understood to keep their hands off if a player created problem had a player solution. This blizzard listens to bad feedback that only creates additional problems.

If you need to further destruct the game to solve a problem(when it really wouldn’t), you’re doing it wrong.

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nah just give us cross faction and get rid of merc mode entirely , add tougher penalties for leaving and were good . :dracthyr_comfy_sip: