Sync exploiting is out of hand

I’m not under the impression they did away with the changes they made to break those addons, and thus far have been given no reason to think that some new tool with their API allows it again. That would be a pretty important revelation, and I’m pretty sure all of us here would agree that addon and its use would be an exploit.

I understand what you’re saying, but it’s operating under an entirely different premise from the rest of us. We have no reason to believe anything other than a voice chat and the queue mechanics themselves are being used.

If you think Discord constitutes it being an exploit, I’ll refer you to what I said to Arrowlad in that regard;

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or whatever his name is the dk who leads a sync team sometimes streams on YouTube and has videos of him doing it. I watch his live and the never once counted down.

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Okay cool. I see what you mean and I agree with you. I’m still doubting tho! :smiley: Only Blizz can check that stuff out.

I wanted to avoid discord for that specific reason. Thanks for the link. I appreciate that you brought these up. :smiley:

Under that premise that no foul play is included in the premade epic bgs and bgs in general, I want to change my comments to simply: It’s unfair and it should be changed.

We get what you’re after. I don’t expect all players to entertain the idea of playing by the rules. Those people should be squeezed out of the system. Sadly, there must be people who still abide by the rules and we should change our stance to indicate that we are not comfortable of premades existing at all.

Can’t get in trouble for mentioning people in game names. It’s also his YouTube so it’s not protected it’s open to the public.

I wouldn’t try it out, I’ve seen people calling ingame names and getting into trouble.

Snowpine, I think you know?

Only if you dox them or try to expose who they are in real life.

I know of him ya.

No :smiley: I meant asking them about the name stuff. Mb. They seem pretty knowledgeable.

Oh my mistake lol

An entirely fair statement. Normally I’d probably argue that it’s fair in a strictly utilitarian sense, but I don’t think that would add much to our discussion.

Since I know these threads have a literal mountain of posts between them all, I’ll just recap my position;

I don’t think people manually queue syncing should be actioned at all for doing it, but I do think something should be done to allow people legitimately wishing to play with larger groups an option to do so in unrated PvP. This won’t solve the issue of people trying to circumvent the restrictions for easy HK farming, but it would give Blizzard the levity to make a statement that it’s no longer allowed without any grey area on who they might be hurting.

Also this solution also carries an obvious issue in segregation and thus longer queue times. I don’t think any solution will be perfect, though.

Most forum spaces these days have rules against it. Issue is any unverified claim can be leveled at anyone for any reason, and that can turn into a witch hunt.

Generalized statements and calling out people by non-Blizzard names or titles should be fine. Like if you want to complain about something Asmongold does because you saw it on YouTube, I don’t see a world where you’re banned for that. Still, it might be better to be safe than sorry.

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Yeah, wouldn’t risk it myself.

I agree. Again, thanks for being honest and fair. It’s a welcome change.

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I’m only mean when people are dishonest or rude with me first.


You’ve been amicable.

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if they remove the 5 man limit and went 40, ebg premades will still farm pugs. none of these people are even remotely interested in fair play. case in point, all these queue sync groups avoid each other like the plague so nothing will change.

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Sync exploiting is out of hand

sorry, but what is this sync exploiting thing?

Multiple players syncing their button press to try and join the same BG while playing together using outside comms, like Discord, to stomp the opposing random group in unrated BGs.

If the queue pops for all of them, they get in and make the lives of the other team miserable. If it does not, then they all drop and requeue until it does.


People that queue and drop queue until they all get in together. Some use addons.


ohhhh. I didnt even realize that was a thing.
Thank you both for the explanation :+1:

There’s a way to disagree that isn’t trollish.

Ya you’re right. Wish you guys would employ that way.

Also /ignored.

Ok Liolang junior.