SoS is looking for more friends to join us on the road to 60! The guild’s goal will be to progress through endgame content in an inclusive manner! Meaning, you wanna role ret and DPS in MC? We want you!
We understand that there are specs out there that are #unpopular and that’s ok! We prioritize fun and inclusive play over progress or “elite” playstyle. The GM and fellow officers are all vanilla WoW players from 2004/2005, looking to build a raid group for the upcoming 40 mans!
We will raid on Tue and Thursday nights 8:30 to 10:30 PM EST, this is subject to change. We are currently looking for DPS and Heals, but we wouldn’t pass up an opportunity for a really passionate tank as well!
Raided as Fury & Prot in Original WoW.
I raided with Maliboo as a ret then holy Paladin in the vanilla days. I currently play my Paladin since vanilla and outlaw rogue (and several other classes through legion.) For classic I plan to play a rogue and possibly a priest.
Forgot I was logged in as my DK - my main is Reddale
Come hangout and see if its a good fit.
Great, Ghyst#1586 if you have any questions or hop in our discord.
Sounds awesome! Looking forward to getting Benediction a 2nd time 
Bump for a friend, I love your inclusive raiding philosophy! Can’t wait to see you on Pagle, friends!
Any of you play in the SoS on Dalv or Erader in Vanilla/TBC?
Cant wait for the glory days
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Symphony Of Souls on Warcraft Classic Pagle server. Come stay at our luxurious guild , spend your days in glorious Moonbrook, and nights at 5 star Goldshire Inn.
Activities include boar hunting, candle taking, gold dust gathering and bandana collecting. Come book your stay with us today !!
Luxurious guild sounds awsome
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I’ve raided with these guys. Most of them don’t stand in fire 
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Hello Howl,
We can certainly meet after launch, happy to help you get discord setup as well if you want to give that a go! Thanks!
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lil bump from a friend. 7 days, SoS!!!
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Sounds interesting. FYI the discord link is expired
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Hey Garghamel, thanks! discord .gg/7x8Sd7