Sylvannas negativity

I guess I just kind of discount the tone of the OP rather then a serious question. Either way it’s around the 50th reply when everything devolves.

Sylvanas actually loves and cares deeply for the forsaken. The comment she made that they are “like arrows in my quiver” is misconstrued because people fail to see that she is an archer and archers care deeply for their arrows.

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Have you seen this video before? Watch the final 30 seconds, that’s the part I wanted to draw attention to.

Very true… which reminded me I never answered your post! My bad.

I had when it released. Rewatched it again and yup pretty much. Wonder what the excuse would have been if Sylvanas was male.

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Latest mention of arrows:

    Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: There are no more val’kyr to protect you, Sylvanas. You will die here–for the last time.
    Sylvanas Windrunner says: The archer does not mourn the loss of their arrows, Highlord.


Ah well there goes that theory. No wait I can salvage this… The jailer was controlling her.


I still have to wonder if Blizzard forgot they gave Six of the Nine new bodies… and killed only the Three who hadn’t died.
The math just doesn’t work out.

Honestly I always had trouble keeping track of the Val’kyr count. Am I mistaken in thinking that we should have been fighting more than 3 “final” Val’kyrs in the raid ?

There was once a time when I was the token Feminist on these forums. When people laughed at me for saying poor writing of the Kaldorei story was a product of sexism within the corporate culture at Blizzard (Never suspected it to be as bad as it really was). People laughed at me for saying Kaldorei are a matriarchal society, which is something people still argue when it is explicitly stated lore. People laughed at me when I said I empathized with Sylvanas (Said this multiple times pre-Bfa throughout the years). Though I never agreed with her actions. People laughed at me when I said people only hate Maiev because she is a woman.

And to this day, I hold my ground on all such points. I don’t care if the entire community tells me I am wrong. That simply isn’t the case. I double down and say everyone is wrong except me.

So when -I- say that Sylvanas hate is totally understandable and not at all having anything to do with her gender… You would THINK that perspective would hold water, given my history here.

I can’t tell if people today are more progressive when it comes to feminist ideas, I am not sure because misogyny in this community seemed a live and well as recently as Tides of Vengeance BFA.

Or if Ren, Micah and Cursewords are so full of crap that they are only serving to reinforce the negative traits that feminism has been saddled with by right-wing commentators.

One of those things seems significantly more likely than the other, especially since Ren is a known Psudo-feminist, ironically a fan of Sylvanas, one of the most sexist character designs in the entire franchise.


Had they not done the whole quest of Helya giving them new bodies from Odyn’s Val’kyr, the 3 would have made sense, since all the rest had died on Azeroth. But maybe that shouldn’t have done anything because they were undead and we should have faced all 9 either way.

How spirit-based undead react to dying and how that works with Shadowlands… questionable death concepts just throws everything out of whack.


Tyrande has yet to burn children alive, so…


Not sure, but I have some idea; look at Garrosh and Illidan and responses from their respective fandoms on similar subjects.

I feel the part at about 20 seconds is extremely gross and in poor taste. That is not at all what Sylvanas’ offer entailed.

Nope. Sylvanas rebels because she realizes the Jailer will make everyone serve. Somehow she thought she’d be the exception.


I am not convinced that the poor writhing of NEs is a result or product of the sexism at Blizzard. I just think they do not understand the kaldorei race and culture in order for them to write a decent story.

It’s somewhat complicated seeing how the leaders of the Kaldorei are both Malfurian and Tyrande. Their religion is exclusively a matriarchal one (meaning that only women can priests and high priests). However their religion is only one half of their unique culture, the other being druidism which is unisex but has a patriarch currently. But sure I can somewhat agree that they are a matriarchal society.

Well you are entitled to empathize with whomever you want. People are free to like whatever they want, including badly written characters. I nor anyone else could take that away from you, we could argue on the quality of writhing but we cannot argue on if someone likes something or not.

Ok this one is something I can laugh at you for (sorry). I like Maiev a lot (one of my favorite characters actually), but I can also see why people would hate her and it’s not related in any way shape or form to the fact she is a women. Hell even I didn’t like her at the time she just went psycho and killed all those elves in “Wolfheart”.


I think Nixxiom there was making fun of the idea of being attracted to Sylvanas and the Sylvanas/Anduin shippers. I like the video for most of the humor, debunking the “Sylvanas did nothing wrong” argument and it’s potshot at the “you have Sylvanas because you hate strong women” excuse.

… Please don’t…

… Don’t make me side with Ren… I don’t think I can handle it.

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Come back to me, you know you want to.

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