Sylvannas negativity

Um… okay, what has that got to do with anything? This feels discriminatory ngl.

Welcome to my block list.

You can’t undo years of habit that fast, I guess.

Also, pretty much everyone agrees that her writing over the years has been kind of a mess. They change her motivations every 5 years or so.

You’re a well know blizzard apologist on these forums. You already know that.


Hahahaha no. Good try though.

Go be miserable, preferably far away from me.

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People are negative because misery loves company.

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Apparently, not joining in the Hater Crusade against one Character in one game makes you a “blizzard apologist”.

I do find humor in the way Sylvanas Haters get their knickers in a twist simply because some folks don’t share that hatred.


This is big on Tumblr. It’s why my Tumblr Sylvanas community fell apart. There was one specific negative poster who ruined it for everyone and created toxcicity where none existed before by calling anyone who wasn’t outright hostile to the writers “Blizzard apologists.” I cut out that negativity from my friends list on Tumblr I’m not going to let that negativity follow me here too. She wasn’t satisfied with anything Blizzard did, like a Sylvanas fan version of Ethriel. I don’t have time for people like that.

Some people will never be satisfied. People here think I’m bad? Some Sylvanas fans will only be satisfied if Sylvanas gets completely absolved, and Blizzard apologizes to them. I’m not one of those people, hence I’m apparently a Blizzard apologist.


In the past four hours this thread went from just a civil discussion about the lore to somewhere completely different.

I wonder what happened.


Ah, a thread that isn’t just me getting ganged up on by Ren and Micah.



I’d hope Blizzard to at least make a death scene be as result of sacrifice, don’t need to add ‘promotion of suicidal ideation’ to this whole bonanza of bad writing decisions.

Why don’t people hate you for saying it’s about sexism as much as they hate me for saying the same thing?

I liked her when she was a shady Chaotic Neutral character. BFA turned her into a moustache twirling villain and Shadowlands made her out to be kinda stupid. The guy who’s named the Jailer and really likes chains and torture is going to free us all? K.

Honestly, I think it would be best if she died (preferably Thrall kills her as promised) and she goes to Revendreth. After some timey whimey nonsense because time works differently in the Shadowlands comes back in later expansions after she has atoned.


I blocked you. It was just easier that way, now I don’t have to see your posts.

Take care Aki. Goodbye forever.


I deleted my post, so might as well delete yours.

The goal should be to see how far you can take it without getting blocked. Otherwise it’s a pyrrhic victory.



Many people have very carefully articulated why they dislike Sylvanas. No one hates Azshara. Do you think any Horde player that hates Jaina or Tyrande is sexist as well?


Damn the vitriol against Jaina and Tyrande are something else.


tbh I hate Jaina and Tyrande too. I hate Jaina because they can never decide what to do with her so she’s always peaceful or always angry, and she flipflops between them like “stereotypically emotional woman”, and I hate Tyrande because they’re trying so hard to make me think she’s cool with this Night Warrior thing that it’s offputing. It’s the same effect as people disliking Anduin. I dislike him too, precisely because the authors are trying SO HARD to get you to like him. That’s this Sylvanas thing too. It’s making people more angry and making them dislike Sylvanas more because this soul split plot is designed precisely to get you on Sylvanas’s side. It’s transparent and it’s dumb.

But yeah, “You hate woman character because you’re misogynist” is the classic copium argument.