I didn’t mean you, but rather the opposite, that likely additional people found connection to her initially through Forsaken characters.
Ah ok, and yeah that does make sense. Her popularity did skyrocket after WoW released and skyrocketed again after her model got updated for the first time but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence
It is an interesting coincidence that I had less of a problem with her when she had a Night Elf model…
We knew none of this minutiae until a decade after the fact, and it didn’t inform Sylvanas’ decision-making anyway. She killed herself, got a glimpse into the afterlife awaiting her, and was so terrified it compelled her to retool the Forsaken into her “bulwark against the infinite”. Yes, it’s absolutely at odds with her previous philosophy, but she was put in a situation where it made sense for her worldview to shift.
I don’t know why I’m even bothering to defend this story beat. One of SL’s clumsier retcons was that none of this progression mattered; that she was actually in cahoots with Big Arthas to kill the world since the very short story that outlined this reversal of motivation.
Exactly my point. We didn’t know that being forsaken didn’t actually impact your chances at a better after life. But we did know there were multiple versions of an after life and so did Sylvanas, this led us to believe that if you were raised as an undead you are automatically send to the maw or as you put it “super hell”. We also knew that Sylvanas hated being an undead, so in order to avoid “super hell” she would deny random souls of a potentially better afterlife then force them into a choice of “go to hell or suffer the curse of the undead”. It damaged the character severely and removed all empathy I had for her (not that was much to begin with but still).
Not to mention the whole dying part and coming back with literal plot armor (the Val’kyr) wasn’t necessary. She could have easily transitioned from “I only exist for vengeance” to “So I got my vengeance, but the world continues to turn better find a place in it” and instead of creating new undead she could have started liberating the scourge from the LK mind control (explanation for new forsaken characters). All I’m saying is the way that it was done in game felt very wrong and ruined the consistency of the character. Also this would coming back from the dead (again) would become the start of a very long list of “Sylvanas can make every bad decision and yet have 0 consequences”.
And now that I think about it, lets say that ok she saw hell, got super scared of it and decided to survive as much as possible in order to avoid it as long as possible. Wouldn’t it be easier to pretend you are dead and live in hiding, like Medivh did ? Building an army by desecrating corpses would only make more people wanting you dead. I hate to say it but the SL explanation of Sylvanas being evil the whole time makes way more sense than the post-cata Sylvanas creating more undead because she wanted to live longer.
This is making it seem like the writers aren’t the ones who wrote her burning women and children alive for a god of death. To later clumsily try and write a redemption arc for her.
The writers are the issue here, not the community.
The writers don’t really bother to defend their decisions. They just carry on and don’t look back.
One of several reasons is that the “soul-splitting” and “Jailer claiming her soul” are two of many retcons to Sylvanas’ story done to whitewash a character who’s enjoyed even more writer favoritism than Thrall or Anduin at this point.
We’re almost reaching Final Fantasy Lightning levels lol
We might just reach or surpass those levels at the end of the expansion (especially if it doesn’t end with some sort of punishment or cessation of existence for Sylvanas).
Her punishment will probably be a slap on the wrist followed by a stern talking to, after that she will bugger off to search for Nathanos.
I feel like the title of the thread is fitting. This has just become a Sylvanas negativity thread in itself.
Haters gonna hate. And most don’t even need a lore justification for it
I’m glad we are on the same page Micah.
Truthfully? It just seems most of the sylvanas haters, hate her because she’s a popular female character. Of course, some will claim otherwise, but that’s the impression I get when reading why some people say they hate her
Same, I think a lot of people are in denial about it.
It’s not just Sylvanas but it’s when any WoW ladies get a large amount of attention. The same thing happens with Jaina a lot.
Remember when people erupted in cheers at the legion blizzcon when the horde airship showed up with Sylvanas in command next to king Wrynn’s alliance airship? We loved Sylvanas and they RUINED HER
They actually didn’t though. She just went increasingly off thecrails and they showed us it was because the jailer was working overtime on her to lose hope after tge burning legion was defeated. The Sylvanas we always knew was still there in BFA, she was just more desperate and more cruel.
I can’t fathom why anyone would think she is “ruined.” She’s still the same character she’s always been. She has always been doing evil stuff. She’s always had a sliver of humanity that stopped her from going over the edge. She literally hasn’t changed, the writers just gave her more depth.
I can see being dissapointed that they took away her agency again with the Jailer, but hooefully now she’s free of any outside influences and she gets to be that Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good character she’s been all along.
No ten char. They ruined her. But you’re Renautus so nevermind.