They may make a USA version. I think anyone in poverty can imagine competing in a game like that for money. The episode where they play marbles is great because they all formed personal connections and were forced to out fox the other person.
Another really good political movie is The Platform. It’s kinda a criticism on militant socialism, capitalism and trickle down economics. It’s a wierd film but it’s thought provoking.
I hear they’re working on a second season. You should probably change the part of your post about that death since it’s a big spoiler for people who haven’t seen the show yet.
I did see The Platform, I think it’s a pretty good movie and very thought provoking. There’s all sorts of messages and interpretations that can be made from it. Especially the part about the little girl. I was kind of disappointed that the plan changed at the end. I interpreted that as people being more willing to accomplish short term goals instead of long term ones because it makes them more comfortable.
Yeah, I think it’s supposed to be a comentart on how we also prioitize the future of the next generation. The situation in the Pit is insignificant if the child escapes this dystopia. I see that paralelled in how women in Afganistan were giving thier babies to American soliders to escape the Taliban. There is something to say about human selflessness.
Reminds me of the Child in the Pit from Dark Knight. The kid represents innocence. Once he’d eaten flesh he was no longer innocent.
Spoilery post here, and it’s been awhile since I watched that movie, but I saw that as them coddling her to the detriment of the others. She got out of that situation, but it remained for other people to deal with, and if they hadn’t done that then the message would’ve been sent which would’ve helped everyone. I interpreted the scene with the hair on the ice cream showing what would’ve happened if it had been sent back. That would’ve been a huge hit against the system and even possibly dismantled it, but they weren’t willing to make the sacrifice to save everyone. The chefs would have to think about what they’re doing and consider that the project might’ve been a failure.
Vol’jin (or was it Thrall?) said the same thing when it came to Garrosh. How the Horde of Thrall, Cairne and Vol’jin was about family. Garroshs’ horde was about violence, conquest etc etc. Basically the Old Horde (Rise of the Horde to Beyond the Dark Portal).
But I guess when it is a female leader it is automatically sexist. There is some flawed logic in there but I bet I will be called a misogynist again since I pointed it out.
EDIT: It was Thrall that said the Horde was family in the following quest.
Thrall says: I remember when Vol’jin and I first came to this land. The Horde was just an idea then. A hope. We needed one another. We made our home in this desert, and named it after my father Durotan, Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan. The land was harsh. Time and again it was Vol’jin and his people who ensured the Horde’s survival, saving us from starvation, or taking up arms when we were attacked. Trolls and orcs have fought together. Died together. We are family. And family looks after its own.
You called me one for calling you out on your toxic beliefs. Yet didn’t do so to the others who called you out as well. In fact you acted like they never did. Despite the numerous times I linked their posts doing so. You are even trying to act like you didn’t now.
Even though you claimed I was targetting you for these reasons
You are a woman
You are a Sylvanas fan
I am a closeted sexist who has shown their true colours
I hate Sylvanas because she is a “female character”
None of which are true and I had to say that numerous times.
And yet you didn’t have the courage to say sorry for accusing me of these falsehoods even after I explained myself NUMEROUS times. Hell, you even liked the post where I just had enough and I had to explain myself in full. Telling you the hard truths.
Also expecting you to say, “the thread moved on etc etc” again. Like somehow that validates your toxic stances.
Yeah and you’ve called me an r-word-ist for no reason before. You clearly know about escalation.
I said they were a disgusting person at first for implying that someone doesn’t deserve love because they’re wrong about something. Then I amended that statement to clarify that basically you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. If someone feels like they have nobody to love them, no one to live for, they become an even uglier person. When you love someone, that doesn’t mean saying that their harmful ideas are okay, it means talking to them about it, seeing where they’re coming from, and how they can heal.
It was never explained to me what Illidan does or says in the Illidan novel, and I can only assume because I’m not paying Blizzard more money to piece together their story to have lore arguments with people who have their mind made up already. Even if it is the case that Illidan thought Tyrande was a prize to be won at one point, even though that is a bad mindset to have, that doesn’t mean he can’t grow from that mindset into what he did towards the end of his life where he realized that Tyrande was just happier with his brother.
I’m the one saying people can change from toxic mindsets like treating women like objects to win but not saying that they don’t deserve compassion because they believed something wrong at one point. I still have compassion and understanding for my abuser despite everything he said and did. That doesn’t mean I accept that treatment or his mindset. It doesn’t mean I’m required to expend the emotional labor to heal that, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t think he doesn’t deserve compassion and love either.
It is absolutely a disgusting thing to say that people who have bad ideas do not deserve compassion and love generally. That’s how people become radicalized, because they drift towards people with even worse mindsets who also cannot find love, and they form concrete bonds with really bad people that reinforce their negative views instead of more wholesome and inclusive ones.
Now was it an overreaction on my part the make that character judgement on Akiyass immediately? It was. It’s why I edited and amended my statement to something more charitable. That was an emotional reaction on my part, so I afforded them that it is a disgusting thing to believe rather than a character judgement on someone that I do not know.
A person who views women as a trophy like Illidan Views Tyrande do not deserve love or compassion. I do not think people who are so obsessed with themselves and their ego that they murder people and reframe it as self-sacrifice, like Illidan does with his Moon Guard brethren, deserve love and compassion. I do not believe people willing to commit genocide for their own perceptions of the “greater good” deserve loves and compassion.
Those people are already radicalized. What they do deserve is a long drop and a short stop.
Thing is, I don’t even disagree with you. I don’t pretend to be a moral beacon. I am loyal to my friends and my family, and I am capable and willing to sacrifice my morals to protect them.
Meaning, if it was my family that Illidan killed in the Kaldorei fishing village. If my family was one of the Wardens her burried in the Tomb of sargaras, are slaughtered, captured or tortured at Shadowmoon valley. If it was my family who’s souls were used to create portals to distant legion worlds for him to Invade, or my family he denied drinking water too on outland.
Then I would be the absolute most disgusting person you can imagine. And I am not sorry about it.
I’m sorry I made generalizations about you. It was not fair and I’m sorry.
In hindsight I waa just angry that the writers seemed to have written thier own sexism into this narrative and I was frustrated no one saw it until it was confirmed. I should not have taken my anger for this on anyone who defended this narrative or Sylvanas’s villianization.
At the end of the day the only ones who are to blame are the people who wrote this story and radicalized the playerbase.
To be fair it is hard to see it when you claim that Saurfang saying Sylvanas ruined his horde is sexist when you had Thrall, Vol’jin etc say the same thing when it came to Garrosh during MoP.
It is hard to take someone seriously when they act like Grandpa Simpson screaming “death” at everything they see. Just replace death with sexism.
We all say things we don’t mean on the internet that we wouldn’t say to another person in real life because it’s much harder to deny someone basic understanding when they’re right in front of you. It’s easier to do it over writing, or when you’re not face-to-face. I’ve said some mean and snippy things before as well and regret it later, such as my comment to Akiyass.
I would argue it was in character for Maiev. I mean we are talking about someone who chased Illidan all over the world and beyond because she believed he deserved to be locked up forever. Even though her superior “pardoned” him due to the Legions invasion and later banished him for turning himself into a demon, although he did defeat Tichondrius and removed most of the Legions reinforcements as a result. Hell, she chased Illidan to Outland despite Tyrande and Malfurion saying that Illidan has “atoned” for his crimes. All of this is in WC3.
So when she returns home to see the Highborne of all people reintroduced into Night Elven Society, it does make sense that she would snap and start killing the people that were loosely involved in the WoTA (the Highborne in Dire Maul are the ones that wanted back in). I mean she didn’t even want to help Kael’thas and later lied about Tyrande dying.