Sylvannas negativity

What the heck did I miss?


Nothing really.

I think I’m getting nostalgic for Erevien threads.

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Менеджер ям Сарона - рабовладелец
Верховная ведьма Уиллоу - демонолог, учитель в Некроситете.
Верховный экзарх Ирель - “только для паладинов”.
Капитан Кривоклык - пират с подлыми трюками.
Принцесса Таланджи - боец на арене Распахана.
Тесс Седогрив - охотница на монстров.
Графиня Эшмор - из Гилнеаса.
Королева болот Хагата - отвечает за ведьм Лиги ЗЛА.
Айя Чёрная Лапа - глава Нефритового лотоса, резчица големов.
Вайтмейн - закрытый наряд.
Главарь “Ночных хряков” - свинобраз на мотоцикле.
Глинда Кроускин - глава тёмного культа, создаёт клонов.
Леди Анакондра
Леди Престор
Распорядитель полей боя (?)
Сильвана Ветрокрылая
Анга Погребенная - бывшая императрица?
Великая дуэлянтка Мозаики - профессор ли?
Королева Лана’тель.
Настоятельница Алура - преподаватель, паладин, Некроситет.
Принцесса Хууран - инсектоид.
Верховная жрица Джеклик - боец на арене Распахана.
Волхвица Умбра - она ведь глава тортолланов?
Глава культа.
Избранница Элуны Кири - годится?
Кариэль Роум - глава на посту стражи в Степях?
Командир ополчения - судя по описанию, псарь.
Майев Песнь Теней.
Элиза Звездочёт - глава экспедиции Лиги исследователей.
Боевой друид Лоти - боец на арене Растахана, считается?
Вестница Гайдра - друид-шаман, учитель Некроситета.
Инструктор Огненное Сердце - шаман, учитель Некроситета.
Командор Рисса - гном, Даламан, паладин.
Джандис Барова
Шан’до Дикий Коготь - друид-охотник, учитель Некроситета.


Saronite Taskmaster - Slave Owner
Archwitch Willow is a demonologist and teacher at Scholomance.
High Exarch Yrel - “Paladins only”.
Captain Hookfang is a pirate with dastardly tricks.
Princess Talanji is a fighter in the Plowed Arena.
Tess Greymane is a monster hunter.
The Countess of Ashmore is from Gilneas.
Swamp Queen Hagata - Responsible for the witches of the League of EVIL.
Aya Blackpaw - Head of the Jade Lotus, Golem Carver.
Whitemane is a closed outfit.
The leader of the “Night Boars” is a quilboar on a motorcycle.
Glinda Crowskin - the head of a dark cult, creates clones.
Lady Anacondra
Lady Prestor
Battlefield Master (?)
Sylvanas Windrunner
Anga the Buried - Former Empress?
Is the great duelist of Mosaic a professor?
Queen Lana’thel.
Abbess Alura - teacher, paladin, Scholomance.
Princess Huuran is an insectoid.
High Priestess Jeklik is a fighter in the Plowed Arena.
Witch Umbra - she’s the head of the tortollans, isn’t she?
Head of the cult.
Elune’s Chosen Kiri - good?
Cariel Rome - the head of the guard post in the Barrens?
The commander of the militia - judging by the description, a dog keeper.
Maiev Shadowsong.
Elise the Stargazer is the leader of the Explorers’ League expedition.
Wardruid Loti is a fighter in the arena of Rastakhan, does it count?
Herald Hydra - druid shaman, teacher of Scholomance.
Instructor Fiery Heart - shaman, teacher of Scholomance.
Commander Rissa - Dwarf, Dalaman, Paladin.
Jandis Barova
Shan’do Wildclaw is a hunter druid and a Scholomance teacher.

It remains only to scatter links, find an artistic description from Blizzard for a couple of characters, correctly rewrite the names of the cards … and determine what was meant by “positions of power”.
Um… Was it even necessary?

Thank you for explaining about Hearthstone. It looks to me like some female characters there are better portrayed than others.

When I said “positions of power”, I meant “positions with authority over others - especially large groups”. How are female characters from Blizzard games - especially female characters in positions of authority - portrayed in Blizzard games besides Warcraft (and now Hearthstone) ?

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In all seriousness, though, I wonder what the writers expected the response to Sylvanas to be. I mean, the way they were piling on reasons to hate or at least distrust her, starting in mid-Legion, was so over the top that it would have been comical if it hadn’t been actively making the game worse. They invested a lot of time and energy in deliberately encouraging a negative response to her, over the course of multiple expansions. Did they really have the hubris to think they could just wave their hands and suddenly that would go away? Or even suddenly become softened and nuanced?


They really did appeal to certain emotions when they had Saurang say:

“She’s ruining MY Horde.”

Suddenly it was no longer her Horde too, it was his and he had no intention of trying to work it out with her, she had something that belonged to him when it really didn’t (that is what made the Horde Civil War sexist) even if that “thing” was just an abstract concept like honor that belonged to no one. Something like “the Horde” that wasn’t even well defined beyond survival.

And sadly a lot if weak minds were swayed by his selfish display of emotions and here we are, with the forum against loyalists.


It was never her Horde. The Horde as it’s been portrayed from its inception to current day has had ideals opposite of Sylvanas’ own. If she weren’t stopped she’d have killed the Horde after the other living. Death is opposite of survival. Sylvanas loyalists are loyal to Death.


She saw the Horde the same way she saw The Forsaken, outcasts who found strength in unity. I was loyal to her ideals of what the Horde meant, which was about individuality and strength in unity, and not about abstract concepts like orcish honor culture, which we all agree are problematic and militant.

She provided hope for a future within the Horde, hope for a Horde future on Azeroth. And BFA took that away. What’s worse is other fans trying to take that away too.

She saved the Horde on the Broken Shore, without her the Horde would be dead, if she wanted them dead she would have joined the Burning Legion, which Zorvaal controlled. Everything she did, she did for the Horde.

Do you realize that even if you are right, than the real victims here are Sylvanas fans who Blizzard has essentially spent the last 15 years gaslighting? How is this company not sexist with a reveal like that? They would have lured so many people into cognative dissonance, who are the real villians here? The Sylvanas fans? Really?

Every time you accuse a Sylvanas fan of cognative dissonance, think about how you are just helping Blizzard Activision’s agenda.


She saw the Horde as a tool to use to further her plans. There’s no individuality in death. If I were a Sylvanas fan I’d be pretty happy at current moment because for her she’s doing absolutely fine. That’s how she’s been from the beginning, even in BFA where she had a dip while most else had a plunge. Sylvanas has been like a black hole where almost anything of quality has bent around her because what she represents is opposite to much of what’s around her.

You are clearly not a Sylvanas fan because we are not happy, we haven’t been happy since the start of Legion.

But you are still missing the big point I made and I encourage you to go back and read what I wrote, it’s important.

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I wonder if that has anything to do with the departure of a few people who had a big say in the narrative for a number of years.

It seemed like they were rushing to make people as pissed at her as they could, on their way out the door. Maybe she was on the chopping block, but then got a last minute reprieve due to a change in the company, as the more sadistic employees were let go.

Zelling felt like he was there just to make us hate Sylvanas. I wonder- was he always intended to die like that, or did they just throw that in because people were liking Zelling, and weren’t angry enough at Sylvanas?


I’m not a Sylvanas fan, I despise her.

I think when you start burning children alive, you forfeit your right to anything and everything.

So yeah, at that time, the Horde wasn’t hers.


Yeah, I wonder about that too.

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The Horde wanted to burn Children. Saurfang wanted to burn children. The Horde is not absolved of thier crimes because they scapegoated Sylvanas. There was civilian towns between Barrens and Darkshore. Saurfang loved the blood and destruction. He even tried to slow down the NE evacutation.

The Horde are just as gulity as Sylvanas is. Tyrande is right, they should pay as well.

One if not the most annoying things about A Good War was Sylvanas was encouraging the orc conflict with the NE, she had no conflict with them herself, and that’s how she got Saurfang to agree. This whole game is sexist, they took the orc hatred for NE’s and encroaching on thier land, and pit the original two popular female faction leaders against one another, due to Alex Afrasabi’s sadistic exit trying to sink this franchise and “stick it” to the women he abused still working there in the process.


The Horde has no right to exist after War of Thorns. On that we agree. Saurfang is a couple bricks short of a full load, on that we agree too. But clearly Sylvanas crossed a line that Saurfang and other members of the Horde didn’t approve of.

But I don’t think there is anything sexist in saying the person who set fire to a tree full of thousands of innocent people has no right to anything. Sylvanas deserves a beheading for what she has done. Honestly, she deserves worse than that.


See in that we disagree, narratively yeah, but by not seeing how this company also screwed over Sylvanas fans along with NE fans you are just being a watch dog, toxic Blizzard execs want you to be. You are silencing other women’s voices, ones who can be allies.

Blizzard likes thier misogynistic watch dogs they created in thier fanbase, it means they have thousands of loud fans who will protect the Blizzard’s status quo in the treatment of women, don’t let yourself get sucked into that just for popularity on these forums, it’s not worth it.

Do you reallybwant Blizzard to start killing off the angry women? Because if they kill Sylvanas then it’s over for Tyrande too.

Someone disliking Sylvanas does not make them a misogynist.


I don’t want to be allies with people who turns a blind eye to child torture and murder. If you think it is important to exonerate a character who tortures, enslaves and murders children because she is a woman, you are disgusting.