Wither it was torn in two or not, her head is still going to end up mounted on one of the spires of Orgrimmar.
It would not be a surprise if they tried to take it this route.
However, Sylvanas wasn’t a Light worshiper like Uther was and since it was the Light that grabbed a portion of his soul (presumably) and saved it from Frostmourne, I don’t see it making sense for the same to happen to Sylvanas or anyone else.
It doesn’t mean Blizzard wouldn’t try though.
I’m just imagining now the end cinematic of Shadowlands with all the notable characters standing with Sylvanas.
Sylvanas has been redeemed, all of her indiscriminate killings of thousands from both sides absolved. Her plan approved by everyone, many gushing at her intelligence and resolve. Maybe a few of those swolekin pushing pieces of paper up at her for an autograph.
Tyrande - “Why has no one taken her head yet?!”, “Why has no one at the very least put her in chains?!”
Anduin - “Tyrande! How could you say such a thing? She saved us.”
Baine - <Nods at every word of Anduin’s>
Tyrande - “She has killed thousands upon thousands, who gave her the right to take such life? If she wants to see her plan through, then it must end with her life, justice must be met, the scores of dead require it.”
Jaina - “If i can forgive the Horde for Theramore, you can do the same for Teldrassil.”
Tyrande - “What is wrong with all of you? Where is your sense of duty, honor, justice, morality? Are we just going to let her go? What is happening here?”
Thrall - “She’s not the person you think she is.”
Tyrande - “She’s exactly what i KNOW she is… EVIL!”
Malfurion - <Shocked looked> “I’m starting to think you’re the evil one.”
Sylvanas - <Smirks>
Left!Uther part went into Frostmourne. During Wrath questing we release Frostmourne!Uther after we shatter Frostmourne and he “moves on”. During Legion Paladin Order Hall Campaign, we go to Uther’s Tomb and pray to the Light and Uther’s spirit appears and helps us find Ashbringer. This is the Uther that forgave Arthas.
Left!Uther = Frostmourne!Uther = possibly Light!Uther
Right!Uther is the one that became a Kyrian, the one that is angry, the one with PTSD and a Frostmourne-scar on his soul.
Right!Uther = Kyrian!Uther = the Uther that with Devos fetched Arthas’ soul and threw him into the Maw
HOWEVER, Sylvanas didn’t get soul split because, at least according the the books, she was never absorbed by Frostmourne. Arthas used her soul as an experiment to create a Banshee under his control. Sylvanas is 100% one soul, undivided, unsplit.
That makes sense.
I still think a questline to reunite the two soul halves would be great.
I can hear the screams and lamentations of night elf fans across the globe if this is how things came to pass.
I hope it doesn’t though. Personally, I think Sylvanas has overstayed her welcome in the story. She’s been featured in the opening cinematic for three expansions running now. I get it that she’s Steve Danuser’s waifu but it’s really time to move onto something different.
You know I thought the same of Arthas who’s arguably done much worse, yet he wasn’t destined for the maw.
So I doubt even if she’s killed she’d goto and suffer in the maw.
He really hasn’t done worse though.
Sylvanas did to the Night Elves what Arthas did to the High Elves, but Sylvanas also tortured the souls. And that’s not to mention all the other crimes Sylvanas commited that just outweigh what Arthas did.
We also have direct parallels with Sylvanas doing to Delaryn/Sira what Arthas did to Sylvanas.
That’s a huge exaggeration. 90% of high/blood elves were wiped out. Teldrasil pales significantly by comparison.
I get you dislike Sylvanas but, that’s crazy talk to say she’s worse than Arthas…it’s Arthas…the lich king.
Night elf’s are legit all over the world with different big hubs of places to live, honestly it feels like every xpac we find or hear about some night elf city that had or has tons of night elf’s living there, what I’m getting at is their population is more spread out and despite what blizzard says it’s impossible to infer a large majority of said population of the race died at teld
Bloodelfs pretty much all lived in silvermoon With no other named hub to think of that isn’t dalaran.
The crimes Sylvanas has done pale In comparison to Arthas who has conquered multiple different nations, attacked multiple different races, killed and raised hundreds of thousands of people against their wills. (I’d argue he’s atleast hit that one million milestone, on dead raised)
Silvermoon, Dalaran, Lordaeron, Stratholme, Azjol’Nerub
Hell he would of legit won had he, Not let us make our way towards him and the light pulled a pro gamer move.
Well ignoring the fact that short stories said that there are “too few” left, the loss of life in Teldrassil, Ashenvale and Darkshore could be and very likely is larger than the loss of life in Quel’thalas. Also Arthas didn’t torture the souls just for fun.
Then she did to Delaryn what Arthas did to her.
That alone puts her on the level of evil of Arthas. And she has done a looot more. I’m not saying that Arthas is any less evil and he should very well stay in the maw, but Sylvanas belongs in there too, even more than him.
If it really was the light, this proves once again the power of these forces, I mean Frostmourne devoured whole souls without any problems as you could see in other cinemas. But the light was able to save even uthers souls to a certain extent.
Was it really surprising though? Like, I looked at how she treated val’kyrs. I like wowpedia, I think people there are doing the great job. But this time the abridged version does not tell us enough.
From wowpedia:
They can still extremely rarely use their own powers to reshape the body of an active undead and make it stronger, though it is an arduous endeavor that they are reluctant to undertake. For this reason, Sylvanas cannot have all the Forsaken undergo the ritual
Which gave me the impression that val’kyrs are loyal to Sylvanas so much, that they are willing to do even not so pleasant things if she asks.
But after checking the source materials, what I see is:
What they were looking for
We hunger for our freedom, as you once hungered for yours.
© Edge of Night
What they got
Sylvanas glanced at the implacable visage of the ghostly battle maiden. “It is an arduous endeavor, one they are reluctant to undertake. Without the Lich King’s energies feeding them, I believe it requires a portion of their own essence to succeed.” She turned toward him. "But it is my desire, so it will be done."
The Val’kyr knelt in one corner. The creature, who had seemed so immense and implacable, now appeared small and defenseless.
Amusement laced her voice, but he sensed delight in it as well. Was she pleased that the mighty Val’kyr had been bent to her will, or was she simply relishing the acquisition of a new toy?
© Dark Mirror
If I could apply casual (irl) logic to the story, I would conclude that the val’kyrs are loving Sylvanas as much, as the forsaken loved Arthas when they were under his control.
And this story is pre-legion, so nothing new IMO.
Well there are Horde citizens still salty about the internment camps, even though the camps and the Purge were both completely justified considering the circumstances.
They can’t be compared to what Sylvanas has done.
Here we go with this mess. Sylvanas’ soul was ripped out and twisted. She wasn’t split and deserves no redemption or forgiveness.
Than he raised their corpses into scourge minions and twisted some into his San’layn and banshees
Which is exactly why she deserves redemption. Her soul was twisted into something unnatural and evil.
Sylvanas has done A LOT since becoming a banshee and the overwhelming majority of those acts were her choice. At some point Arthas can no longer be blamed for what Sylvanas had done. Sylvanas always had it in her to be cold and ruthless, and it served her well when she was Ranger General. Arthas may have twisted her to bring out her worst instincts but at the end of the day Sylvanas made choices that she and only she is responsible for.
I mean…the argument could def be made that because her soul was twisted into it’s worst form, she should get redemption or if it was divided then her redemption just goes towards players knowing there is a good side that survives and a bad side that gets what people have been begging for.
I seriously doubt that the loss of life in those 3 zone’s equal or are larger than that of Silvermoon and Ghostlands, since again one race has their population spread out to multiple zones, and it seems like we’re constantly finding more, while the other race has one area with high defenses they all stay in but it got bypassed and most of them died.
It…it really doesn’t though…Sylvanas torturing one or two souls to her cause does not eqate to Arthas doing the same thing towards hundreds of thousands of souls that have desperately tried to resist him.
Again…I get you dislike Sylvanas but you are Greatly exaggerating how bad you think she is, like please…elaborate on the things she’s done that is much worse, or constitutes her being on arthas level of evil. Hell up until BFA there was a pretty plausible reason for her actions, just alliance didn’t like them while horde didn’t care because they benefited
Sylvanas made choices people! She didn’t have to start another war, burn Teldrassil and killed thousands, ally with Azshara which killed her own people, and the lost goes on. Arthas can not be blamed for everything.
She may not have done as much as Arthas but what she did to Teldrassil was Silvermoon all over again but in a smaller scale.
I mean, the argument isn’t about what she managed to accomplish. It’s about what she wanted to accomplish.
The night elves put up a tough resistance and also called on powers she didn’t expect to be facing. They began evacuating early in the war, rather than wait. They minimised their own losses, not her. She also led to the death of several Horde and Alliance soldiers in her long war. If she had her way, she would prolong the war even further and exterminate the Alliance and eventually the Horde. She just didn’t get to.
The other point is that she was willing to let each and every soul-including those conquered in the Shadowlands- be tortured for eternity in the Maw, as long as it satisfied her goal, something that can’t be said for Arthas, who still had a shred of humanity keeping him from unleashing the full power of the Scourge.
I sympathise with Forsaken players that this is the direction she was taken, but I think it is what it is.