Sylvanas's Story Arc: Proper Contextualization

The problem is in the timing. Blizz is consistently bad with timing and context of things, in the game, in their interviews, etc.

If the goal was her redemption, the seeds for it should’ve been visible like 2 years ago, during BfA. I had some thoughts about a possible route. But now it’s just not going to work well, because no 1 story exist in the vacuum. It has to flow from the former events, and fit into context, and pay attention to timing IMO.

I’d say, I have no idea who exactly wrote the story for the cinematics of Shadowlands, but to think that after specifically targeting Delaryn, going out of her way to send Nathanos to raise her and turn agains former allies, Sylvanas wouls not look stupid in doubt with Anduin, IMO requires a very “specific” state of mind.


gl hf