"Sylvanas won't be like Garrosh"

What? No I’m not. The ones pushing their glasses up on their nose and picking apart the OP are doing that.

How is this a given? Sylvanas and Garrosh are the only evil war chiefs we had and I’m pretty sure none of us thought Blizzard was going to repeat themselves.

What? Always occurs? How many Theramore and Darnassus type attacks happened under Vol’jin and Thrall?

Who rebelled against Vol’jin and Thrall?

We didn’t ally with each other in Classic, TBC, Wrath, Cata or WoD. What are you talking about?

Because it’s a our damn faction hubs and it never happens to the Alliance. Why would you think this is normal? It only became normal this xpac when Blizzard repeated themselves.

What I think they meant by “Not Garrosh 2.0” is that she wouldn’t end up as the final raid boss of the expansion.

Normal as in ‘‘writing’’. That is usually how things go when they go the good v. bad route.

Alyways happen, not in WoW. I mean when they go down said path. It’s not THAT surprising at least to me from a writing point of view. You could see it a mile away.

And I’m sorry you misconstrued what I wrote into applying with WoW but when you have said evil person, they will usually from a writing point of view go on to ally themselves with someone to further their goals.

Vol’jin and Thrall were never evil-doers. What I wrote had to do with someone being the main villain or of such.

You don’t have to agree with my point of view just as I don’t agree with a lot of what OP wrote and what you wrote. Whenever there is a villain situation and the good v bad is happening… people could dig to even the basic of basics and find connections. I’m not saying there aren’t any, but frankly I couldn’t care less. I’d be happy if Shadowlands wasn’t about Sylvanas but it will be so :face_vomiting:

Bolvar should have been the one who opened the portal if you ask me.

Like everyone else, I’m also tired of Sylvanas. Remember in the good old days when everyone got sick of Thrall having the spotlight in Cata?

Sure wish some characters would only have one expansion again.

I hate what they have done to her. I wish she could go back to being the creepy lady in the basement of Undercity. :slightly_frowning_face:


If the helm is the key to opening up the entrance… and because of it all the ugly scourge start rampaging around Azeroth, I’m curious how they’d go about having Bolvar open up the entrance… (just thinking out loud lol).

I still feel like the Shadowlands thing is so 180 degrees. Kind of feels VERY disconnected. At this point I just want the Arbiter to banish her to the maw… she’s like Team Rocket from Pokemon, who always shows up… over and over and over and over.

I think his point was that anyone can write a novel but writing a good one is another thing all together.


You do realize that was part of the point right. In that video he calls sylvanas disgusting because what she did was unnatural but then he goes and uses unnatural powers himself.

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So only peole who write multiple books can critic stories? Lol people have been telling stories as long as we’ve been around and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Wod seemingly only happened because blizz thought it’d be it be cool not because it fit with the story. Theres a reason writers tend to stay away from time travel and alternative universes. They are INCREDIBLY hard to fit into continuity.

Neither were influenced by the respective Old Gods. Sylvanas manipulated the agents of N’Zoth. Garrosh’s strength and will overwhelmed a weakened Yash.

Garrosh never had mysterious powers…

One tried using the Horde to insulate her from the hell destined for her.
One languished in the stories of his father and tried to emulate such strength.

Very different motivations.

The Shadowlands had always existed.
Garrosh did not open a portal into alternate Draenor, the Bronze Drake did.

Apparently during the Blizzcon for Nazjatar’s Patch Blizzard was asked what made Sylvanas different from Garrosh and that they said that she’d think Garrosh was an amateur!

They want Sylvanas to be outright omnicidal unlike Garrosh who only saw his idea of a Horde being brought to fruition!

Honestly was a prepared answer imho. They knew people was going to ask it because they promised at the previous that Sylvanas wasn’t going to be Garrosh 2.0. That statement was simply to walk back the other.

This gave me a giggle :joy:

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It’s funnier if you say BAGEL’s in a weird funny way
:bagel: :bagel: :bagel:

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Not denying it, just bringing up how alike they have grown.

Sylvanas isn’t like Garrosh…She’s worse

I don’t care what anyone says, Sylvannas is ridiculously hot and I’d go there in a second despite her lacking a heartbeat.

I think the only difference is that Sylvanas took advantage of an Old God lol.

No she wasn’t. She made a deal with Azshara, who wanted to undermine N’zoth for her own personal gain.

The deal was, Sylvanas will send those she saw as a threat to her plans to Azshara, who needed the heart of Azeroth to free N’zoth.

Once N’zoth was freed, Azshara will use Xal’atath (the blade) to trap N’zoth within it. Then she will simply kill us. (Azshara got Xal’atath from Nathanos, hence why he disappears early in the Nazjatar story).

The only problem was, Azshara was trapped in the dome with us thanks to Jaina and Thalyssra. Hence why phase 4 of her encounter is a thing. N’zoth would later find out about Azsharas plan and we saw what happened to her in Ny’alotha.

The funny thing is about their little deal is that N’zoth was the one who ended up benefiting from it all.

Now all we need is:

  • To release Arthas from the Maw in the opening sequence. (Gul’dan)
  • Vol’jin to kill Sylvanas (Thrall vs Garrosh).
  • To kill the Jailer’s right-hand man as the last boss of Tier 26. (Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry)
  • The Jailer to get killed by Arthas. (6.2 Cinematic)
  • Arthas to summon a bunch of Death guys for Tier 27 in the Maw at the apex of Torghast. (Hellfire Citadel)
  • Next expansion to be called Scourge, with Arthas coming back to Lordaeron. (Legion and the Broken Isles)
  • Arthas to get killed in 10.1.5 (Nighthold)