Sylvanas Won, Night Elves Lost (Amirdrassil Is A Dud)

  1. The Jailer didn’t posses Sylvanas.

  2. Amirdrassil is born at the end of the raid.

  3. All Night Elves didn’t make the worgen. It was a forbidden form that one druid took, then another, thus spreading. It’s like saying Garrosh made the Horde all evil when, really, it was his own Horde. Besides, Demons coming to Azeroth were because of the Highborne, not Night Elves.

  4. The tree appears in the Dragon Isles after the raid.

I’m not a lore expert, but you calling me out on everything you’re wrong on is funny lol

My question is if all this magic was powerful enough to grow an entirely new world tree, why couldn’t they just revitalize Teldrassil with Dragon blessing to prevent any further wrong doing.

Also why did The Night Elves forget about Nordrassil, it’s still there.


I believe that Nordrassil, like Teldrassil, was irreparably damaged and is unable to serve as a permanent home for the Night Elves in the same way. That said, they have been using Nordrassil as a temporary home since BFA.

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I mean realistically:

  • Tyrande and the bulk of her armies and people have been shown at Amirdrassil, with them taking tons of old Nelf NPCs from class trainers to vendors and having them in Amidrassil now. We also know much of Kalimdor is unliveable after the war of thorns
  • They just used the last vial of the waters of the temple of the moon in Darnassus to make a new Moonwell
  • They just added a bunch of new Night Elf assets and buildings to it on the PTR to create the new city

I would consider that to be their new home. And realistically it wouldn’t make sense from a defensive or cultural PoV for a large amount of Night Elves to continue living on Kalimdor and thus split their armies and people in half across the map when their capital and center of new society is on the Isles

Sucks tbh, main thing that makes me sad is that the Night Elves are so intertwined with the flora and fauna of Kalimdor. Nightsabers, treants, Dryads, Satyr, etc. are all on Kalimdor and intrinsically bonded with Nelves after so many years spent as the protectors of those lands, and on the PTR they’ve filled Amidrassil with all the native animals of the Ohnarran plains and none of the animals you’d associate with Nelves, not even the ones that were in the Dream version of Amidrassil. Just feels kind of bitter sweet :frowning:

I really wish the tree would have manifested in Kalimdor somewhere or on the coast where Teldrassil was as a new island/landmass, and they could have said that the blossoming of the tree helped heal the nearby lands and natural life on Kalimdor from the damages caused by the War of Thorns and thus set it up for the world revamp.


If you played a Forsaken (not sure about other races), you would know this to be true. We have a quest line that clears up the plague and allows us to enter the Throne chamber so far. It also puts in place the Desolate Council which is the new leadership for the Forsaken as well. The council consist of Calia Menethil, Lilian Voss, Deathstalker Commander Belmont, Dark Ranger Velonara, and Master Apothecary Farnell.

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You mean besides Hyjal

Cenarion Circle.


A camp in the middle of nowhere.


Demon goo everywhere.

half of Feralas

The place is ruined.

half of Ashenvale

An active warzone.

retaking Darkshore

Another ruin.

I mean, I get that the Horde might look at a half bombed out zone and say, “Oh, just like home!” but it’s not for everything.

It’d be nice if Blizzard had the chops for it.

They don’t.

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I think it’s more of a “well it makes sense” kinda of thing.

Because… where else are they gonna go? If their leader is calling it their new home and all her sentinels are pledging to defend it, I imagine most the civilians are going to consider it their new home.

I wish with the new assets in Amirdrassil we could get these assets in Kalimdor too. I would like to see them to rebuild their old cities in Darshore and in Ashenvale to show us they are in Kalimdor too and they don’t abandon their ancestral homeland despite their new tiny capital. I don’t want to lose big places in Kalimdor just for a tiny area like this.










Who cares… Kalimdor is dog sheet. They’re getting a new home in the new tree with HD textures in the Dragon Isles…

The worgen were made to fight the 1st war, by Elune, there is even a statue to it in Ashenvale and it has been there since beta.

The night elves have not had an ancient, ancestral land since the Well of Eternity opened and a lot of players seem to not be able to understand their chosen race. NElves are the only one of the playable races that are generally the same people from War of the Ancients era. Tauren have generally kept their culture intact but the NElves are almost entirely all the same people. If you play NE, your character was probably alive when there was one super-continent. Warcraft III should not be sacred ancient history as far as your character should be concerned.

They still don’t have it as bad as the Draenei. The Legion screwed up Argus beyond saving according to lore.

We also know that night elves, along with the other elves, are going to get a lot of spotlight in 12.0.


I mean we don’t actually have indication of that. Night Elves have been born and some have died. Pretty sure Tyrande even notes there’s not really many of 10,000ker’s left.


I might be wrong but my understanding is that unless they died in battle everyone was living forever until the last stand at Hyjal.

This thread is proof night elf fans will never be happy. Even with focus for 7 years, two expansions focused on getting a new home. Restoring immortality. Being blessed by the Aspects and being the chosen people of a Goddess.

It’s still not good enough.

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I mean some Night Elves are confirmed to have been born after the Sundering, just to be clear. So at least some are not from the ancient empire. As for death, battle and accidents, yeah. And battles have happened. Like War of the Satyr.

I’ll dig around more later for the quote. I always have trouble finding stuff in books again.

The worgen were created during the War of the Satyr by the grieving Belysra Starbreeze abd Ralaar Fangfire who sought to use tgh Scythe of Elune and basically tame the pack form in an attempt to control Goldrinns fury, since nobody before that could control such anger

It backfired massively when the Newell created worgen not only tore through the Satyr, but they also attacked their own allies in a blind fury, they were than put to sleep in the emerald dream under a magical tree. Largely forgotten about until the events of Vanilla through Cata

Oh look, another nonsense doompost from someone who hasn’t been paying attention.

No, the Night Elves are not leaving Kalimdor. There is zero evidence of that, and we have confirmation that Amirdrassil will be one home among many, not their only home.


None of this happened, the genocide seed only blessed the aspects, not the night elves.

The focus of the last two expansion was not to find the night elves a new home, they destroyed the night elves home in BfA and forgot to address it, then added the pointless night warrior plotline in shadowlands for the seed that is used to bless the aspects. You could remove Tyrande’s minor side story from Shadowlands and it doesn’t impact the expansion at all.

They only moved the night elves to the middle of the ocean this patch after being homeless since the start of bfa, other than fighting other night elves they weren’t even that relevant to the patch.


I didn’t see them as all moving to the new tree, this is just another outpost for those that lived in Teldrassil and survived. Darkshore, Ashenvale, arguably Winterspring and Hyjal are still within the night elf sphere and is their land. And the draenei haven’t left Kalimdor either, the Vindicaar doesn’t have room for even a quarter of them.

I do wish they’d moved it to Kalimdor, but the current location isn’t a bad thing, and the PTR shows that Blizzard is adding a lot of stuff/actually putting in effort to show it as an inhabited place. And it’s likely linked to the kaldorei holdings in the west as well via dream gates.

Ironically, between this and the Gilneas announcement, Sylvanas’ shenanigans have made the Horde way more vulnerable in a geographical sense.


The draenei are still living in a broken space ship on an island further off the coast than teldrassil was. They don’t have really any presence on the main continent.

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