I was browsing the forums earlier when I came across the topic, “I Stand With Sylvanas Windrunner”, by Pontecorvo. In that topic, Pontecorvo states that Sylvanas’ dialogue in the cutscene, “No More Lies” speaks not just to Anduin, but also to the player. I’ve wondered before about the possibilities of the fourth wall being broken during this expansion, due to the mysteries of Sylvanas and Zovaal the Jailer’s motives. Though as I read Pontecorvo’s posts, I realized something. I’ll post a link to his thread here, which I suggest you read before continuing with this one.
Sylvanas is World of Warcraft’s prime example of an Anarcho-Syndicalist. If you’re unaware, Anarcho-Syndicalism is a political philosophy and school of thought that views revolutionary industrial unionism as a method for workers in a capitalist society to gain control of an economy and thus gain influence in broader society. Through what we know so far, Sylvanas has been a major part in a revolution created by the Jailer to overthrow the afterlife industry that is the Shadowlands, with each realm being a union and its souls its workers, which value anima as an important currency to keep its society running smoothly. In order to gain control of its economy, the Jailer has taken as much anima as he can into the maw, creating a Great Depression amongst the rest of the Shadowlands. As we level through the zones, we see this has affected Ardenweald (directly through what can be seen as a proxy war of the Drust vs Night Fae), Bastion (revolution by the Forsworn), Maldraxxus (civil war), and Revendreth (starvation of the lower class).
The end goal of syndicalism is to abolish the wage system, regarding it as wage slavery. Shadowlands wages are anima given to its parts, and without anima the Shadowlands will fall, allowing the Jailer to recreate existence as he sees fit. This isn’t the first revolution Sylvanas has been a part of; having been enslaved to the Scourge, Sylvanas broke free to form the Forsaken, fighting back against what previously controlled them to create their own existence in Lordaeron. Sylvanas has been successful in revolution before, and believes she can be again. In doing so, the undead rejected humanity to become something else, something to them that was greater.
The basic principles of Anarcho-Syndicalism are solidarity, direct action (action undertaken without the intervention of third parties such as politicians, bureaucrats and arbitrators), and workers’ self-management. Sylvanas wants to force Anduin to agree to help them as she wants solidarity with him. Sylvanas wants direct action in being able to go to an afterlife of her choosing, not what the Arbiter picks. In places such as Bastion, its workers burdens and memories are managed by those in charge. In Revendreth, its workers must collect anima as ordered by the higher class.
Anarcho-Syndicalists view the primary purpose of the state as being the defense of private property in the forms of capital goods and therefore of economic, social and political privilege. In maintaining this status quo, the state denies most of its citizens the ability to enjoy material independence and the social autonomy that springs from it. While Maldraxxus can be seen as the defense sector of the Shadowlands, they must have anima like the other realms and fight too much amongst themselves. The people of Maldraxxus have no social privilege. They must spend their existence fighting without independence or autonomy, serving whatever House the person of Maldraxxus is a part of.
But it is Sylvanas’ anarchist beliefs that will be her downfall. Reflecting the anarchist philosophy from which it draws its primary inspiration, Anarcho-Syndicalism is centered on the idea that power corrupts and that any hierarchy that cannot be ethically justified must either be dismantled or replaced by decentralized egalitarian control. Sylvanas might already believe the system of the Shadowlands to be corrupt, but it is actually the Maw which is corrupt. The Shadowlands already works through a system of egalitarian control. The important realms must give anima equally in order to keep the Shadowlands properly running.
The Maw is a factory in which the Jailer works for eternity. It is routine for the souls that go to the Maw to be tortured, with many souls being created into weapons like parts being transported on an assembly line. But the Jailer is not an average worker, he is the manager of the factory itself and has more power and control than those he works with. He shows no care for those he works with, tossing Mueh’zala and Denathrius away when they no longer have value to him. It is because of this that Sylvanas works against her ideals, not towards them.
Zovaal is a corrupt leader whose hierarchy is not ethically justified, working through a system that tortures and destroys souls. Zovaal rebelled against an egalitarian system and was exiled to where he is currently as punishment, and now works to absorb the entire universe into the disastrous state that is the Maw. By the time Sylvanas realizes this, it will be too late. She will be tossed away like those before her, tricked and used by a dictator who doesn’t hold her values. She will fail.