Sylvanas should remain warchief

That’s pretty true, but what another option exist?
The Kalimdor Horde, or new Horde, or Thralls Horde, or the whichever name was, were founded over the ideals of honor and fraternity bringed by Thrall and suported by orc verterans like Saurfang or Eitrig. Taurens shared this ideas, Vol’jin did too, and even when trolls as a whole are more vicious, most of them they adapted to the new ideas of the Horde. At the other hand Forsaken they never did, and Blood elfs they have his own culture and mindset and never got any influences from the Kalimdor Horde.
And yes, Sylvanas is not a troll a tauren or an orc, but is the Warchief anyway. But even today we don’t know why Sylvanas is the Warchief, we don’t know who or what whisper to Vol’jin in order to put her in charge. Just because Vol’Jin thought that was some Loa or some other wise spirit, who whispers him the name of Sylvanas, is the reason why is she now the Warchief.

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As long as I get to go full Daelin on the Horde, sure.


The other option is quite simple: have the Horde actually be what Vol’jin said it was; a family. A family that may bicker with each other, come to blows at times, but stay united as a family.

The idea that the Horde needs an orc, tauren, or troll to maintain it’s honor means that by rights every other races must remain on on the fringe of the faction. They are Horde but they aren’t really Horde. Without the real Horde telling them what’s what, they’ll become blight flinging crazies.

I don’t want that. Everything about Thrall’s Horde is the ideal that all the races should strive for and I’d like to see them all actually strive for it.

I’d rather see Sylvanas have an epiphany and strive for those ideals herself, instead of either dying (and in this case learning nothing for herself and the Forsaken as a whole) or just being forced into the background where she can continue to be evil, but have a big green finger wagging at her telling her not to do something which again, just means they learn nothing.

And no, beating the undead into passive submission does not teach them to not be evil that’ll just make them double down on it.

Side comment, you mention the blood elves kept their culture and all that, which is true they did. But I will say notice how unlike what was previously established of the quel’dorei, the sin’dorei are anything but fare weather friends. With the exception of Garrosh prompting everyone to jump factions, they have maintained honor worthy of being quite valued members of the Horde. Living up to the Horde’s ideals don’t mean they have to lie in mud huts and live for blood and war.


I used to think this. But it just seems a little too late to pursue that angle. Leave or stay, it makes little difference to me depending how it happens. Having her leave the position seems the most effective way to recoup some of the unfixable issues brought about so far for the Horde.


I get that, but i go beyond. Tauren orcs and trolls have a special bond between them. You can see that in the way that those leaders they use to talk to one at other. The way how Cairne feld impressived by the orcs at their first meet. How Saurfang and Zekhan interact, how proud and loyalty that young troll express for the Horde. Meanwhile blood elves have and they had their own whole kingdom for centuries, they have his home already, a place to belong. But for trolls things are diferent, as Zekhan said “The Horde… It’s all we have”. A blood elf don’t share that feeling, if Orgrimmar burn to the ground is not that bad for them, he still have his kingdom and his people.
And tauren have “their kingdom” too, but their share with orcs a very similar mindset around spirituality, warfare and honor, wich link them in a special way. I’m not saying that blood elves don’t have honor, but a diferent approach about that.

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And I’m not denying any of sort of bond between the founding Horde races.

Just arguing that by making the Horde just be the founding races with their little buddies tagging along, you basically sell the Horde on a lie. They aren’t really a family where everyone is equal. If you aren’t orc, tuaren, or troll, you’re basically just friends who are forced to help out every now and again because orc/tauren/troll honor dictates.

Which is the exact issue the Alliance has now, but spread across 3 instead of 1 (two if we are being generous with the worgen-cursed humans).

Having her leave the position just punts the issue I feel. In the end, she is still evil. The Forsaken is still an evil race that is just shackled to the Horde for gameplay reasons.

Nothing is actually gained. Hell nothing is even lost because the Forsaken being an evil race shacked to the Horde for gameplay purpose is the status quo now. I hate that.


Why is a human paladin making a positive thread about Sylvanas, aren’t they supposed to be all like “justice will come” or “we will avenge Teldrassil” or “her reign of terror will end” or something along those lines?

Anyways, as Warchief, no, she already lost her chance for course correction with consistent innocent murderings in BtS and WoT. As a leader of the Horde, yeah, that can still work, but she needs to actually do something gasp Heroic, i know it sounds crazy but she’s more than capable of it. Save Baine from an ambush, NOT trying to kill Saurfang, returning to Quel’thalas to aid it’s defense from innevitable invasion, just SOMETHING for someone that isn’t herself would go a long way.


I’m not she just leave and that’s the end of the story in that regard. Nothing changes if she just stays either, all just depends on the circumstances. But I think trying to have the Horde move past the things she’s done is going to fit a lot better at this point than reconcile them with her being caring.

There are ways to have her stay and fix some of the current issues. I just consider those ways quite a bit harder, especially the writing being what it is.

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I would much rather see a story where the Horde works out its issues without a civil war, without Alliance intervention, and without killing another Warchief.


Get off your Human Paladin and post on your Forsaken main, coward.


That guy is a rookie, I mean the least he could do is follow up with nigh indisputable facts that paints Sylvanas as a boss. Pfffffttt

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I’m not psyched about all her decisions. But she’s still way better than Garrosh.


According to cdev she makes Garrosh looks like an an amateur, I mean dayum talk about the Hellscream legacy.

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Rexxar: You never go full Daelin.


This seems like a good place to let everyone know “The Fate of Saurfang” quest is up.

I’ve been waiting patiently and dreaming of the day I can tell Saurfang and Memeboi to go kick rocks.


No it can’t. She had the horde mass murdered, mass damned, and mass enslaved. Then, she doubled down and had orcs turned into botani zombie slaves.

She needs to be killed to extinguish every single Valkyr who can bring her back, then permanently exiled from all Horde lands, including and especially Lordaeron.


This is open for debate. Many people have been diverted from what they thought would be their after life. Voljin as example. I hear about Lightforged dying and mentioning a similar darkness.

It is almost as if any death can be a damning, if the afterlife is being hijacked. Whether Sylvanas commands it or not.

Also, if Sylvanas has plans to conquer the realms of death, she may liberate those who are damned of all races.

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kicks rocks

Why does she have to be so mean though…

Everybody on here says this phrase. For some reason, I hate this one too.