That happened before he did the worgen ritual. Also, he had fallen for Garrosh’s tricks twice already by the time of “a little patience” hence why he was alot more caucious.
Pretty much.
I think it is probably right that 9.2 is going to be the first patch clear of his input.
If we assume that the cinematic for the Sanctum of Domination raid was after Afrasiabi (on the assumption that the return of part of Sylvanas’ soul is part of the new plan), and since cinematic are suppose to take longer than anything else, it probably marks the beginning of the “post Afrasiabi era”.
Materially untrue since it’s still trying (and failing) to deal with and overcome his apparently “unilateral” wishes for Teldrassil-Sylvanas Plotline
Maybe, kind of. I mean, we could be done with it now, if the current devs werent trying to change things and explain away the previous story.
I think what I’m most looking forward to in the Sylvanas book is her deal with Helya being clarified. Besides that, I want to see what Goldenisms there are, which I hope there aren’t many of but I should probably expect there to be.
I think this book will be a disaster, and somehow no one will really like it.
Wasn’t Golden the one who had Sylvanas throw a murder-tantrum when he sister said “thanks but no” to dying and being raised to live with Sylvie?
I think my hopes for the novel are at about that level. Murder temper tantrum.
exactly, i think sylvanas (the novel) will be as bad as warcrimes…
Yes. All of Sylvanas tantrums have been written by Golden.
all novels after the first orcnovels of golden were - in my opinion - bad written works.
golden is a genius by let appear monsters be humans, make them human, but if this allready a human, its to dramaticly
Mmkay, I knew I remembered correctly.
Honestly, the only thing I’m… Excited isn’t the word, more akin to extremely mildly invested in, is the potential revelation of what exactly Sylvanas wanted from a partnership/alliance/romance with the Jailer. “System’s broken, gunna fix” sounds good on paper and in the voice actor’s booth, but unless we know what she even means by a broken system, then it’s just the same stylistic edgelord commentary we get with Illidaniel. It’d be nice if Golden arm wrestled Danusre until someone finally revealed an actual motivation.
But I am also extremely mildly invested in how greatly Golden can disappoint me with even that answer.
Her Arthas novel was pretty good. She’s not that bad of a author, she like anyone writing novels based off games are often hamstrung by what her bosses want in the book.
Golden is someone who should be reined in. She needs someone to prevent her from going too far, in the same way that George Lucas and David Cage do. Since she’s friends with the top people at CDev they don’t usually do that.
I’m with Evelyssa on this.
My first experience with a Golden novel came in a Ravenloft book, forever and three decades ago. It was… Not good. Major setting elements were ignored, the book felt very weird and included some… Questionable material.
More recent experiences with Star Wars and the handling of a couple characters there was… Less bad. Almost even good, given what else was being written at the time. And Lucas kept a much tighter rein on his IP than TSR was holding on Ravenloft.
Golden’s good when people she’s writing for are protecting their IP. The more leeway she’s given, the more off-the-rails she goes.
When I was trying to think of 5 cinematics that I dislike for that relevant thread, I was reading about them on Wowpedia. I looked at the Saurfang cinematics for BFA. I learned that for the cinematic where Anduin talks to Saurfang, Golden wanted it to be a flashback Anduin had while he was visiting the graveyard for the Forsaken who died at The Gathering in Arathi. This was changed to have Anduin talking to Genn in Stormwind at the beginning instead, because Anduin being in Arathi when that place is being fought over doesn’t make sense. This is a good example of something being made better, even if just slightly, when criticism is given where it’s due.
My patience for Golden is nonexistent since she chose to use immigrant metaphor to describe orcs in slavery, wrote that ridiculous Baine chopping off a piece of his horn for Anduin crap, and Calla.
So I know that the Sylvanas book will be an absolute disaster due to this and because it’s inherently trying to whitewash an abuser’s pathological effect on the story.
I’m guessing The Enemy Within? Even though I genuinely like it myself, it’s really nothing like the canon setting version of Nova Vaasa. To be fair, it came out early in the setting when the less popular Darklords and their domains still weren’t fleshed out very much compared to say Strahd and Barovia.
I think CG does well when she’s writing about the sort of characters she likes, who are the straightforward types. But they keep assigning her books about edgy, morally grey characters (and societies, in the case of the Forsaken), and she just doesn’t write those characters well.
A friend of mine has never forgiven her for turning Asajj Ventress into a “wibbly, self-doubting wimp” in Star Wars: Dark Disciple.
Given that Dark Disciple was based off a cancelled 8 episode arc of the Clone Wars (2008), it can stand to reason that her characterization in the novel was probably going to be the same in the show during that arc.