Sylvanas Sabotage

You might be joking, but there is atleast one legitimate Odinist that is a story forum regular.

I would like for the court to note that I did not start this political discussion. i was opposed to it this whole time.

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Heretic, thou shall be judged by the Allfather.

Anyway, how do people feel about the progression of Anduin’s story. Honestly I feel very let down, it doesn’t appear that he is got any character growth even though his father died and he was left to carry the burden of the crown. There was a glimpse of him altering his holier than thou path but he quickly snapped back in his mold with “even though we are at war we must hug the horde and tell them we love them”. Idk what they are trying to do with him in SL.

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Given that you tried to frame me as considering all Satanists evil,

and what I know of you, I question your motives. Since this thread has become derailed enough, how about we discuss this in a PM?

That’s one of the reasons, but I thought were trying to get the thread off the topic of religion.

I made a joke. Somehow, that resulted in the past hundred posts in the thread in need of purging.


Evelyssa, you have been a lying liar!! You are not a centrist at all!!

You are ever-so-slightly left of center. I saw it right there.

Y’know, all wars started off with a joke between two people. Literally every war from the dawn of time.

The Pyrrhic War of 280-275 BCE started as a knock-knock joke that went very out of hand.

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I thought you were being serious (though I do think WBC jokes are low hanging fruit and overdone imo). Can’t speak for the others, though.

I forgive you Skarm, Your humor is the silver lining of this community.

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Will a WoW lore tread ever mange to avoid becoming into a political/religious argument…

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Smiling out the other side of your face while spitting venom at me.

Funny how you went back and added this in. The self-proclaimed Luciferian…

… is bedeviling a Christian. There are so many jokes I could make out of this.

I don’t want to derail this thread anymore, so let’s take our discussion to PM (and don’t try to go back and edit your previous replies to have answers to future questions I ask, pretending you already answered them).

You can use < hidden > without the spaces to hide the “10char” part for shorter posts. < hidden10char >


It’s the internet, so I think the answer is sadly no. But I will strive to regarding my own conduct.

Man I remember when the internet used to be fun…

Could also be the topic. Sylvanas is WoW’s most controversial character, and now we find out what kind of people were on the writing team. It’s a perfect storm.

I remember when the internet was a series of tubes that sends data on an information highway

Oh please substitute Sylvanas whit anyone and people would still find a way, because everything is an allegory for anything and somehow it’s offensive.

Welcome to the current day and age, sadly. Though I think Sylvanas is more controversial than some.

Then again this is fitting somewhat; Sylvanas is a military character, there’s a lot of conflict in internet discussions and the internet itself was invented by people in the U.S military in the 1960’s (it was originally invented as an information network for the army, but its commercial potential was recognized, so it was given over for public use).

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You can’t PM someone on the forums.


Shout out to Denona, who is currently on a 3 day forum suspension