Sylvanas Sabotage

Really? I’ve seen a pop-up saying if you want to message someone after messaging the same person three times in a row. Or maybe that was to start a separate thread.

That message exists, but it doesn’t actually work on the WoW Forums. It’s just part of the Discourse software that this forum uses. If you try to PM someone after that message, I think it creates another thread.

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Why? What did he do?

Made another joke about Zovaal


If he wants he can send a friend request to my battle tag.

I’ll chat with him.

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Oh no, the mods really don’t like Zorvaal.

Another injury induced by anti-Zovaalism


His papilla are very offensive… to my eyes mostly. Why do they always have to be in frame?

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There’s an idea for a religion. Zovaalism. Their churches are jails. Worshippers must regularly donate “anima”. Sermons are given topless.


What is the problem with discussing Nippler the Jailer?

We’ll see, if there’s a way I can guarantee that won’t lead to doxxing.

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Zovaal was trying to use Zereth Mortis to “forge a new reality” so all serve him, so that’s not far from canon.

I have given my Battletag on the Forums. It’s Druid#1951. How can a Battletag be used to doxx?

Don’t send a request showing your real name.

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Also, Drakyn, I know you’re here. You unusbbed, but the few posts you made before that were really good.

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I think you need to activate a setting to show your real name. Though, not everyone used their real name for their account, but that’s against ToS.

I’m more concerned that Mods know my real name and I hate that they use it and not my tag name Amani.


IIRC Battletags is the nickname and RealID is the real name


I won’t doxx you if you won’t doxx me, deal?

I can tell you about the time I almost got lured into Freemasonry by a guy who flirted with me at the bookstore.

I ended up buying The Hiram Key. It was pretty interesting, but a work of fiction.

Battletags are a nickname you create yourself. RealID uses your real name, which is shown through adding someone via email account. If you want to hide your real name, don’t add someone with your email account.

Interesting. By the way, men and women have separate lodges under the rules of Freemasonry.

As for your offer, I’ll consider it and get back to you.

I’m looking to buy two books this week; “Person of Interest (didn’t include the book’s subtitle)” and “The Brothers Karamazov”

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