Sylvanas Sabotage

I think it would be for the best that we just stopped talking about the WBC. It’s really not that relevant to the thread.


It only takes one person with a weapon to harm others. They haven’t even done that.

That’s fair.

I agree completely (well maybe not about the 300 movie haven’t watched, is it anything like the comic book?). I just don’t get where all of this is leading to. One side is screaming more representation while the other is limiting the amount of people who can produce said representation…

Wait you said Satanists not Stalinists? This is a conversation you guys are having huh

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Renautus said they make Satanists look like saints. In hindsight, I think Renautus was trolling…

And this confirms it.

I think making fun of that group is low hanging fruit. And it’s also like throwing rocks at a Chihuahua that’s barking at you while ignoring the wolf trying to rip off your arm.

Sooo was Sylvanas character sabotaged because Afrosalami had a beef with Kosak or because he was sexist ?

If Sylvanas’ character was ever sabotaged (IMO she was terrible since her inception) it was in Cataclysm, not BfA


This is the answer. Period.

I never did like the character, but her inconsistencies could be traced back to the end of WotLK/pre-Cata. It doesn’t make much sense she choosing to selfend then changing her mind about it and becoming female Arthas. The argument about her being sabotaged comes from the leak that her official heel turn was because Afrosalami wanted to vilify her and people claim it’s because of sexism, from what I have read from said leaks it’s because Afrosalami had a beef with Kosak about Garrosh and saw this as payback.

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… it can easily be both.

You cannot defend a story interpretation by saying the writers lied about the story to some or all of the audience.
Once you operate on the premise of the writers lying about their own work, there is no foundation in the work for a conclusion; it’s all a whim away from something else, and meaningless.

This is incorrect.

…however if it’s do I want to back the Banshee Queen, or, do I want to back Saurfang, that’s an interesting choice; that is your choice. And, we want to make sure that we do have repercussions for the actions you’ve taken, and that it does go somewhere. -Afrasiabi @ Blizzcon 2018

The PTR for 8.2.5 was put up on August 1st of 2019, nearly a year after Afrasiabi said that.

That’s not a snap decision during a PTR.


That sounds to me like it’s just an attempt to use Blizzard drama as a way of validating the stupid “if you don’t like Sylvanas it’s because you’re sexist” angle


Theme of Sylvanas Sabotage


The official term is “cuckoo choo choo”

Well given the recent narrative of the tinfoil hat crew… I mean lore youtubers, it sounds more like an attempt to throw Alex under the buss and to excuse Denuser for the bad writing, because “10.0 will be Denuser’s baby and that’s a good thing for some reason”.


Her allies at the time was Garrosh, if she told Garrosh she could wipe out the humans/elves(without mentioning the whole making an army out of them) Garrosh would probable support her. Failing that, why would she care if she has the support of the Horde if she had an entire army worgens at her beck and call.

So disappointed Ubisoft whitewashed AC Valhalla. The Vikings were not going around deposing incompetent british monarchs with the peasantry arm in arm.

I have read that D&D and Harry Potter were also a conspiracy by the satanists back in the 80s. All in all these satanists seem to know how to have a good time.

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For one example of the evils committed by Satanists, look up the people behind Norwegian black metal such as Varg Vikernes (racist, convicted murderer and church burner).

There’s a reason stories about Faustian bargains always have the demon double cross the one making the deal or screw them over with a hidden clause.

There’s also a lot you’re not telling about Gnosticism and Luciferianism. They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing, especially the limited information about them you have given.

If it’s the same lines, why weren’t there gun battles between Christians of various sects decades ago before secularism became more popular in the U.S? How can they be as bad when one country decriminalized homosexuality long ago while the other made it a capital crime?

Ruling nations isn’t baked into Christianity, as in the religion itself. Jesus’ kingdom is not of this earth, He came to save humanity as a whole, not create or conquer an Earthly nation. Governments have adopted Christianity, and Christians have ended up in control of governments. Thus you get these problems like you do in any country. Including China, the world’s least religious and most atheistic nation. On that note, despite endorsing state atheism, China hasn’t legalized gay marriage and has ruled homosexuality a mental disorder.

Can we stop with all the religion talk and discuss the poor writhing of Blizzards characters.

PS All must follow Odin as frost giants no longer exist. That man knows how to deliver a promise.


I’m down with the first line but not the second lol