Sylvanas Sabotage

Bellular does not do his own thumbnails or video titles, If I remember correctly it’s his editor that decides those things before uploading. However I do advise of avoiding lore channels as a whole, those people have been proven to be very unpleasant, sometimes even toxic, when someone disagrees with their “take” on the story, Talieson being one of the more toxic ones.

I honestly don’t know if these projections as real people or cultures are actually being genuine or are hijacking real issues to push their opinion as more valid or indepth.

Like have these people not read or played any other works of fiction? Does nothing stand on their own?

Or are these people actually doing what highschool teachers did by making students write 2000 word essays on the significance of the color Red on george’s door

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You’re obviously upset about not everyone liking Sylvanas, it’s fitting to mock you for it.

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I’m not the one trying to start a fight over it

You are :eyes:

Ah yes, why would LGBT people, who are on the periphery of every single society in the world even where we are culturally “accepted” and we are considered monsters/abominations where we aren’t, find solace and relation in a race entirely construction from Victorian Penny Dreadful and Southern Gothic motifs, whose entire body of literature engages with themes of monstrosity and periphery, whose entire base construct of “zombies” is literally a Western appropriation of an creature from Haitian folklore.

Your media literacy is tragic.

But I suppose that’s why you’re posting on an alt.


They are a Native American caricature. I was playing Classic today and Tauren braves actually respond “How!” as a greeting.

“The word “how” is a pop culture anglicization of the Lakota word háu a Lakota language greeting by men to men. The term how is often found in stereotypical and outdated depictions of Native Americans, made by non-Natives.”


They are European.

Oh so you’re racist.

Yes, if you use a culture that exists in real life to world build in your work of fiction, you are constructing a representation.

Everyone can just block this person and move on uwu




You called my remark pointless, you used that to start a fight.

Being reminded of that situation is one thing, but this take…

There’s a difference of several orders of magnitude between a LGBT+ person being rejected by their parents and someone turned into an undead killing machine trying to kill one of their parents and force them to be undead too.

Saurfang’s lines were derived from the “zombie infectee” situation involving a loved one in zombie films.

Between this and other takes, I think you’re either deliberately ignoring the story to shoehorn in identity politics, or you’re so fixated on identity politics you see it everywhere, even when it’s not part of the story.


I ever tell you that I love you Baal? I love watching you put people in their place with your knowledge :smiley:


So Zombie movies are really about hordes of LGBTQ+ people roaming around and consuming the flesh of good christians?

Man I see Walking Dead in a totally new light now

I guess we answered that question.


Have you ever seen Bellular react to someone who disagrees with his lore takes? I’ve seen some of his videos, but haven’t seen that yet. While I’m not looking to fight him, I am curious; I’ve got a few bones to pick with him, the biggest being over his takes on Turalyon, Yrel and the Jailer.

It was pointless, because the character you claimed that almost no one can get behind does indeed have a large following.

Not my problem that your 95% claim was and will remain wrong

Can you tone it down a bit? We’re all friends here. No need to rock the boat.

I didn’t say almost no one, I said the majority. That “large following” does not account for most of the Horde playerbase. You’re trying to dispute this because you’re mad about it. If you want to be a crybaby about it that’s your prerogative. Keep coping.

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You are categorically wrong.
Prince of Persia doesn’t represent my culture.
Played the game, there is nothing that I can even call persian about it. It took some inspirations, its purely fantasy and innoffensive.

If you want something racist then look at an actual problematic movie like 300.
When you start crying out racist for every little thing that makes the real criticism less serious.
Boy cries wolf kind of situation.


I didn’t rock the boat. If we’re all friends then I should be treated as such.

Yet…you’re the one flailing about. Pat head Have a snicker and stop projecting your feelings.