Sylvanas, Retcons, and You

I’ve been doing the rounds quite a bit on my home server’s forums, and obviously Battle for Azeroth has been a massive point of contention for a lot of people from a story perspective, and possibly from a gameplay perspective. I mentioned that it’s laughably silly, almost farcical that we would have an expansion called “Battle for Azeroth” following an expansion dedicated to the warring, deadlocked races of the Horde and Alliance putting aside their differences to protect their world from demonic invaders.

For example: it’s ridiculous that the Highlord of the Silver Hand would voluntarily become complicit in genocide, or alternatively, participate in the war effort against his fellow comrades, assuming any of them returned to their respective factions following Legion’s conclusion.

But that’s not the only issue with the story, although I think it’s amusing how often it seems to be overlooked.

The main issue is Sylvanas. Yes, the writers are claiming she was secretly a bad person behind the scenes, etc. etc., but this is a really nonsensical cop-out. I invite you all to cast your minds back to the Broken Shore scenario at the beginning of Legion. Sylvanas actively helps the Horde, goes well out of her way to rescue Vol’jin, and even has some playful banter with Varian Wrynn during the big demon bossfight towards the end.

Why am I saying this? Well, if you consider these events, her characterization between Legion and Battle for Azeroth is totally inconsistent. I don’t believe for a second that she was “lying” or otherwise misleading anyone. You know why? Because that’s a retcon, used to explain the glaring plothole that is this particular inconsistency in the story.

The writers would have you believe that Sylvanas has nothing but contempt or hatred towards her contemporaries in the Alliance, but this was clearly shown not to be the case in Legion. She almost seemed sympathetic to the Alliance’s plight when Wrynn fell in battle. Obviously there was the conflict between her and Graymane, but there’s been one ever since Cataclysm. Nevermind the fact that she was depicted as taking her position as Warchief very seriously, and looked determined to carry on Vol’jin’s work.

And this is what bothers me. Instead of her continuing to lead the Horde in a logical way, Battle for Azeroth commits blatant character assassination so that she could be the aggressor in a renewed conflict. Essentially, this is Garrosh all over again.

I don’t blame Sylvanas for what she’s become. She really isn’t at fault here, considering she’s a fictional character in a fictional setting that has no choice but to bend to the whims of incompetent writing. Obviously, in-universe or roleplay or however you want to put it, we have no choice but to play ball and roll with the direction the story is taking. But make no mistake- BfA Sylvanas is not Legion Sylvanas. She’s not the Sylvanas that was so sentimental by having her necklace returned to her by a Blood Elf recruit, a necklace given to her by the sister she threatened to kill, that she broke out into a somber elegy that is such a powerful moment it completely overrides the background music in the Undercity.


I’ve come to the suspicion that the writers want everyone to be wrong about Sylvanas. The lovers and the haters- and as a result, they’re coming up with the most insane convoluded shenanigans that has ever existed in the history of storytelling- sensemaking, visible continuity and everything else be damned to hell.


She always has been evil. ever since arthas killed her.


People in her command were arrows in the quiver before Arthas’ work was done. If Sylvanas has always been evil, I wouldn’t give Arthas any credit.

I actually have a very strong suspicion that she’s going to subvert our expectations by saying everything in BfA was a masterful ruse in order to subvert Death/Jailer/whatever. Which would be tragically bad storytelling, but at this point, the only sort of consistency I feel like we’re going to get is more bad storytelling.

I disagree, emphatically. You can scroll back up to my opening post to see some examples of how she clearly isn’t evil, at least not irrevocably so.

i knew she was evil the moment she used a farmer human girl as a test subject for the blight, as it was melting her face with that, she smirked.
This happened in the book of arthas, before the cataclysm.

after the cataclism, more of the same. torture, mass murder, kidnap, ect.

i do agree that the writting was inconsistent in many aspects, her being evil isn’t one of them.

Before AND after, nothing changed.


Narcissists are capable of Nostalgia… Why wouldn’t a Narcissist be nostalgic for days gone by when things were easier? Narcissists see those they get along with as extensions of themselves and as such if there are indications that they are still theirs they will still feel sentiment for them.

Vereessa was Sylvanas’s possession as far as Sylvanas was concerned and Sylvanas split on how she felt about her every time circumstances changed:

When Vereessa acted like Sylvanas was close family that she was reunited with Sylvanas saw her as valued possession/sibling but once Alleria ultimately rejected Sylvanas’s invitation she saw Vereessa as an enemy but once Vereessa apologized she saw Vereessa as a prized sibling again.

She’s evil, pure and simple. The problem is this new brand of moustache twirling, self destructive evil is completely at odds with the manipulative, behind the scenes schemer that she was. Old Sylvanas would have put the idea of burning Teldrassil to the ground in Saurfang’s head and let him do all the heavy lifting then execute him for “betraying the Horde’s honour.”


To be fair, the Arthas novel was released in 2009 while Sylvanas has existed since 2002. And the novel was written by someone that doesn’t seem to understand that it’s possible to write a character like Walter White or Jaime Lannister that can do callous things without being full blown Hitler. And it’s probably no coincidence BfA Sylvanas reflects that.


If her big issue is narcissism, which honestly I could get behind, it still doesn’t make her evil. Selfish, perhaps. Self-serving. But not unrepentantly evil.

This person gets it.

She wants to be cold and callous, because she’s undead, a monster, etc. But her sentiment for her old life and for her people is so strong that she breaks out into a melancholic tune when she’s reminded of what she’s lost. And when her Warchief (at the time) is knocking on Troll heaven’s (hell’s?) door, she quickly rushes to his aid in spite of the potential danger it poses to herself. You could argue she did this for self-serving reasons, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. She tried to save his life.


But we were told at Blizzcon that it was a ruse, and just part of her plan to become Warchief so she could orchestrate the Fourth War.

Frankly, I don’t care what the writers have to say in defense of how shoddily written her characterization has become.


The ruse itself was a ruse.


wherever we like it or not it is canon and it always has been.
now sure, golden loves to write pure black and white, but canon is canon.

Sylvanas always has been evil, plain and simple, people just wanted to buy a version of sylvanas that people wanted but not what it actually it was. maybe refusing to accept it. or simply don’t wanting to see the true.

it is however a problem that she contradicts even her own thoughts and THAT is a problem, not that she is evil, she always has been.

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I don’t have it saved anywhere, but I’m fairly confident that the books are not to be treated as wholly canon, since, you know, even the writers themselves tend to ignore them as explained in a tweet. Something about how the books are written from the perspective of the Titans who aren’t necessarily privy to the truth, therefore excusing the blatant character assassination.

At any rate, it doesn’t matter, because the books can say whatever they like. It’s already been contradicted by Legion at this point, which was then contradicted by BfA.


She doesn’t do anything that evil in WC3. Sylvanas breaking her word to Garithos was Blizzard actually succeeding at writing an ambiguous situation. Other than that, all she does is fight the Scourge and Legion.

Edit: Speaking ill of Garithos on a blood elf avatar was probably a bad idea and might trigger a lot of people. So I’m just going to flat out say, I don’t hate Garithos and I find him to be one of the two funniest characters in all of Warcraft.


This is actually correct the inconsistency has been a problem for wow for a while now. not just sylvanas has been a victim of this, EVERYONE has been. blizzard seems to focus more on getting new expansion and raid tiers rather than writting a coherent storyline where all characters should act more accordanly to their characterizations and not to what it is convenient for the plot at the time.

is hard to take this story serious, and yet, here we are. i wonder what will be what breaks the camels back for many of us.

wc3 is fine, killing garithos is debatable because she didn’t knew him, but i guess that he was not the best at diplomacy either.

Between the book of arthas, from vainilla, to whrath and specially cata is where things started went full villain mode. it all went to hell (or the maw?) with warbringers sylvanas.

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While I have never cared for the Character, Sylvanas did not start out as a full blown Hitler-style character (Much the same way Hitler wasn’t the evil monster he became when he started out).

That said her journey has in a twisted way mirrored Hitler’s rise. Every time she pushed the envelope she wasn’t checked or put back in place. She became emboldened much like Germany did prior to the second world war. She then pushed the envelope further and further.

And even with genocide and a world war she was still backed and supported by the Horde. Saurfang even plays out the Rommel role of a popular commander turning against Hitler (Sylvanas) to try and save Germany (the Horde) in the 11th hour. (Saurfang succeeds were Rommel failed)

Saurfang’s complicity is even white washed by Anduin much like Rommel’s complicity was white washed by western leaders (aka The Rommel Myth).

Sylvanas didn’t start out the way she is now, but the character growth in that direction has been there.


The problem is that we rarely get any explicit insight into the thoughts, motivations, or internalizations of Warcraft characters. There aren’t many ways to show this in game. Usually the only opportunity is in occasional novels and short stories which can only cover a few characters.

As a result, most characters have a foundation that’s only ever conveyed implicitly. This allows lazy writing because the lack of concrete information makes it easy for the writers to go back on a whim and recontextualize everything about a character. They can retroactively decide that nearly everything a character ever said was a lie and nearly everything the character ever did was a pretense. And this essentially renders most of what is shown in game meaningless. The same thing was done with Garrosh and it can done with the majority of Warcraft characters.


Godwin’s law aside, Sylvanas only became ‘hitler’ this expansion. Introduced through pre-expansion novels etc.