Sylvanas redemption isn't crazy

Why do people act as if slyvanas getting redemption is unheard of when. If anyone can remind me but I can’t remember, what was Jaina’s punishment for ethincally cleansing “her” city? I don’t think she ever faced consequences of those actions. Before you say “civilians” you can’t convince me all the blood elf makes were there as fighters. Also no just killing the ones who fought back isn’t any better than locking the others up in the dungeons to rot, which shebwould have let them her crazy dial was set to 11 back then.


To me, it’s not that it’s “crazy” or “unheard of” - quite the opposite in fact. It’s that it’s predictable, tropey, boring, and plot-armored to the teeth.


Sylv and Jaina has done far worse than Garrosh… Does Garrosh get a redemption?

Sylvanus doesn’t deserve one. Of all people.


I half expect them to pull an uther on her. we’re gonna kill this crazy banshee queen sylvanas, only to learn they split her soul with arthas and imprisoned her elf self in the maw this entire time


IIRC he’s in Revendreth, so… maybe? It’ll be up to him, just like it is for Kael?

OP is trolling though, Sylvanas blighted HER OWN TROOPS to raise them as mindless undead, there’s no possible basis for comparison to Jaina telling blood elves to GTFO (99% of whom survived).

The only “alliance” leader you can compare Sylvanas to is Illidan, and they didn’t even try to redeem him - he himself rejected the idea. Maybe Sylvanas is in for a similar “morally grey” reevaluation, but considering her cause at the time was to help the Jailer rather than to stop the Legion, it’s going to take a lot more groundwork by Blizzard.


Sylvanas’s redemption


What are you talking about? Anyone whose ever played this game for any length of time saw this coming a zillion miles away. The only questions left were “when” and “how”.


We don’t even know what her plan is yet, like, what has all of this been for? What is her 4D chess plan?

Blizzard needs to start telling us what is going on with her before anyone would accept a “redemption”. Personally, I think she needs to die for all the chaos, murder, war that she has caused.

She can’t be redeemed if we don’t know why she is doing what she has been doing.

I fear that we will only find out in a scripted in-game cinematic during her boss fight in 9.1.

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Bow down before the Dark Lady, Goddess of Death!

For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!


I don’t think anyone thinks a redemption story for Sylvanas is impossible. More of us just think that story arc would be hack and cringy. Even more hack and cringy than the story already is.


I mean it was hack and cringy to make Sylvanas a villain in the first place.
It was hack and cringy to make Sylvanas be the only person who isn’t given support and/or love from other characters and just absorbs trauma for the sake of absorbing trauma.
A redemption is hacky, but it’s at least hacky in a less creepy direction than they’ve already been taking her.


You might be right, but this Darth Vader crap just need to end. Let bad guys stay bad guys.


I wouldn’t mind if she ends up being right and the shadowlands is a huge soul machine for something worse. Basically that would make Bolvar the bad guy since he was the one that took us there, sent his troops there after reinforcing them with allies races, and leading us to believe we are saving our reality.

She still wouldn’t be a morally good character for what she had to do to break the machine in the first place but it is in line with her character as we know it currently.

Oh but of course there is mueh’zala here that throws a wrench in that wish lol. He is the one that made slyvanas Warchief. I do not believe Mueh’zala is a good loa… he wishes death upon everything. I wish in a way we knew a little more about the loa of death. I feel like this guy is responsible for a lot of the bad stuff that happened on Azeroth and I think he is in cahoots with dreadlords. Then the jailor looks like a dreadlord. Lol


Just like Uther’s soul was split I would not be surprised if the “true” Sylvanas’ soul is tucked away somewhere in Torghast. The two portions of her soul reunite and she kills the jailer who was controlling the evil part of her that did bad things.



Jaina’s “cleansing” specifically avoided killing Sunreavers. Maybe actually do the questline.

Her orders were to IMPRISON the Sunreavers, and only kill if they fought back. There’s a reason Aethas Sunreaver was saved from the Violet Hold. He didn’t fight back. (And I might add, if you do the Fire Mage Artifact quest, Aethas states he was in the wrong and takes responsibility for the Sunreavers who were killed)

And I’m sorry, if you think killing people who fight back is wrong, I suggest you find another game to play.

Meanwhile, Sylvanas outright ordered the murder of the Night Elves and scoffed at the notion of letting the civilians get out.


Was…he was moved to the Maw and plays a role in the upcoming raid, not sure exactly what, but sounded like maybe as a anima battery the boss uses? Heard about it in passing, not really looked into it.

When we save Uther’s soul fragment from Torghast, on top of encountering every other major soul Frostmourne killed, we learn that there’s a soul fragment the Jailer refuses to let Sylvanas see.

Chances are it’s Sylvanas’s soul.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sylvanas is only working with the Jailer because he has part of her soul and she has no choice.


I think it would be cool if Anduin used the power of the Light to restore Sylvanas to life.


If that happened, could be cool to see factions divide over what to do with the now living Sylvanas who claims she’s innocent.

Basically everyone would want her dead except Anduin.