Sylvanas' reaction (Spoilers)



  1. smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.

“he smirked in triumph”

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yeah cause she can voice other characters, golden already hinted that the people who think she is gonna get redeemed are wrong

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In fairness, her smiling is one of three iterations we have of this moment in the story. The other two have her stern faced and focused, with pretty much no emotion.

She finally turned away from the World Tree. Her eyes were steady, the anger within them gone.
What was left in its place? Emptiness? Satisfaction? Saurfang couldn’t read her now. Maybe he never could.


she isnt dying either. i have faith :stuck_out_tongue: her story isnt ending

That the quality in Blizzards writing is showing and it makes me frown.

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Well–what I mean is that one side of her mouth is tightened in a way that kind of gives the effect of a smirk, but her lips don’t actually curl upward.

Where are the smile analysis experts when you need one?

i mean… she looks quite pleased, in a mona lisa-smile kinda way, shes definitively not grinning but i can understand if you think she’s constipated instead since… well… she most likely has stones on her bowels by now.

Killing can be tragic but in this game it’s necessary. We’re all murderhobos.

Sources for that? I don’t believe that

Golden hinted at this? Really? Christie Golden?

I would love to see you justify this take Kat. I’ve seen you post some stuff before, but this takes the cake.

The only thing I’ve seen Christie Golden hint at on twitter is that the story is going to go in a direction that is neither Y or Z. Meaning “will Sylvanas be redeemed???” is not even a meaningful question.

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I’ve never seen Golden say that people will be disappointed if they think she’ll be redeemed.

I HAVE seen her get upset when people, after the opening ceremony already happened, expressed their displeasure at Anduin’s fate when she directly tweets that people who are upset should just ‘wait and see,’ and tell them to delete their tweets and use a special hashtag for it.

I love that developers are now telling people who are annoyed to wait and see, by the way.

Every developer ever has said this, it almost always rings hollow in the end, and I have followed Christie Golden long enough to know she does not gives hints away on twitter. I have no doubt she told people to “wait and see” about Anduin because obviously Anduin is important to her and obviously Anduin is completely fine with no long-term damage whatsoever. The special hashtag is just to avoid spoilers.

Nothing to do with Sylvanas, nothing to do with redemption. If she even hinted at that she would have been fired on the spot. Sylvanas is the most lucrative and protected character in Blizzard’s repertoire right now, the fact that she is spotlighting a major raid proves that. No one in C-Dev is going to risk their job for a twitter moment.

Her little lion was always Our Dark Lady’s plaything. Her toy. Now he is possessed by the jailer and she doesn’t like the result.

She stole the freedom and free will of hundreds of people what are you talking about? She stole the ogre’s free will and forced his tribe to fight for her in Warcraft 3. She stole the freedom of hundreds of thieves when the Banshee Queen possessed the soul of their leader not to mention what she did to Koltira and more recently in Cataclysm to the people of Ambermill. Why do people keep retconning her to be less evil then she is. She has stolen the freedom and free will of thousands over a span of over a decade. She only now sorta realizes the depths and hypocrisy of her actions.


It means she felt Anduin farting. :upside_down_face:

Yea, I no longer care.

I’m not diminishing her actions, I’m trying to look at them objectively, and taking into considerations that she herself has done directly, not through others.

She didn’t take the free will of every ogre and thief in Warcraft 3, she dispatched Banshees who used their possession magic to bend the minds of their leaders. She didn’t have hundreds of banshees with which to pull this off, she had just a handful. It shows, at best, a tacit approval of the tactic in the moment.

You could argue it was more evil to just kill the bandits, the ogres, and Garithos outright after they were no longer needed, but that’s up to whether you think discarding them or keeping them in a state of perpetual mind-bending is worse. Whatever the case, they were not kept around after Undercity was taken from the Dreadlords, so we can reasonably infer that they were probably just killed off.

Approval of someone else doing the mind-bending for her, and then doing the mind-bending directly herself, are both morally reprehensible things to do, but different in how proximal they are. What I’m saying is that the only reason it may finally be dawning on Sylvanas how wrong this it is to do this is because she’s finally been the one to actually do it.

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Yeah nothing like twisting the knife yourself to realize you’re indeed a murderer.

Links? This sounds very petty coming from a professional writer.

sauce please?