Sylvanas Ordered the Wrathgate Attack: Murdered Horde Troops

11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?
apparently not since this line is in chronicles volume 3
The Lich King emerged from the Wrath Gate, joining the fight himself. The very sight of him could have shifted the tide of battle in favor of the Scourge. Yet the Alliance and the Horde refused to flee before his presence. They grimly dug their heels in and fought on. If the Battle at the Wrath Gate had reached its conclusion, it might have spelled the end of the Lich King. But that was not to be. From a rise overlooking the Wrath Gate, a barrage of plague canisters rained down on all armies and stopped the fighting dead in its tracks. A lethal green fog, capable of killing the living and the undead alike, enveloped the battlefield. The Lich King instantly understood what was happening, and he retreated without hesitation. Everyone left on the field of battle was killed: Bolvar Fordragon and almost five thousand Alliance soldiers, and Dranosh Saurfang and over four thousand loyal Horde followers.
so if sylvanas never ordered the blighting, we might have won
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi


I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!

Nope.. This whole storyline was a Blizzard writer forgetting their established lore yet again.

This person has been working her story since 2006. I would argue this is pretty much canon now.
11/09/2018 05:47 PMPosted by Chikishi
Everyone realizes that if Putress had not shown up, Arthas was about to win the entire war, right then and there, right?
apparently not since this line is in chronicles volume 3
The Lich King emerged from the Wrath Gate, joining the fight himself. The very sight of him could have shifted the tide of battle in favor of the Scourge. Yet the Alliance and the Horde refused to flee before his presence. They grimly dug their heels in and fought on. If the Battle at the Wrath Gate had reached its conclusion, it might have spelled the end of the Lich King. But that was not to be. From a rise overlooking the Wrath Gate, a barrage of plague canisters rained down on all armies and stopped the fighting dead in its tracks. A lethal green fog, capable of killing the living and the undead alike, enveloped the battlefield. The Lich King instantly understood what was happening, and he retreated without hesitation. Everyone left on the field of battle was killed: Bolvar Fordragon and almost five thousand Alliance soldiers, and Dranosh Saurfang and over four thousand loyal Horde followers.
so if sylvanas never ordered the blighting, we might have won

Yeah except if you actually watch the Wrathgate video, it's pretty much the opposite of that.
I think this is just writer mixing up lore, as I can't imagine Sylvanas would let so many of her own forsaken troops die, just so she can re-infiltrate her own capital and take them down.
...apparently not since this line is in chronicles volume 3 ... so if sylvanas never ordered the blighting, we might have won

Yeah except if you actually watch the Wrathgate video, it's pretty much the opposite of that.
the word you are looking for is "retcon" the chronicles are the new lore
Sylvanas is evil CONFIRMED
<span class="truncated">...</span>

Yeah except if you actually watch the Wrathgate video, it's pretty much the opposite of that.
the word you are looking for is "retcon" the chronicles are the new lore

That may be. I'm sticking with this:

He literally one-shots Saurfang the Younger, Bolvar is clearly next, and there's an undead and Vrykul army amassing. Then Putress is in with one of the best lines ever spoken in the entire franchise.

Chronicles can suck it :)

Nope.. This whole storyline was a Blizzard writer forgetting their established lore yet again.

This person has been working her story since 2006. I would argue this is pretty much canon now.

Considering that there was never ANY story presented in game or in any in the novels to support this as being the case.. I cannot buy this as canon.

I suspect that the writer may have wanted this to be the case and simply forgot, due to WoTLK and the Wrath Gate being some ~10 years old.
11/09/2018 06:06 PMPosted by Withpuppys
the word you are looking for is "retcon" the chronicles are the new lore
And where exactly does it say that she ordered the blighting of troops there?

Does it also retcon how she had to ask for help from the rest of the Horde to retake her own city?
11/09/2018 06:08 PMPosted by Chikishi
...the word you are looking for is "retcon" the chronicles are the new lore

That may be. I'm sticking with this:

He literally one-shots Saurfang the Younger, Bolvar is clearly next, and there's an undead and Vrykul army amassing. Then Putress is in with one of the best lines ever spoken in the entire franchise.

Chronicles can suck it :)
sure, you can tell chronicles to suck it, but blizzard is still going to go by it despite our protests of how stupid it is

"- the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders."

the writer himself forgot the lore he personally wrote?

Cause I SPECIFICALLY recall SYlvanas herself being nearly killed and retreating to Org saying that the attack wasnt hers, but the actions of traitors (including a certain dreadlord).

What exactly goes on at Blizz HQ when your own employees forget their own lore??

and "retconning" the lore wont work this time given it was critical point (as it effected bolvar and as such the current LK along with the dreadlord turning on her)

gotta say...out of ALL the lore this game has...this mix up is #1 in "wtf"
11/09/2018 06:11 PMPosted by Midare
And where exactly does it say that she ordered the blighting of troops there?
that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
11/09/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Withpuppys
that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
So, a line, on a non official source, from someone that could have misspoken, is all you got?
11/09/2018 06:11 PMPosted by Lockedheart
What exactly goes on at Blizz HQ when your own employees forget their own lore??
They have a historian on the payroll to keep track of the lore, they just don't care.
11/09/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Midare
11/09/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Withpuppys
that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
So, a line, on a non official source, from someone that could have misspoken, is all you got?

Oh Withpuppys is totally right about the retconning. I'm just sticking with the original story here. because, you know, it's way better.
11/09/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Midare
11/09/2018 06:12 PMPosted by Withpuppys
that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
So, a line, on a non official source, from someone that could have misspoken, is all you got?
do try to read the second part of the sentence

that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
chiki was saying that arthas was about to win the war and i use a line from chronicles 3 to prove that wasn't necessarily the case
11/09/2018 02:20 PMPosted by Bipzi

"I'm excited about the feedback," WoW creative director Alex Afrasiabi told me at BlizzCon 2018. "I've heard these discussions on the internet about 'she's going off the rails', but is she? I've been writing Sylvanas personally since 2006, and this is pretty much - the Wrathgate and the Blight and the Forsaken - in character. Those were all under Sylvanas' orders. What we're seeing now is an escalation of the plans Sylvanas has, clearly, and we're in the middle of that."

I'm having a serious mind-blown moment here. I thought the Wrathgate incident was a mutiny within the Forsaken, orchestrated by Varimathras and Putress. This was Sylvanas's plan all along? Talk about your political maneuvering!
nah, id voluntarily die for my Forsaken
11/09/2018 06:19 PMPosted by Chikishi
11/09/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Midare
...So, a line, on a non official source, from someone that could have misspoken, is all you got?

Oh Withpuppys is totally right about the retconning. I'm just sticking with the original story here. because, you know, it's way better.
i won't argue against that, the original was better, that cinematic was so cool when i first saw it.
11/09/2018 06:15 PMPosted by Midare
...So, a line, on a non official source, from someone that could have misspoken, is all you got?
do try to read the second part of the sentence

that retcon is in the interview, i was arguing against how she was saying that we would have lost the war if the ground wasn't blight bombed
chiki was saying that arthas was about to win the war and i use a line from chronicles 3 to prove that wasn't necessarily the case
In my experience, it's not worth arguing with Midare.
11/09/2018 06:19 PMPosted by Chikishi
Oh Withpuppys is totally right about the retconning. I'm just sticking with the original story here. because, you know, it's way better.
I don't know, that's debetable. On this point, if I remember the cinematic well enough, both armies did look like they were pulling their weight fairly well.

11/09/2018 06:21 PMPosted by Withpuppys
chiki was saying that arthas was about to win the war and i use a line from chronicles 3 to prove that wasn't necessarily the case
But I took that line where you flat out said she ordered it, which she didn't, and in I don't think it says that even in Chronicles.