Sylvanas or Elune

Which do you think the writers would kill off first?

The odds don’t look good for Elune.

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The way things are going they are going to show Elune to be working with the jailer

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they’ll mess up elune for sure lol

sylvannas sucked to begin with imo

the coolest part about sylvannas was that comic-like cinematic they made where arthas stabbed her with frostmourne…so cool :nerd_face:

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World of Warcraft will shut down and be labelled a good for nothing game before they besmirch their dear Sylvanas’ name.

Their lil’ Princess Sylvanas will in fact be the leader of every pantheon making her the empress of reality.

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Dunno… Sylvannas has had plot armor for so long that it is hard to believe that they would ever remove it until it actually happens.

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kill off? neither, who will die first sylvanas, elune is a goddess not a mortal.

She’s been defined to be on the same rung as the Winter Queen.

She is no longer an entity outside the reach of death.

apparently they’ve retconned that. the amount of horrifically offended nelves has gone up drastically, recently.

You dare speak low of Sylvanas the great? Elune is but a dust cloud.

when they show that elune is actually the jailer i wonder what loot she’ll drop?

(kidding… mostly.)

Nothing new. It’s the Alliance version of “Drop your shoulders and underwear for Saurfang”.

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i didn’t like that stuff either.

i am full team sylvanas and i only wish we’d burned more trees.

(in character ofc. my toon is a warlock. and thus evil.)

Well you had the option of roleplaying as a loyalist by refusing to play Shadowlands. You betrayed Sylvanas. :frowning:

The more I see of Sylvannas, the more I see Kerrigan from Starcraft 2; the same unrelenting, life cleansing psychopath that for some stupid reason goes full-redemption mode at the last minute.

I will bet every mount in existence that Sylvannas is going to take place of the Arbiter…

Who can forget that powerslide into ol’ Frosty.


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Deep breath


actually i was a loyalist. spent the entire campaign trying to help her. got a special cut scene and everything. then nathanos had to make it weird. smh.

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do you remember what they said the arbitor does, she judges the souls based on what they did in life. there is no where they said anything about unlife or undeath. so its possible that sylvanas if she was judged before the abitor would go to either maldraxis or bastion based on what she did before she was undead.

people forget who she was and what she was doing before arthas killed her, raised her as a banshee, and then tortured her to the point she went nutso. it is likely she’d go to maldraxxus i think if they don’t count things that happened after she was raised.

we were also told by lilian voss the impact undeath has on them. and we know that the banshee form of undeath is the worst of all and arthas made her into one out of spite. nothing left but rage and hatred her very being was altered she cannot feel the emotions others do shes always in pain.