Sylvanas: official traitor to the horde

what sylvanas means is that life is hopeless and that death is superior, thats essentially the message of what she tells the loyalist. she wants every one to die, she revels in thinking about how nzoth is going to slaughter every one, and she says even he will serve death.

“still with her” ok then lol


Sure but then in Legion that cost Thrall his shaman powers so he had repercussions for that.


Because there is a bigger plan then just “death”. We are all playing the same game here people. We all have seen whom shes dealt with and made pacts with. Something is going to happen.

Loyalist might get the better end of the stick once this all rolls out and the traitors will just get a slap in the wrist and a “Ohhhhh right, now I get it! Water under the bridge. Who? What? Alliance over there? Lets get em!” moment.

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    Saurfang: You. Just. Keep. Failing.

I just hope this time “ending the cycle” actually happens. I’m sick of both Horde and Alliance having to be hive minds of stupidity so the writers can keep this played out faction war going. Let’s move on to more interesting stories, already.


So who exactly put her in charge? Is there an actual death Lord/Naaru equivalent manipulating things?

that hasn’t been revealed yet as far as i know. it’ll probably come next expansion.

That is a defeatist attitude. It’s not over until the dead lady sings.

The point of the loyalist ending is that this is still part of her plan. I’m willing to see it through. With or without the Horde.


The best thing about it is that the Sylvanas loyalists no longer have any room to say supporting Sylvanas is what is best for the Horde. They’ve been reduced to saying they will support her without the Horde or that they never really considered themselves Horde anyways.


Sylvanas holds her own in melee for quite a while against a Frostmourne wielding Arthas in ICC, so she’s not exactly a slouch.

We appreciate neo-Dadaism.

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I’m rather pleased that they, in full cinematic display, pushed the Horde towards it’s WC3->Wrath nature while simultaneously leaving the Forsaken clearly loyal to the Horde itself, rather than their leader.

Honestly, the part of me that appreciates the potential of the Forsaken is more than pleasantly surprised here. They were put in cinematic in number, and they looked like they fit in the Horde. That isn’t any small thing- from day one of Vanilla, their belonging in the Horde has been thrown back and forth, and this was the ultimate, direct test.

Do they choose limitless loyalty to their Dark Lady, who has embodied their race arguably moreso than any other racial leader has embodied their own? Or do they choose the Horde on principle, when their leader is at the peak of her power, and holds Ogrimmar?

The more I consider this, the more gratified I am with this aspect of the outcome. I genuinely look forward to how the Forsaken develop from here, though I suspect said development will be sprinkled along as lightly as it is more most races internal development.


She also power slid onto it.


Having it being a Forsaken guard lady who looks at Sylvanas like “Um, wtf did you just say?” when Sylvanas insults the Horde was cool. She also opens the gates and if you notice it is the Forsaken flags which are the first to tap the ground and honor Saurfang.


For all that I’ve poked at Sylvanas’s incompetence as the Horde military commander, having it confirmed that all she really wanted was to kill a bunch of people makes it make a bit more sense.

…After all, it’s easier to get loyal, trusting Horde soldiers to go to their deaths through bad orders and plans doomed to fail (or at least be costly), than to kill an enemy who’s actively resisting you.

If all that matters is bodycount, your troops isn’t a bad place to start.


I loved that moment, that look, coming from the Forsaken who walked out at Sylvanas’s side, holding the standard, not of the Horde, but of the Forsaken.


I personally think killing of Saurfang was the best thing she did for the Horde. Saurfang’s Horde is nothing. The real Horde was standing behind her.


and they immediately turned on her and honored saurfang once she insulted the horde and abandoned them.


Some renounced her but there are still tons of supporters. There’s a questline that takes place after the cinematic. Did you just watch the cinematic? LOL

the quest line reveals that you and her other supporters are loyal to sylvanas and her cause alone, not the horde… who is way back in orgrimmar honoring one of their greatest warriors, saurfang. maybe its you who did not pay attention.