Sylvanas Novel Excerpt

Yes. (Until they decide they want a partial soul for some other reason.)

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Well, considering the Sylvanas cinematic of when she was in a coma and we see that the RG version of sylvanas is absolutely horrified at what the Banshee Queen side of her did, they heavily implied she wouldn’t even had considered doing such a thing if she was a whole person.

And this is the problem blizzard runs into. They will SHOW one thing in game and than contradict it shortly afterwards in a tweet. It’s why people are ignoring the tweet, because the game is contradicting everything they;re claiming


Yet, it must be relevant or there is no reason for a cinematic about it.


The cinematic also states she has to reconcile her own actions, because not accepting that she could and would do such things was what left her in the coma.
The Ranger General wouldn’t have, but the Ranger General is also missing a decade of memories and the context that led her to such brutality.

This is Blizzard out of their depth:

Is what Sylvanas had, not actual choice.


Tyrande: -How can I forgive her for burning my people ?
Uther: -Trust me bro.
Tyrande: -Ok :).


It’s also a meta message too. That everyone is capable of some pretty horrendous things if we’re pushed far enough. What left her in a coma though, is her inability to accept that it already happened. Not necessarily that she would’ve done it anyway.

She couldn’t reconcile who she was while alive vs what her other half became and did while she was dead and soul split :wolf:

Oh okay, I haven’t done the whole 9.1 quest because I didn’t really come back until just before 9.2, but this happens after the bastion storyline where Uther had some morality and it showed during that questline, he wasn’t just evil like people try to explain away sylvanas’ actions as only being like the “evil” portion of her soul.

I have no comment.

Actually that’s a lie. I hate that Golden uses this opportunity to prop Anduin as “a good guy” can she just write something unbiased for once?

The last thing I wanted for Sylvanas was for an 18 year old to mansplain her privilige, meanwhile he has so much gold in his purse he literally had to cosplay as a peasant to undetstand his own people.


Disregard, me dumb

The soul split was explained as a version of you frozen in time. The shock is what happens when 2.0 year old you sees what 40 year old you has done and become.

Now added to that is the hole it leaves and the trauma she suffered. Some people go Batman after that, she chose Joker.


They’ve written this horribly (and their out-of-story commentary make it worse). But, a good/bad split is what they actually rendered in the cinematic for her.


And the books looks like it’s going to double down on the good/evil split. Wouldn’t be the first blizz has rendered their story tweets irrelevant after all :wolf:

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Idk why I’m getting my hopes up but I’ve said I’d be perfectly okay with the Forsaken going to the Ghostlands. Their closest allies have a completely uninhabited spooky forest.

They could easily build something there. And you could have the Trolls at Zul’Aman hopefully trying to negotiate some sort of amicable end to the Amani subplot. Maybe have the Revantusk get involved, they’re always cool to see.

The Forsaken could build a pretty sizeable hub on top of Deatholme. I’d also definitely give them the Windrunner territory as well. Have Tranquilien redecorated as a sort of undead elf town and give something for them to do.

This would be the most economical solution and if done well could kill two birds with one stone. After playing Classic I’d say the art style aged about as well as it could.

But when it’s contrasted with modern WoW graphics, they look like absolute poop. It is a distractingly awful contrast. What was once one of the most beautiful zones in game is a garrish mess. Quel’Thalas as a zone direly needs to be updated and added to the broader Azeroth map.

I’d also say the same for the Azuremyst Isles but I’d have a blue player speculate on it’s best uses. Though I will say I think it’d be awesome to have the Vindicaar floating around as a mobile hub you could teleport too.

I’ve always loved seeing zeppelins flying in overhead. Just makes it seem like this is a living world with cool stuff going on unrelated to what you’re currently up to. Having that but as a sort of flying town would be so rad.

I don’t think Sylvanas was fully evil for the entirely of the MMO, she was darker but not pure evil. If we are going by the cinematics it looks like the light/dark portion of uther’s soul was separated

But then it would be if you liked sylvanas in the MMO you just liked the evil sylvanas, I don’t know if she would commit suicide after Arthas died if she was just evil. I think a lot of people are oversimplifying this to explain away her actions.

I’m kinda off about the excerpt. It “feels” weighted to Anduin when it’s supposed to be about Sylvanas…


The book is like 400 pages or something about Sylvanas, Anduin is just going to be a small part of that. It could be to kind of entice people who aren’t interested in Sylvanas to buy it by showing there are other characters who aren’t just there to kiss her feet and whitewash her atrocities.

I think that part is the Torghast part. Looks like when she was trying to break him and get him to join willingly. Though I agree it should’ve been skewed more towards Sylvanas.

Though, I do agree with something Ren said. It is annoying that Golden is incapable of writing Anduin as anything beyond a Noble Savior trope. :wolf:


More like Light and Soul Portions were separated to me… The Grimoire to the Shadowlands Book does say that Uther was divided into 3 pieces by the way.

If Sylvanas was divided into Darkness and Soul then the Soul’s alignments caused by Frostmourne’s divisions differ from person to person.

Right, which makes the BFA arc crazy.

Yeah, which makes claims about it not being good/bad weird. They’re making this word salad.

Like the Devs :slight_smile:

Which isn’t much with that spacing.

It’s clear who her favorite is.