Everything coming out has been confirming the leaks and speculation for months now.
“Sylvanas on the Blizzcon poster” - She will be redeemed, the genocidal massacre was actually a plan to save Azeroth, she will lead into the next xpac.
“Goblin Heritage Armor Concept art/Cosmetic Backpack” - Tinkers will come to the game using the same backpack Gazlowe uses in Heroes of the Storm.
If you think its not going to go the way they said, then you’re just in denial at this point.
We know the writers love Sylvanas and shes one of the iconic cash cows of WoW, they will never kill kill her. They only way this xpac can end is for it to be her master plan all along.
We already had the Anduin walk face first into a plague barrel and then they think Blizzard wouldn’t be this dumb? They seem optimistic to me.
And things have been known to change after outrage kicks them in the head. Warlords changed some. They can alter it if there’s enough backlash before it’s set in stone. They did with Tyrande. Albeit, not enough.
For all we know, they could have Helya come back in a rage and rip Sylvanas down into her realm and imprison her there as punishment for the lantern getting destroyed. There are other ways to not kill her. And she quickly lost appeal to some people after this bs of an xpac.
There are ways to not make the story suck even more and leave her alive.
It’s really bad writing if they expect Worgen and Night Elves to just…forgive her…especially so if she actually just kills us all in Stormwind…
That means, she is doubly killing the Night Elves and Worgen…to build a undead army. Which is even odder since the Night Elves still on the tree were civilians, you know, non combatants. What help are they going to be in the Shadowlands? Are they going to bake us Ghost Bread for our non-existent appetite because we’re dead?
I think the idea was that Teldrassil was supposed to provoke a response from the Alliance, and Anduin being the moron he is was supposed to think he could walk up to Sylvanas and handcuff her and she was going to wipe most of the leadership out it one shot and get them into the spirit army.
But then after Teldrassil the writers didn’t make her motivations seem cryptic, they just went “SYLVANAS JUST WENT FULL GARROSH 2.0!” which just pisses off people not only now, but later, when they find out the writers basically lied about Sylvanas’ motivations to get a bigger shock out of the players.
It’s just bad writing for a cheap shock, which could backfire hugely.
I wouldnt expect them to forgive us, afterall its a good reason to keep faction conflict going. It would be actually pretty bad writing if Worgen or NE would forgive us even if she died. Because afterall the burning of Teldrassyl was Saurfangs idea. And we all stood on that shore watching. Expecting to burn it down. Not to mention Sylvanas has the support of most of the civilian population of the Horde.
If mean this is BFA in a nutshell at this point. Humans be like, we weren’t affected by this…so lets team up with the Orcs n stuff. Night Elves and Worgen be like, bruh.
Anduin will attempt to do this again btw. He is so lawful stupid that he will probably try to arrest her again…even after experiencing Undercity.
Or, and hear me out… It could be referencing BFA considering there are TWO murky pets mentioned in the source and that one might not have its texture yet. Would kinda fit the key art for BFA.
Just saying, they could be BFA themed with an Anduin and a Sylvanas Murky considering there are two and one has the Sylvanas texture as a placeholder.
I mean… I still don’t quite buy it. I am not convinced Shadowlands is real, though I suppose 8.2.5 will shed some light on some things and 8.3 info will probably come out shortly after 8.2.5 hits.
Idk, I still don’t buy it though… but I am also biased in that I really dislike the idea of Shadowlands as portrayed by the leaks.
All the evidence we have points to the leaks being the correct assumption, perhaps not exactly, since many of the leaks may be outdated by now.
But the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron used in the Uldir achievement, and the Ogre Dream Journal support it. Illidan in Legion makes a comment about worrying about the Black Empire after the Legion, although apparently no one bothers questioning him on it.
Sylvanas has had dealings with Helya in the past.
Blizzard has a habit of releasing future xpac mounts in the store early.
People have travelled into the spirit realm to speak to Vol’jin.
Alleria suddenly gets Void powers and learns from the Ethereals how to shift into the void realm.
Void Elves are made and get “Rift Tear” as a racial ability. Despite Void Elves not being thematically relevant to BfA.
I personally don’t think it will happen quite the way the leaks describe it.
But I think Shadowlands as a concept is inevitable. Ever since The first Chronicle, they’ve slowly been leading up to an expansion such as this with the lore.
The biggest piece of evidence is the Sylverian Dreamer mount, matching up to the leaked map zone “Sylverian Dreamlands.”
This mount has no theme to any current zone or place in Warcraft. It’s like it plopped out of a completely different game, or place we haven’t seen yet.
We know The Emerald Dream is connected to The Shadowlands in a way, it just all fits together so well. The same thing happened with The Draenei Fey dragon before WoD came out.
"When Odyn peered into the shadowy realm, he saw death and decay, and torment, but he also saw life."
They also said we would be surprised about who burned the tree and that we would have a dance studio. While I’m pretty sure she will survive in one form or another (sadly) as they need her alive, as it were, to see body pillows with her image and other like minded accessories.