Just got datamined. The textures for it anyway. Meaning a Blizzcon pet most likely.
And seeing how Murky Pets are usually made to represent the antagonist or protagonist of a WoW expansion.
All aboard for Shadowlands?
Just got datamined. The textures for it anyway. Meaning a Blizzcon pet most likely.
And seeing how Murky Pets are usually made to represent the antagonist or protagonist of a WoW expansion.
All aboard for Shadowlands?
Sylvanas Murky for warchief!
For The Mrglrlgrl.
The next WoW expansion everyone becomes Murlocs. All hail the Mrglrl Queen.
Wish I had the trust level to post spicy memes.
Sylvanas will be the final boss of the expansion. That is what is being discussed after we kill Azshara, and that is when we were supposed to find out.
Then you have the Warbringers videos and both Jaina and Azshara being final bosses of raids. So of course it’s Sylvanas in 8.3.
God I hope we get to kill her.
Blizzard if you have any writers left with half a brain please don’t turn Sylvanas into a hero, that all her evil deeds and “ending hope” was for the greater good.
I might vomit at my desk.
Murlocs V Kobolds: Armageddon It
Source? Cause there’s zero information about this on Wowhead or MMO-Champion.
And they would have had the textures up with the PTR days ago.
She was confirmed by John Hight(executive producer of WoW after losing his position as production assistant of vanilla Diablo 3) to survive.
Who loves Sylvanas? Who is your warchief? Do you think we would kill Sylvanas that quickly? Noooo… I’m not gonna tell you what happens to her, because that would be a spoiler; but you can bet on us that we have got a big story for Sylvanas. So stay tuned in Battle for Azeroth.
Well, Pour Some Mrglrlgrl On Me!
I’m going to need some time to recover from the amount of laughing I will need to do when Sylvanas ends up not being a raid boss at all in BfA.
The poster is one of the primary dataminers for MMOC.
Someone’s got a bit of a panic going on, eh?
The trend of Warbringer characters being raid bosses is there.
A Murloc dressed like Sylvanas.
Okay, I knew I had some spare eye bleach somewhere…
You read the last chapter of a book first, don’t you.
I also remember when we were told that Grom would be the final boss of WoD.