Sylvanas killing Zelling change anyone's mind?

It just further proves that the Forsaken ideal of free will is a lie fabricated by Sylvanas to make her own people unwitting prisoners to her will.


Y’know, i wonder why that was ever in a PTR/beta/whatever build in the first place. Not that it isn’t cool- it really was and it should have been canon instead- but they couldn’t have left the quest designers entirely in the dark about the LH (ugh) cinematic, could they? Why put that in any build if they knew that Saurfang was gonna get lectured in his cell by Anduin “Good Boney Boi” Wrynn before escaping?

I was about to ask “are they really that dysfunctional” yes, yes they clearly are given how this expac has gone already

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My guess is that news of the cinematic didn’t fall down the line enough to reach them when the quest was being worked on. Which just sounds silly and wasteful. But anymore its to be expected sadly.

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Exactly. Killing Sylvanus doesn’t absolve the Horde of anything. The Horde went world conquering evil twice. It has done more damage to the Alliance than the Burning Crusade. There isn’t a way to walk that back at this point.

The first time you could blame Garrosh, the second time you can’t just blame leader again. The same organization was involved in the same activity twice with two different leaders. The organization is the constant.

It’s that old proverb: “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me…”


Apparently so do you.

I went from liking to disliking Sylvanas during Warbringers: Sylvanas.

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Worst necro ever


Your name is sweet, sweet irony.

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I sometimes give these necros a curious glance.

OK… This poster decided to make their first post, and they chose it to be a necro of a year old thread… for what purpose?

To say “nuh uh! You are!”

I see…

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Blizzard intentionally applying sabotage on Sylvanas to make us despise her (Or despise her more, if you already weren’t a fan but it wasn’t hatred incarnate at the time) only made me want to refute that outcome even more - Merely because they promised us they wouldn’t demonise her, she wouldn’t be a Garrosh 2.0 and the expansion would be ‘MoRaLlY GrEy!’.


We will not give in to the despair of the dark void. If Her will for us is to perish, then it shall be so.


imagine thinking sylvanas was good before bfa, Sorry bro, feeding someone goop that burns out your insides isnt a good thing to do ever

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This is why we need to keep the necromancy to DKs.

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here is the thing, during edge of night her motivation went from “treating other as arrows in her quiver” to “protect myself and others like me, what we built after earning freedom is worth fighting for”

and that was her character from cata until legion, BfA changed that, from the patch that introduced the allied races (with her LITERALLY calling the new additions to the horde “more arrows in my quiver”), her warbringer cinematic erasing her character development since WotLK and so on including her twisting derek (like, she could have literally stole derek face, put on another forsaken and just absorb his soul into an amulet to read his memories, like, that isn’t even that much of a stretch)

and remember, the ones who told that “no guys just wait sylvanas is totally a morally gray character and you will be able to understand and side with her” which was big truck load of BS

to the actual topic at hand, zelling was the dog that blizz told sylvanas to kick …

i actually REALLY liked zelling, and i saw his character arc as an sliver of hope, a shining beacon of “omg they may just make the forsaken more relatable and sylvanas won’t actually be a garrosh 2.0 !” but NOPE

sylvanas killing him isn’t out of character, she would totally off him for betraying the horde and ruining her plan, but the sylvanas that was supposed to be playing 4d chess and that is a master schemer would never call the entire horde leadership to a meeting DEEP INTO ENEMY TERRITORY, to execute a puppy and imprison baine, one of the most likeable leaders of the horde and one that all the other leaders (even talanji) actually like and trust to be an actual good person™

like, doesn’t take much brain matter to know that is among the most stupid things to be done, it is just bad all around and absolutely out of character


Nah she was melting people with blight and plague since vanilla

It was a forgone conclusion that she was never leaving the villain pit the moment she burned Teldrassil with all the civilians in it. And all just because she threw a hissy fit when someone back talked to her about “You can’t kill hope”. Perhaps even before that when she was seen making deals with Helya and trying to enslave the Val’kyr, but after that I kept hoping there would be some unknown factors behind the scene that would give her some sort of redeeming qualities behind all this.

Nope! Blizzard’s not that sophisticated in their story writing.

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I understand that you don’t like her and that she uses chemical weapons I get it I really do

Still not the point I was making

Since edge of night, since garrosh, she got character development that made her less of a two dimensional villain and more relatable, more of a protector like she was in life, you know, character development that was going well until legion (When even varian saw her as a worthy ally)

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yeah her using the forsaken as a meat shield is totally relatable, I too like to send people I was to protect to there deaths

Sylvanas didn’t even kill Zelling, nor did she even have to order his death, or give a signal.
Nathanos executed Zelling for aiding the Alliance, and would have executed Baine too, if he were not a tribal Chieftain. I didn’t even bat an eye.


babies steps honey, is how a slow burn redemption happens

she went from just saying
“don’t care how or what i have to sacrifice, either win or don’t waste my time have an lich king to kill”
“you know, i should keep my casualties at a lower number, i can make more of them sure but still don’t want to waste them”

that was why she used blight on gilneas for example, she was still sure she could take the city, but without the blight the casualties on the forsaken would be massive (just like garrosh wanted)

like, it is even a joke in silverpine and hillsbrad that sylvanas was telling people to get more environmentally friendly and recycle ! even telling the guys that blighted southshore to find a way to revert it since it was an wasteful overkill

again, i get it, she is totally an evil character, but it is a flavour of role playing that is now missing in wow, evil characters can save the world too, rpgs you know

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