Sylvanas killing Zelling change anyone's mind?

You’re still going to the Sylvanas fancult puppy sacrifice meeting later though, right mask-bro? Because me liking a fictional character makes me deranged and malicious IRL, as we all know.


I wonder what the writers will pull next to get us to turn against Sylvanas. Maybe they’ll have her host a night elf Teldrassil bbqburn down a world tree full of thousands of innocent people or have her kill and reanimate her own soldiers. The suspense is just killing me.


If the massacre at Thoradin’s Wall didn’t do it - Zelling sure won’t.

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eh, i knew this was happening before. im more angry at blizzard for writing an actually unique forsaken character then kill him off to show how dangerous sylvanas is (I hate c-list fodder)


Once you realize that most Sylvanas and/or Forsaken fans pretty much just ignore the abomination that is BtS it makes sense. BtS-now is just a trash pile of characterizations that lack any nuance or reason.


I’m going to assume that reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit.


We did. In MoP. BfA was their response.


To add to the legion of voices saying that Zelling’s death is just another signal to hate the writers, not Sylvanas, I’d like to add that I genuinely think that a thousand year undead dictatorship under Sylvanas is more interesting than what they are signalling from Saurfang and Baine.

I’ve gone on for thousands of words at this point, but I think it is a fundamental flaw in Suarfang’s philosophy that what he wants, to play The Founding Of Durotar forever, is not possible. The Horde is not an underdog band of survivors anymore, it is a global power filled with morally bankrupt heroes and leaders that red team invited in, and/or entire species antithetical to his ideal (We got a bunch more of them this expac alone!). Saurfang’s ideal victory is a death sentence for Horde relevance or narrative functionality. Given this is the team that turned ‘relentless, terminator-style franken-zombies’ into ‘ragged, clap-fearing sheep’, I don’t think this is some kind of clever subversion on their part. They are going to take the square peg of the modern horde and smash it apart so it can sit, broken beyond repair, in the round hole of an idealized, imagined past.

Given that they have nothing good in store for the Horde (That they have shown us anyway, and dook them if they think it’s reasonable to drag us through poorly told shlock to reach their master vision), I’m not going to apologize for what they’ve made us do with Sylvanas. It’s not enough that they had us act like drooling morons, they then had the gall to try and shame us for those actions we have to do for progression in their MMORPG.

So yeah. It’s not just spite, although god knows that fuels me. It’s also that I’m happily standing with the person whose worldview I can at least understand, even if it’s simplistic and dumb and doomed. Better by far to go out cackling madly, fists full of blight, on your feet.

Because if Saurfang has the gall to, when the dust is cleared, call my character champion as a Death Knight with my enslaved, gibbering undead ‘pet’ beside me and my canon-infused sadism curse riding high, I will projectile vomit blood.


If burning down a tree full of innocent civilians wasn’t enough to flip people opinion’s on Sylvanas, nothing will.

And certainly not some rando deader we just met this expansion.


I’m going to assume you and every other “spite Blizzard” goon doesn’t know that Sylvanas has always been cartoonishly evil, even back in WC3. Remember her snarky reply to Garrosh about being a Lich King serving the Horde?

This “character assassination” doesn’t exist when she’s always been like this.


Dude, not all of us are Blizz fanatical followers that will accept trash narratives and trash characters just because it’s convenient for the devs own laziness and cut corners agenda.

I hate Sylvanas but this doesn’t mean I’m going to be as mediocre and pitiful as to happily accept the walking clowns that are Sadfang and Baine t justify a motivation to follow this 10th rate plot. If Blizz wants me to accept their narrative, well, they better start writing decent Horde leaders that will indeed inspire us to follow them sooner rather than later. Those two sad pieces of garbage are anything but motivational.


I get Baine, but Saurfang? Really?

Saurfang had every reason to be depressed, but seeing as how the forums flip flop on character development when it suits their narrative, it doesn’t surprise me that you hate him now too. I can agree that they portrayed the reason for Saurfang being sad poorly, and could of done a lot better if they had any writers past Kindergarten.

I’m not a fanatical Blizzard follower either. I hate current Blizzard if anything, especially with their disaster of Blizzcon 2018. They also killed HotS, which I used to like. But this “Sylvanas spite club” going on here on the forums has got be the silliest thing I’ve seen on here.


Saurfang not only acted in the most anti orcish way possible, he literally comes out and say to ANDUIN (the most glaringly obvious pro-peace moron in the Alliance) “oh, I hoped that by leaving you alive you would have taken care of stopping / destroying Sylvanas” WTF, Saurfang!!! At least pick an Alliance leader that actually shows an interest in truly destroying her, not the limp wristed brat that makes idiotic choices like filling his enemy’s city so full of rogues everybody and their mother knew they could play with his intelligence gathering to the point he got pun’ked.

Man, to spite them literally affects their statistical data. If people makes the concious choice of NOT following the plot the want then they can’t come out later to say everybody supported this trash narrative, simple as that.


But Anduin does have an interest in getting rid of Sylvanas. He even has dialogue where he states that Sylvanas has to be removed if there will ever be any peace between the Alliance and Horde. Alliance being written as incompetent is par for the course, as it’s the only way this forced war can work considering the Alliance could wipe out the Horde in a week if they were written competently.

Don’t really get this, wouldn’t just saying you hate the story do the same? I don’t like the story either, but I’m not about to join some spite club.

Blizzard also doesn’t care about our opinions, otherwise Vol’jin or even Garrosh would still be Warchief.


Dear, I’m on my own spite club. I prolonged the literal completion of those quests for as long as I could, cause in my world choosing any is worthless. I still fell disgusted with myself over HAVING TO pick from zombie trash or idiotic green trash.

And no, Anduin is a brat that lives with his head on the clouds and his heart on his sleeve; literally the worst person for the job. We’re talking about the boy that wanted to bond with the Orc that could have left him paralyzed for life just because “muh Peacecraft”. That’s not being optimistic nor altruistic but plain retarded.

A crap character ending up as the engine that propelled Saurfang to act IS what ruined Saurfang without repair. Old Soldier managed to fool us into believing maybe Saurfang realized that he had to act if only to protect naive kids like Zekhan, but noooo!!! Saurfang literally forgets Zappy boy exists and only decides to do something after Anduin manifests himself not interested in doing Saurfang’s job for him. Saurfan’s image as this proactive character went to the drain there and then.


Right, and Anduin seeing no way to negotiate peace with Sylvanas should show you that he’s matured more. Also, I’m pretty sure Anduin at some point in War Crimes comes to the conclusion that Garrosh will never change.

Who was supposed to propel Saurfang from within the Stockades? Was Zekhan gonna sneak into Stormwind to give Saurfang a pep talk? I don’t think so. Also, Anduin was honestly the best choice of a bad situation for it. At least Saurfang and Anduin respect each other and Anduin has a history of trying to establish peace between the two factions. It would of been a lot worse narratively-speaking if it was someone else like Jaina.

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I love that this post has 24 upvotes in our very own self congratulatory echo chamber. The irony is absolutely palpable.


A character actually punished for his decisions unlike most of the other roster - at least not superficially (talking about you, Jaina) is a character I appreciate. Zelling lived and died a believable character who made a hard decision for noble reasons twice. And both choices resulted in his death.


I get where you’re coming from, but I’m a fan of the alternatives:

  1. The squad of Horde that already tried to break him free but he turned down.

  2. Himself. He has strong internal values and breaking out of the Stockades has been a joke since Vanilla. Him finding his own resolve would have sidestepped the thorny issue of presenting his resolve as reliant on a teenage human.


I really did want to see Saurfang bust himself out of the Stockades in glorious Saurfang fashion.
Sadly I didn’t expect that to happen with the way Sadfang has been this expack.

At least the cinematic with Anduin was nice looking I suppose.