Sylvanas isn't a "Mary Sue"

World of Warcraft has turned into World of Mary Sues.

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Anduin might be one of the few non-Mary Sues. He’s no Varian, but at least there was story to his training.

Doesn’t nearly every character that’s in a Hero/ Villain role in a fictional setting end up as some sort of Mary Sue? And the idea of “Suspension of Disbelief” is supposed to kick in?

To be honest, Anduin has done nothing in the entirety of BFA outside the Siege of Lordaeron and some bits of dialog.

Anduin somehow managed to take control of the Horde without even trying.

The Horde did kinda just break apart in the most anti-climatic way possible because Blizzard desired a plot device for Shadowlands without wanting to put any effort into it.

Establishing a character in a world is not a Mary Sue. The issue comes from their relative power and their relative weaknesses. When you gain excessive powers with relatively no sacrifice, you lose any relatable traits for that character.

Consider Star Wars. In Ep 4-6, we can see the growth of the main characters. We are introduced to a world with varying power levels. In Ep 1-3, we can see how powers manifest and gain strength. In Ep, 7-9 we can see Rey didn’t really undergo any harsh training to become the powerful force-user she became. She did train, but she started off as someone with no knowledge of the Force, and suddenly, she’s among the strongest to exist after a week? With absolutely no training, she manifests power that rivals Kylo, and Kylo someone with a lifetime of intense training. She can be powerful, but that doens’t make her interesting.

It’s not that Rey can use the Force, it’s just how strong she is relative to others with nearly none of the sacrifice.

You might consider Thanos a Mary Sue, because he sorta just existed as a powerful being . He started off very powerful, but he is someone who sacrificed everything he loved for his goal.

Coming back to Syl, we don’t know what she’s sacrificed. We don’t get to see her internal struggles like we did with Thanos. We just see she became powerful seemingly without reason.


To say Sylvanas is physically weak is an utter joke…

Read edge of night again please she isn’t weak. I thought you would know this as one of the MVP?

“I’m going to trust this demon of pure lies, deceit and manipulation my 2nd in command!” Sylvanas WIndrunner

And then she got shot in the head and killed by a level nothing D Tier leveling instance boss.

Sylvanas has recently lost all justification and gravitas, but… even someone who liked her when she was at her best has to admit she had some really… really dumb moments.

Less a Marry Sue and more a… Derpy Lou

Sylvanas isn’t a Mary sue, she’s a Karen.

How, out of all of that, did you take what I said as “she is weak” when I am specifically commenting on physical strength and the bad writing? The fact that she went from thinking about how much stronger, PHYSICALLY (maybe if I bold and cap it this time it will help), Baine was from her just from feeling him grab her arm to what we see in the Shadowlands opening cinematic where she PHYSICALLY is throwing around hundreds of tons worth of Saronite with only her PHYSICAL strength as if its nothing.

I never said Sylvanas is weak, I made it very clear that her random boost in PHYSICAL strength was absurd and out of seemingly nowhere.

This part always cracks me up. Like… Okay? Not sure what you are trying to accomplish with such a weird flex, friend. If you have to rely on bringing the title into this because you can’t actually formulate an argument then I don’t know what to say.

Like… Is this suppose to hurt me or invalidate me in some way because you couldn’t read/comprehend what I said to begin with? I never quite understand whenever someone pulls out the MVP card and its always in low effort posts with one to two sentences at most with a broad statement followed by taking a shot at the MVP title.

Again, never said Sylvanas was weak. She is a dangerous and powerful character, what I said was that her sudden and abrupt power boost to the point of going from a shadowy tactician to a full on front line brute is absurd and entirely against her character and what has been built up over the years.


First of all, the reason why Jaina and Sylvanas was their Marie sue is that they lost all of their original character that Blizzard gave them years ago during their first time in Warcraft 3.

In fact they were my favorites (they were, accept it) female heroes were franchise, until BfA arrived and in fact a little Jaina got ahead in MoP.

Because the fact that nobody, but nobody defeats it, not even in Battle of Dazar’lor in 8.1 and in this expansion is reason for an indestructible image to show it, just say i’m Batman.

and in fact it is seen with images of other characters that we saw today to say:

  • SYLVANAS: since before Shadowlands opening, you already had 3 cinematics that kicked butts without any problems with the Legion, the alliance, and Varok, the kills without any trouble, and without any problem he got away with it, and escaped without problems.

I burn cities and towns all use with fire.

and the worst has a delusion of Harley where everything is for a plan, or that is to say for a Joker, in other words the jailer.

All of that really looked very different from the Sylvanas we saw in Warcraft 3, and indeed across WoW before Legion so Sylvanas should no longer be called as a result.

But called as:


(yep 2 GoT in one)

  • Jaina: huhu… at least she was less than Sylvanas, but her image was not like the hero in Warcraft 3 who led victory to humans, and was united with the orcs.

Jaina rather worse than in MoP was the girl who let us clean her dirty frets, really a one-dimensional character who was another to kick butts.

It is more than the image of the famous Frozen girl, she was in fact an MCU villain.

yep, remember Wakanda, in fact the phrase Zandalar forever doesn’t sound familiar to you?

Yes, as Thanos invaded Wakanda and clicked to eliminate the half of the horde along with King Rastakkan, it does not matter if we are the good and the bad or if at the same time it ends with a counter message that we leave it for later ended his story in that patch almost the same way.

and not to forget a result of a spoiled child crying everything he did while Gorak Thul saw it as a good joke a character who wanted to remedy his mistakes by blaming others.

All this is not a good image of what Jaina was seen in the third war, the girl who fought against the legion and the scourge, a hero that nobody recognized, or the hero who helped in WotLK.

All of this just like Sylvanas should no longer be called Jaina, but as:


Reason why in the mid of the name is why his hypocrite was so lore, and in fact to be short is worse than Sylvanas.

and to finish it does not end here, hopefully it will be more in the other fallen heroes that are in Shadowlands, and do not focus too much on them as it was in this expansion so that later we have a very bad image such as gameplay, pvp and lore , and whose unique content (warfronts) was only a waste in vain.

Jaina is not a Mary Sue.
Not even close, her whole story in BfA was facing up to her mistakes. Mary sue’s don’t make msitakes.

yes, yes she it’s. don’t forget it’s horrible loading screen in Kul’tiras from what I see is competing with Gorak Tul who is the ugliest.

And it seems that she is winning.

a result more what she is a Marie sue…

You don’t seem to understand the term Mary Sue…

Jaina is a very flawed character, she has made several msitakes and suffered for it, people ahve betrayed her, friends turned against her. Lost her father, lost her city and all her hard work, lost her position in Dalaran. She’s let emotions cloud her judgment, she needed saving several times.

Just because you don’t like her does not make her a Mary Sue.

yeah, yeah… she is suffer, as if all the actions she did were forced at gunpoint. :gun:

renounce does not mean that she lost her, her whims against the horde in the midst of an invasion against the Legion was not a valid excuse.

yes, yes she it’s because make us do everything as her servants in the middle of a war while she continues crying because mommy got angry at her, not to say she did nothing, and worse in 8.1 and 8.2

Moreover, N’zoth has more dignity with your faithful servants than she.

People use mary sue too often. Sometimes characters are just written poorly. That doesn’t mean mary sue

Luke Skywalker is a bloody mary sue

Take care of your dirty mouth, that you cannot represent a great hero who saw him grow with every step of his moment until he becomes a Jedi.

You do not talk about Rei and the stupidities of a Marie sue, but you denigrate a great hero who is being talked about in these times today.

You disappoint me friend, you are actually that you do not know anything about this meaning of Marie sue, and you can accept any poop :poop: of what gives you the new trends of these times.

I said he was a mary sue. that doesn’t make him bad.