Sylvanas from BfA onwards may have been the result of a dev spat in the Cosby Suite

I agree that it wasn’t out of character for Sylvanas to do some of the things she did. Even back in Warcrimes we knew she was going to be even more “unhinged” after Vereesa rejected her. I don’t agree with everything.

The entire point was most of the night elven forces was gone. That the night elves were fighting the greater whole of the Horde with just some garrison forces and volunteers(and even some draenei who decided to join the fray.

Also, Blizzard has never been consistent with how large/how fast people can get anywhere. I recall the Warcraft 3 orc campaign was in all in a span of a week or so.

This should have been something Blizzard explained and it would have been very easy, heck the answer was already there. Azerite. They even found a vein of the stuff in Darkshoes. Blizzard should have just said Slyvanas decided to use said Azerite in their Catapault and used magic to enhance their range.

The entire point of the exercise was the Alliance navy was our “weak point”(as explained in the Good War short, not that the Horde’s navy was that much better but you don’t need a navy when you can march most of your forces already) the Alliance navy has generally been provided by Stormwind(with dwarven/gnomish engineering building it). And it was a half a continent away.

The factions were not united. That was the entire point of why we had to act though the order halls. I would point out the Alliance/Horde were fighting each other thoughout the Broken Isle(Warden tower dailies), Genn/Rogers decided to attack Sylvanas and Jaina literally left because she did not want to work with the Horde. Tyrande and Vereesa were pretty cold(with Vereesa literally trying to shoot Romath) to the Horde.

It was Legionfall who stopped the Legion in the Broken Shore, it was Velen and Liadrin/Aethas, people who are nominally willing to be neutral to stop the Legion, who went to Argus. Heck, Vereesa didn’t even waste time telling her sister Sylvanas lead the Horde and the viceral reaction from him.

As for the “force that is responsible for the conflict”, I doubt most people see or care that the Legion had a major hand in the faction wars. Most people do not care about logic especially when regard to grudges. Sure the Legion might have set the stage, but it was ultimately someone from the other faction who killed your friends/family/love ones.


This explains why Tyrande was so eager to send the bulk of her Night Elven Army on a wild goose chase for some resource that just popped up, leaving her lands near defenseless.

Oi vey.

I am not a big Tyrande booster, but that felt like a 4th wall breaking joke of a plot contrivance.


Well. Can’t say I’m surprised. Obviously something was off with that stuff. There was nothing natural with this character development


No one knew there was Azerite in Darkshore at the time(it was only discovered after the invasion had begun). In fact, it was suppose to be one of those “ironies” of all of us trying to fight for the Azerite in Silthus when apperently it was basically going to pop up nearly everywhere in the world. That was the point, no one knew what was going on and people have to make decision based on incomplete information and make judgement calls. Sometimes those judgement calls are wrong(Tyrande sending her army away/Matthias’ information) sometimes they prove fruitful(Jaina going back to Kul Tiras)

Metzen’s biggest soft spot though was for Thrall.

I think my earlier reply to Anyaceltica was lost in the middle of everything, but Metzen’s favorite character was Malfurion.


For all these ‘revelations’ for various story and character swerves, I still feel like the burning of Teldrassil and the bombing of Undercity were less about making the female led races suffer and more about trying to funnel end game players to the factions capital cities so they would only need to update one hub for each faction going forward. It’s something they’d been trying (and failing) to do since Cataclysm.

Pretty sure that’s why in BFA they had that line about Sylvanas planning to attack Thunderbluff (that did not go anywhere). Not sure what they might have done to Ironforge to render it uninhabitable, but then maybe the idea was to blow up Stormwind instead - apparently that huge cannon Gallywix had pointed at the was supposed to fire in BFA originally. (One needn’t worry about the Exodar or Silvermoon, no one willingly hung out there anyway.)

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See Alynsa’s post about capital cities and the responses after.

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Never said it was a good or even reasonable idea, I just think that was the excuse internally.


Oprah Told You So Dot Gif

(Too lazy to find the gif rn, will add it later maybe)

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I remember Yvenathilm speculating on this years ago:


If I remember correctly, Metzen was the voice for Thrall in the cinematics quite a few of which were canceled due to his illness.

Metzen still is the voice of Thrall.


Thats probable. Given this new information, his public defense of The War of Thorns, by citing much less ambiguous villainy and retconning the wrath gate in an interview (as opposed to in game revelation) kinda sounds like he didnt like the Mommy Dommy Sylvanas of Legion.


Frat bros fighting over a waifu.


…am now visualizing a pair of bull elephant seals laying on a beach, all puffed up and bellowing as they slam against each other.



Because of the way the story went the Horde lost Saurfang, Gallywix, Sylvanas, Nathanos and that was after losing Vol’jin.

All of this destruction happened because of some gross clown.


Someone found hints of an Azshara warfront—it might have been planned for that.

Doesn’t prove that Thrall was his favorite character, especially when he’s on record saying his favorite was Malfurion. (I do think he liked Thrall a lot, though.)

What does that make Garrosh in this scenario??


The loser clearly :laughing:
