Sylvanas from BfA onwards may have been the result of a dev spat in the Cosby Suite

This is just blatantly false(especially considering they are called sentinels). We know they work directly under Tyrande/are considering military comanders. Not some milita group.

I never said they weren’t there. I was asking you a hypothetical on your crazy theory that the Horde has never fought the Night elven army proper when they clearly do so several times.

The first statement does not preclude the second. It means the Horde has fought both civilians and military forces alike. And that “normal elves” means anyone that was not malfurion/anyone who lives in Ashemvale(which means both military and non military alike)especially considering Nathanos reponse later of him knowing only one elf who could wipe out an entire battalion or Horde forces single handed. That is the context that matters.

Not really. Anaris only lead a small group of Sentinels, there is nothing said regarding the overall structure of Silverwing. Like Danath, she could have been something akin to a Militia Captain.

Again, we have more reason to believe this is the case, given the knowledge that most of the Kaldorei fighting force has made up of Civilians, which is new lore and thus prioritized in the canon.

That was the entire point you were making, and now you are back tracking because you realize in conflicts with your bias.

Dude, you really need to work this out.

It absolutely does lol.

The Sentinels are military.

They’re not a militia least of all the main group of Sentinels that’s been fighting at the border for years…

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The Dev team seems to think otherwise.

No they don’t. They’ve never acted as though the Sentinels have ever been anything except the military of the night elves.

" Her name is Shendruk. She was created for this cutscene. We imagined that this is someone who’s been actually probably a soldier on the battle lines in this region, you know, between like the orcish line of going into Ashenvale. She’s probably a character who’s been there, right, and that had some experience. And I know there’s been some conversation about the way she talks about Night Elves. Part and parcel, right, when you’re not talking about the game mechanics, right - we know that Night Elves are insanely powerful - but part and parcel, if you’ve lived in this world, there’s going to be a lot of Night Elves in this forest that are just civilians, right? When she’s been patrolling that area, by and large, she’s probably only witnessed, you know, conflicts between the normal Night Elves. You know, the ones that just live [there]. You would have never encountered the Archdruid. You never would have ever encountered [a “single Night Elf” that “could do all that”], right? So a lot of her impressions are just based on like, “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen- I’ve had scuffles with the Night Elves for however many years and I’ve never had any trouble with them,” right?"

-Terran Gregory on the Tides of Vengeance Panel.

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That never made sense to me.
So where was the Sentinel army during Garrosh’s invasion?

Why are Orcs and Night Elf civilians the ones that clash in ashenvale? Wouldn’t it be more like Shendruk is constantly facing the Sentinels as soon as they put a toe over the line?

Its things like this that make me think thesee people have no awareness of what they are writing OR completely miscommunication their lore to us.


I feel like it was a mix of things.

One, the idea that a lot of the Kaldorei Civilians take up arms to fight intruders makes sense to me. You live that long, in the wild… Like they are hunters, there is probably no such thing as a Nelf who cannot fight.

But the Long Vigil aspect of the lore would lead you to believe that Ashenvale is practically a military state… So why would the Horde have such little experience fighting the actual Kaldorei military?

I feel like it was in part an attempt by Blizzard to sell the Promise of Strength and ferocity to Nelf fans in Tides of Vengece. Like saying “The Horde has been playing on easy mode until now. Now the Fangs are coming out”

Of course they turned out to be hallow promises.


Literally says “just civilians,” and where there is no questioning Sentinels getting involved, such as providing leadership, reading the quote as saying “normal” means the Sentinels when the context given was civilians is likely intentionally misinterpretation.


Akiyass, you are on fire today!! (Aki)Yass queen (or king), slay!!!

That is my contribution.

Edited to add a pun.


What retcon? Sylvanas has been an evil character at the very least since Classic, if not even going back to TFT. She developed a plague from Classic onward, had some of her evil scientist nutjob Forsaken perform cruel experiments on people, she started raising more undead for her own purposes in Cataclysm, then she made it into the warchief position in Legion (which I assumed was because the Jailer whispered Vol’jin) and forced the Val’kyr queen or whatever she is to submit to her will so she could use her for her own gains. That was all pre-BFA. It was clear what path Sylvanas was on. Even in Legion people said Sylvanas went too far. Was that all Afrasiabi? Had he been planning this for years? Or did he “retcon” her in BFA by having her do things that are exactly up her alley? BFA Sylvanas is the Sylvanas we’ve been seeing for years now. There is no retcon. The only inconsistency is her forced redemption.

And hasn’t Danuser been in charge for the last couple of years, anyway?

This all sounds like they wanna smear Afrasiabi because of the allegations.


It actually isn’t. An armistice is a temporary pause in hostilities. That’s why both Korea’s are still technically at war. Also Tyrande explicitly refused to sign it, she isn’t bound by Anduin’s idealism.


who are we kidding? That’s just a lie they told us until they spin this BS and then Tyrande will finally see the brilliance in Andiun’s wisdom in just forgiving the Horde and kick herself for not doing it sooner.

This is the Alliance afterall. Whatever issues we have get thrown into the freezer.


A clique of big-name Blizzard developers that engaged in rampant sexual harassment, misogyny, workplace toxicity, bullying, and other things. They were largely untouchable by HR and per other sources (some listed in the thread) may have intentionally written some characters and stories in a bad light because of their prejudices. Afrabashi was so bad that he was named in a lawsuit against Activision-Blizzard by the state of California. However, other names like David Kosak, Cory Stockton, Jesse McCree, Greg Street, and several others have been outed as members of the Suite or took part in some of the more reprehensible behavior. See Baalsamael’s thread for a full rundown of the lawsuit.


Geez I didn’t know, that’s terrible.


This hasn’t anything to do with the Sentinels.

Sentinels are military and nothing in this quote you’ve provided says otherwise.

The Silverwing Sentinels are military.

That’s cause none of it makes sense.

That the Orcs ever had a chance from vanilla onward was always a major discrepancy.

I don’t think the Orcs should be shown that incompetently, but marching through Ashenvale should be like Napoleon marching through Russia in winter.


A bit late on that since we’ve HAD our Teldrassil-style event… on Teldrassil itself.

That’s fair.

At the very least the night elves should do a lot better than they ever have.

And not stop at only retaking Darkshore. -.-


Personally I’m on the side of just abandoning the franchise. I only resubbed with gold to talk to someone, I don’t actually care where the current devs take the game or story. You can rewind, ignore whatever you want, but if Shadowlands is any indicator, what comes next isn’t going to be anything inspiring.