Make Stormwind Great Again!
See, for me I went the opposite direction. I figured “Okay, I can either play a band of murderous war criminals and/or Alliance bootlicking stooges (my orc) or I can play a side that’s losing everything in a narrative which has already stripped them of everything which made them culturally distinct and cool (my night elf).” Stuck between those two choices, I would rather be evil. At least then it’s not as life-crushingly depressing as a gorking extinction narrative.
And that’s why I’m hating on Blizzard so hard over one side or the other. The writers had a thousand other directions they could have taken this plot that would have pleased the fans and made the story feel worthwhile and meaningful. But no, they just fling themselves between “war is hell” and “war is super cool!!!” so whatever.
Yeah, re-reading your first quoting I see it now, little bit of miscommunication there! No big deal.
Just make sure you stencil that on a blue hat.
And that’s why I’m hating on Blizzard so hard over one side or the other.
Same here. My subs been up since February (ESO and FFXIV made it a pretty easy decision).
This unfortunately is what happens when you have non writers at the top making story decisions, likely starting with the phrase “wouldn’t it be cool if…”
I have no doubt that this expansion could be great if the people at the top would get out of the way and let the actual writers write.
Hell there are snippets in this actual expansion that are fantastic hugely impactful and emotional:
In Jainas Warbringer, where she looks back with tears in her eyes saying “I’m listening now father,”
Saurfang cradling his dead son lamenting his own continued survival
All of the Thros cinematic (seriously the look of sheer exhaustion on Katherine’s face as if shes personally experiencing all of Jainas pain and failure is masterfully done)
Derek’s dialogue and voice acting as hes reaninated
Jaina flying off the handle at Baine “Is he the bomb this time!?”
Everything about Bwonsamdi
The Kul’tiras and Zandalar zone stories and characters.
This game could have an amazing story if the people at the top would just step back and let it.
No, no, no you silly panda Orangemanbad m’kay.
Can we just pretend no one said his name? Nothing good will come from continuing this.
aina flying off the handle at Baine “Is he the bomb this time!?”
One of the most justified "fly off the handle"s in the entire franchise.
Yet I am supposed to care about your sob story as to why you identify with your undead waifu and be sympathetic to her plight when it has been shown time and time again since her inception as a character that she is more than capable at holding her own, and will resort to any means necessary. But oh, we are not allowed to denounce her. We’re irrational, Alliance bootlickers. Delusional too.
Hahaha! You guys are amusing.
So who is more evil at this point arthas or sylvanas?
Her body does not fit her personality she should look like a wrinkled corpse with scars from all the times she’s almost died
Night Elves were my favorite race, until they joined the Alliance and they lost their fangs to the Wrynn Empire. Also, that weird bouncy thing female nelves do was a real turn off. They still hold a special place in my heart and I still love doing Night Elf content even while playing as Horde so I was devastated by what happened to Teldrassil.
Then I saw a legion of Night Elf and Muh Honor fans turn the forums into an inquisition of players that had nothing to do with Blizzard’s writing, and I learned that caring too much about pixels was damaging to my mental health.
Night elves were better off in the alliance seems like you are a fan of bc era evil blood elves
Night elves were better off in the alliance seems like you are a fan of bc era evil blood elves
thank you for making my point
Yet I am supposed to care about your sob story as to why you identify with your undead waifu and be sympathetic to her plight when it has been shown time and time again since her inception as a character that she is more than capable at holding her own, and will resort to any means necessary. But oh, we are not allowed to denounce her. We’re irrational, Alliance bootlickers. Delusional too.
Hahaha! You guys are amusing.
Everything you mentioned here is off topic and has nothing to do with my replies that are related to the OP.
Are you just trying to pick an online fight with me? I have nothing against you nor do I want to online fight you.
Just pointing out the logical fallacy here where some pixels seem to matter more than others.
Just pointing out the logical fallacy here where some pixels seem to matter more than others.
I agree brother! So few people are brave enough to acknowledge, #ForsakenLivesMatter!
You forgot to hashtag it
Wouldn’t Sylvanas be more like Obama though? Yelling about “Hope” while bombing tons of countries that aren’t at war with them?
To be honest, OP, I find it more concerning that many folks who post here seem to have trouble distinguishing between fictional characters and reality. They dislike Sylvanas because they don’t approve of her actions, as if Azeroth is a real place.
I don’t approve of her actions because they aren’t appropriate for the faction I was advertised when I first started playing this game.
She sure as hell isn’t making the story better by destroying the moral parity between the factions. I did not sign up to play the “bad guys.”
Ya sylvanas fans approving of her actions is insane out dont have chaos fans in warammer talking about how it was justified making a skull throne