Sylvanas Endgame

So I’ve found this post on reddit and thought I would share it here:

Sylvanas’ endgame is for us to destroy Hell/The Maw so that she doesn’t have to suffer eternal torment

In Edge of Night, Sylvanas throws herself off Icecrown Citadel, gets impaled by Saronite and is given a vision of her fate into the Afterlife. Eternal torment, alongside Arthas’ soul ( who we now know is in the Maw, the place where souls are funnelling to and the throne of the Jailer, who is probably THE Death God and Sylvanas’ number 1 fan right now ).

Everything she’s done since then has been to spread more and more death, raising as many as she can into her army so she can kill even more people, which would slowly but surely lead to the Maw filling up with more and more souls.

She broke the veil into the Shadowlands, basically forcing us to go in there, which will inevitably result in us sieging the Maw and destroying the Jailer ( because we’re a bunch of murder hobos like that ) thus ( probably ) also destroying that hellish dimension that her soul is bound to.

She’s manipulated us for sure, but she’s definitely counting on us to destroy the Maw and let every soul go where it belongs.

This expansion will probably end with Sylvanas dying with a smile on her face as she knows that she managed to cheat eternal damnation.

Okay so what do you guys think of this? Personally I think it’s a realistic theory, but what I’d like to see is that after we’ve freed all the souls from the maw, a new “hell” emerges in the Shadowlands and the arbiter will once again be able to decide the fate of those souls, including those we freed. Good souls get a happy afterlife, questionable souls get to a place where they will be redeemed, and evil souls like Gul’dan or Sylvanas go straight back to hell (and that’s the one thing she didn’t calculate in her plan). Considering that Sylvanas powers are coming from the maw, we should be able to kill her without a problem after we destroyed the maw, right?

Thoughts about this?

I would only add that the final cinematic will have her turning on the Jailer or taking his or the Arbiters place to make sure all souls go to their fair place. If she takes the Jailer’s place she will make that realm less horrific or allow a path to redemption to the next better covenant.


I kind of love it, not gonna lie.


Considering it seems likely that Vol’jin’s death was orchestrated by the Jailer, wouldn’t he be the next likely candidate to take on the Arbiter role? He’s on some sort of path that we don’t know yet. He’s turning into something undefined. He’s got some huge golden eyes watching him when you follow him through his memories. But … who knows?

That’s the part I wouldn’t like :grimacing:
Sylvanas dying? Yes! Getting a happy afterlife? Nope!

Fan service - her soul is split in two - one goes to bastion as a high elf and the other goes into the maw as a banshee that torments Arthas. The High Elf version grabs child Arthas’s hand and pulls him to Bastion with her. You could even have lich king and banshee fighting paladin and high elf versions before two are damned and two are saved.

I can see this happening, but I can’t help but feel this doesn’t feel like Warcraft anymore. Going to the afterlife and overthrowing the ruling party there to make things better… I was never too keen on exploring the Shadowlands because it removes much of the mystery of the forces at work beyond the mortal realm, and now it just seems like it’s just another mortal realm to hang out in.


This. Sylvanas getting any kind of happy ending should be out of the question after everything she has done. She knew that all the innocent people in Teldrassil (men, women, and CHILDREN) were going to be sent to the Maw to suffer eternal torment when she burned it down. That puts her WELL beyond redemption.


The Maw is stealing all the Souls which means we are all damned right now.

Blizz is going to use this fact to redeem Sylvanas and say “see she did set you all free”.

No it doesn’t. Gul’dan is beyond redemption he cares only about himself and kills everyone in his way there is nothing he wont do and no one he wont slaughter for power.

Sylvanas is incapable of killing her family. As much as she wanted to kill them and raise them so they could be together forever she has never been able to do it. She loves them too much to harm them thats proof shes not beyond redemption.

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Burning tens of thousands of innocents and children and sending them to eternal torment is indeed past redemption.


But they weren’t HER children, so it’s all good.

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It wasn’t even tens of thousands. The remaining people fit in the Temple of Elune at best it was hundreds.

Also Garrosh also committed wholesale slaughter of innocents and he was found to not be beyond redemption in Warcrimes.

The capacity to love is not a trait in someone who is beyond saving.

I think it’s wrong the Maw serves a purpose it’s suppose to be where the super evil spirits go so they don’t hurt the rest of the shadowlands our purpose is to fix what is broken not break it even more

I’d said something similar in another thread.

Replace “death god” with “The Jailer” and that’s basically my current prediction.

There were definitely thousands. Teldrassil wasn’t just Darnassus, it was an entire zone home to most of the Night Elf population. The majority died, and now suffer eternally because of Sylvanas. She’s beyond redeemable, you don’t kill innocent children and then get to just walk away from that and become a good person.


Teldrassil Population was estimated to be around ~23K and tons also died in Darkshore and Ashenvale. With only a small portion saved, I’d definitely put the total number between 15.000 and 20.000+.

Sylvanas is way way way way worse than Garrosh, and I do think Garrosh was past redemption.


We dont have any numbers for the night elf population and we have no idea how many are saved so just stop. All we know is in Elegy all the remaining people were in the Temple which cant house thousands.

Kaelthas didn’t even go to the maw and he sold out the world to the Legion and was going to slaughter everyone including his own people. If he didn’t go to the Maw Sylvanas wouldn’t under normal conditions.

Uh so according to this logic then nobody would normally go to the maw? What do you have to do to go to the maw if burning thousands of innocents alive doesn’t do the deal for you?


Kael was tricked read the illidan book not everything was his fault Sylvanas is evil and caused the wrathgate

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The remaining people in Darnassus? Sure. What about Dolanaar? Shadowglen? Rut’theran? The countless nameless settlements that dotted the entire length of the tree that you can see in artwork?