Sylvanas Cinematic... After Sire Denathrius defeat

He kind of failed with garrosh lol

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Can’t say I’m shocked at this point. She gets bonus points for the upgraded Frostmourne though :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


lol upgraded shalamayne, frostmourne still looks cooler



Also Sylvanas is 100% getting a redemption arc


Yeah, she should be killed but noooooooooooo.


So Anduin will be the new Lich King, but this time he will be the “right” Lich King, in service of the Jailer.

And the woman that commited more crimes than Arthas and other villains combined, seems to be getting a redemption arc

This lore team is sooooooo good, i can bet that Danuser made this cinematic dialogues with a smile on his face.


Gave himself a part on the back the entire time he did it to.


Still a good looking design tho. Art team is still killing it here as always. On the other hand, god I want her to commit. Turn the Boy King into the new LK and have us beat the good back into him down the road. It might have him get some “grey growth” he’s long overdue for, like Baine’s “having his powerlessness violently thrust into his face several times in quick succession” could do for him.

Sylvanas must commit. Even if she turns later, she has no sufficient motivation to bail right this moment. Not after everything. But, as we’ve seen, the Jailor just discarded someone. SO 
 at some point have him discard her, and thus that should serve as the impetus for her turn. And part of that turn is to “save Anduin”, as she was integral to whatever they plan on doing to him; and Anduin is apparently integral to whatever overarching plan the Jailor has cooking.


Talking to Anduin means redemption, and we can’t help Tyrande, she’s consumed by vengeance.

coughgag Sorry, I seem to have let my inner NEFPA out.


It doesn’t always work, he tried it with Garrosh once and got a bell dropped on him.

I feel as though it could be because Sylvanas respected Varian, and she sees that in Anduin and it’s enough to shake her. For all we know, and maybe they’ll bring this up, Varian was the last time she allowed herself an inkling of effort to trust a new person and then he died horribly.

This characterization of Sylvanas is truer to her character, I feel, than what we’ve seen in many expansions. She was, canonically, the kindest of the Windrunner sisters, and the most open-minded. The idea that she feels she needs to do this in order to spare billions of souls from what happened to her is a compelling plot, but it’s at odds with other characterizations. It’s like there are two Sylvanases, one for TBC, Wrath, Legion, and now Shadowlands, and then one for Cataclysm and BfA.


NEFPA is dead anyways.

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Runeblade Shalamayne (which I will forever dub, Shalamourne) looks pretty sick.

So either Anduin is now in Shalamourne or he’s about to become a death knight, like Arthas which is so incredibly lazy and boring that I thought it wasn’t possible.

where the bloody hell was this Sylvanas for so many Lightdamned years?! Actual internal conflict. Subtle hints that Sylvanas Windrunner really does just wants to be happy but the world keeps beating her down until all that’s left is the Banshee Queen.

Light damnit all this was the flashes of Sylvanas I’ve was hoping for since she was made Warchief. Frak.


The only hope Sylvanas has killed is mine for the story.


So much for necromancer class. Nope, the next class simply talks you into submission or digs into your past and uncovers secrets to escape failure to launch WoW addiction thereby releasing us all from this prison. Blizzard is the good guy.

Attic nerds beware.


WoWhead made a “interesting” observation, that is when or if Sylvanas realizes that the Jailer is the one who made Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination.

Which seems for me a bit stupid that she doesn’t realizes that yet, she saw now right in front of her, Anduin’s blade being reforged into a new Runeblade.

But knowing this lore team they just made her dumb to not see this yet because of “reasons”, like Jaina who kills a lot of Mawsworn IN THE MAW, but couldn’t kill the ones who picked her in Azeroth.

“Let’s us make characters dumb and weak or strong, to go on with our lore, it doesn’t matter that this is inconsistent, let’s do this because IT’S COOL”.


Digs into your past for secrets?

Dude, Anduin was like, “Sylvanas, did Arthas killing you hurt your feelings?” Like that was some revelation to literally anyone. Then Sylvanas responded with, “actually it did, no one’s ever asked”.


He’ll be something akin to a DK, but I doubt he’ll actually “die, die”.

I would wager this is likely due to his connection to the Light and Faith that the Jailor found interest in. At worst, he’ll “become the weapon” for a time until the Jailor discards Sylvanas for whatever reason 
 and she gives us the secrets to saving the Boy King.


They(Sylv and Jailer) are trying to make Arthas 2.

But he’s not tempted at all. Like, not even a little. He just wants to play Hannibal Lector with her instead.

Not even remotely. Some of the best moments in fiction are Talk-no-jutsu. But it’s easy to **** up.


So, uh.

Why did Sylvanas hesitate to kill Anduin, but did not hesitate at all to burn down Teldrassil? Or murder her own people at Arathi?


Is it bad that I’m morbidly curious to see what a Light wielding Lich King Anduin would look like?