Sylvanas becomes the new arbiter?

Personally, I hope to see Sylvie and Tyrande hug it out and have Sylvanas hand out the night elf heritage armor to all the players. Let’s just let bygones be bygones! :stuck_out_tongue:

I want to see Sylvanas involved in WoW’s story going forward. I could see why Sylvanas could become the Arbiter, being how she always wanted to be free and thought everyone should have that same freedom in the afterlife, so she would do the whole process differently. However I think it would be a means to put her on the back burner for a long time, and I don’t want that to happen.

Bellular gaming went over the Lore behind a potential change in Sylvanas character.

In the cutscene the Jailer gives Sylvanas back the fragment of her soul that was taken by Arthus when he used Frostmourne on her.

I thought this “Sylvanas becomes the new Arbiter” might happen long before the 4chan “leak” (in case anyone asks, no, I’m not - and have never been - a 4chan member).

I even did a thread about it; Sylvanas will become the new Arbiter

While I think that’s the stupidest thing Blizzard could possibly do with Sylvanas, I think that’s what’s going to happen and the original intended direction for her story, as much as I would like to be wrong about this.

who cares what they do with her anymore. dead story dead game trash company

I’m sure night elf players are thrilled

And that leak has already been confirmed as fake by a former Blizzard developer who left the company last year.

Everything that Sylvanas has done up to this point has been done because she thinks it’s unfair that another being chooses what afterlife you go to. Do you really think someone with that mentality would take on the very role she’s been fighting against? Of course not.

We’re talking about Blizz writing.

The same team which made Tyrande go on a vengeful rampage, only for her to be A-ok with the fact that the goddess she’ve been worshiping essentially let her people die.

Really though, Sylvanas isn’t Sylvanas anymore. The authors destroyed that character just like they have done to pretty much everything else. I make this statement because she was my favorite character out of the RTS and through wow until pretty much right now. Now, I could really care less about any character. basically the story is just, well, stupid and I expect it is going to get worse. I did however recently buy her statue, I believe that was the last best representation of her as a fallen heroine fighting for the underdog.


I imagine it’s Arthas or Sylvanas who will become the Arbiter while the other one gets DEed to become the new sigil. I mean, sure it could be Anduin; but I suspect he’ll be a lead-in to a “Light” expansion, since he’s serving at the master’s table, and the Light’s made a bargain with the enemy of all.

It’ll sure be ironic if they do that. I mean, yeah, yeah, the story team will want to subvert expectations and yet… the optics of Arthas entering Sylvanas or vice-versa is like— ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That would definitely send the wrong message and at the worst possible time for Blizzard.

…Which is why it’ll probably happen. >.<

I don’t think she spared her, she was just unwilling to allow Tyrande to kill herself to attain her vengeance. She has a deeper connection to Tyrande then most of her worshipers.

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