Sylvanas will become the new Arbiter

I’m calling it now. They’re going to have Sylvanas replace the Arbiter.

Jailer: Elune? Is it… over? [Elune takes Zovaal the Jailer’s hand]

Elune: At long last. No judge rules forever, my son.

Jailer: I see… only fanfics… before me… [Jailer’s eyes roll up in his head and he dies. Elune closes Zovaal’s eyes and turns to the waiting Bolvar]

Elune: Without its master’s command, the restless souls will become an even greater threat to this cosmos. Control must be maintained… There must always be… an Arbiter… [Elune vanishes. Bolvar picks up the Arbiter’s orb]

Bolvar: [solemn] The weight of such a burden… … it must be mine, for there is no other to–

Sylvanas: Bolvar… You hold epic power in your hands, Bolvar … but it is not your own.

Bolvar: Sylvanas… [horrified, as he sees Sylvanas] By all that is holy…

[Sylvanas is glowing with golden light, like Kerrigan at the end the Xel’naga arc]

Sylvanas: My marketability… sealed my fate… The world of mediocrity can no longer comfort me. Place the orb upon my chest, Bolvar. Forevermore - I will be the judge of the afterlife.

Bolvar: NO, old foe… I cannot…

Sylvanas: DO IT, BOLVAR! You and these brave heroes have your own poorly written stories to carry out. This last escape… is mine.

Bolvar:[solemn] You will not be Arbiter…

Sylvanas: [insistent] I MUST be the Arbiter, Bolvar! If my fans among Blizzard and the playerbase are to be appeased - you have to make me the new Arbiter today.

[Bolvar nods and slowly lowers the orb onto Sylvanas’ chest. For a moment, there is silence, then the chamber starts to shake. Sylvanas grows in size, her clothing changing to the Arbiter’s as Bolvar backs away]

Sylvanas: Tell them only that the Jailer is dead… [her voice takes on an echo] and that the Banshee Queen died with him… [Sylvanas’ transformation is complete]



No, she’ll return to the Horde as if nothing happened and everyone will be fine with that.

Especially the obliterated souls of the innocent civilians, of the soldiers and Saurfang’s soul.

New jailer

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At this point I am hoping she gets the Garrosh treatment. She tries to kill some random boss and turns to dust and we can all move on.