I considered making a long forum inquiring the logic behind most of Sylvanas’ tactics in the war. But decided to instead focus on a bite-size piece with one simple question.
“What is the strategic advantage to break Lady Ashvane out of Tol’Dagor?”
- Lady Ashvane is a known traitor and of course loses her status and power as a noble.
- Her pirate army is likely all executed or in jail after their surrender to the returning Kul Tiran Fleet at the Siege of Boralus.
- She has no combative ability herself, so it’s not like the Horde is gaining some legendary warrior or magic user.
- If hypothetically there are “hidden passageways or trade routes” (like what the Horde used to pass through the Felwood mountain-ridge). Would most likely be knowledge they would already be able to acquire from the Fogsail Freebooters, whom are an actually useful ally.
- She is an ally/servant to Queen Azshara and thus would have no true loyalty to the Horde even if they let her out of prison. In fact she would most likely just betray them as soon as she sees fit.
So the plan is to risk Horde lives to break a treacherous, powerless, and non-influential human out of prison for what?
To sass the Alliance? That’s all you would gain from this mission, a chance to really stick it to the boys in blue. Grrr take that Alliance!
Someone please explain this to me. Am I missing something?
Is Ashvane the long descendant of Eyir and can compel her to make Immortal Forsaken based on familial bonds? Or something equally contrived?
Please help, I want to have faith in my leaders military planning.
Sylvanas is a servant of N’zoth?
Speculated. There’s no confirmation of this more that it is on the rumor mills. I find that hard to believe though since the Void when speaking to Alleria wants her dead above all else.
i suppose that is to have intel on kultiras/boralus to know where to strike and do the most damage possible.
Now the horde has to be really stupid to trust ashvane after their plan succeeds/fails.
so of course this could backfire badly, i think that ashvane is in league with azshara.
maybe ashvane has some hidden treasure to get more mercenaries? who knows.
Assuming this isn’t the first step to Sylvanas joining Azshara, it could be something as simple as a single piece of information Sylvanas needs.
Maybe Ashvane knows where Katherine would go if she needed to flee Boralus or maybe she knows Katherine’s schedule so Sylvanas can drop Derek somewhere Katherine would be alone with him.
Until we see where it goes it could be some grand master plan that works out or it could be Valentine all over again.
Yknow I considered this too at first. But then I quickly realized that the Kul Tiran fleet was hidden away in that magical fog for so long, that even if Ashvane had a hand in it.
Their current movements and plans would all be new information, all discussed and acted upon after Ashvane was imprisoned. So there would be no way for her to know any of it.
And in regards to where to strike to do the most damage. You know who would know that?
Captain Amalia Stone “Bridgeport Guard-Captain”
She didn’t want to become Forsaken sure, but she is adjusting well and has lived in Kul Tiras her whole life and was in charge of the guard of one of Tiragarde Sound’s settlements.
Or some of the Fogsail Freebooters would know, they are pirates afterall. So they likely know areas where the guard is weaker or has less patrols etc
There is a possibility that the Void just whispers the thoughts you suppress.
Honestly the whole Derek plan is worst than the Ashvane one. I wasn’t going to talk about all the fallacies in her strategies as I said before. But I find it very unlikely that it will even work in short.
Not to mention Katherine is very stubborn and proud, and even if Boralus was under siege (which we have an example of it just happening) she would not flee.
i could be wrong, but last i checked the void whispers is just a jumble of different whispers giving contradicting statements and half truths
I am unsure what you are even saying here. Please elaborate with more clarity, I am not understanding what you are trying to say.
—Btw Blizzard. This making me wait for someone else to post before I can post again really doesn’t work for me. It makes it super difficult to address multiple people—
It’ll end with Ashvane shooting her in the back of the head and everyone else get’s a good chuckle out of it for about 12 seconds before the Val’kyr rez Sylvanas and someone in character ponders whether we’ve seen this done before.
i think she means the void is just whispering your own thoughts that you push into the back of your head
Oohhhh. Ok that makes more sense. But no I believe the Void tries to push you to do mad things. It preys upon your weaknesses and fears sure. But I don’t think all the Void Whispers are things you already think but are simply suppressing. If that were the case then there are some really messed up people in the WoW universe.
well, if is not that then is probably about katherine, ashvane knows how to play with her emotions, so she would know where to put derek so katherine can give the order, even if she is not longer lord admiral, i assume that she has enough influence to give orders to the army and make mistakes, a mistake that will probably end with her death and probably going directly to a trap and losing some ships.
this at least will leave the kultiran fleet in equal ground with the zandalari.
that is what i think is going to happen.
then, i don’t know what the horde is going to do with ashvane, they should execute her after they are done with her, but we all know that she is probably going to be one of the bosses in the azshara raid, that would be the second raid boss that the horde releases to keep the tradition, we would have a third?
Well even if that were the case is still raises the question of why free her in the first place.
With Godfrey and company the writing was actually better. It made sense because Godfrey and the other nobles had a large amount of knowledge that was inaccessible otherwise (there was no captain amelia stone or fogsail freebooters). So there was no option 2. like there is now.
Not to mention they also had combative abilities themselves, they know how to fight and fight well as you can see from them becoming dungeon bosses.
They knew how to get under Crowley’s skin and force the Worgen to retreat. Which worked better than the Derek plotline because turning Lorna into Forsaken was a threat. It is a hostage situation, “do this or I will make her my dead slave.” Derek doesn’t work because you already did the thing, he is already your dead slave so there is no threat to be made.
You’re ransoming a corpse essentially which, spoiler alert, is idiotic.
She’s still a high-noble within Kul Tiras, which means she comes with information on the inner workings of that naval power. She was also the leader of one of th biggest trading empires of Kul Tiras, so the idea that she could easily find a way to smuggle Derek into Boralus to attack the Proudmoore’s is a possibility.
She is also, like you said, a servant of Queen Azshara … so who knows what could come of that?
That was only in the early Beta. That was dropped. The only thing retained was her owning a Kraken and that Kraken incidentally is responsible for the corruption of Anglepoint’s Tidesages into K’thir.
Sylvanas could create an army of K’thir with Ashvane’s Kraken and use them to frame N’Zoth!
Sylvanas is known to hate the Void as shown by the Windrunner: Three Sisters comic so why wouldn’t she want to frame N’Zoth. The idea would seem awfully appealing to one such as her(as to where she would get the idea: she has idea giving Azerite doesn’t she?)!
the kraken died in the siege of boralus
Video doesn’t show it leaving a corpse yet instead shows it fleeing like in Anglepoint…
Ashvane only says: Lady Priscilla Ashvane yells: You dare scar my beautiful pet?!
She may need Ashvane to coach Derek in some form. Maybe lying to him about what’s going on for instance.