Care to remind me what Sylvanas did to nelves that was worse than what she did to the Horde?
I remind you that Stormwind is the largest city in the setting and it is overflowing in night elves who escaped the world stump.
Citation: One of the two books from BFA’s release.
Stares at the genocide of women, children, and men and laughs in worgen I mean, keep telling yourself the horde has it worse for willingly following another morally bankrupt warchief.
The horde got absolved of their wrong doings yet again, so you should be happy
Sylvanas sent the horde into a war that was intended to kill them, and even militarized civilians. Hell, she had Azshara kill all of the Horde she could before we went to Nazjatar.
Seven races dying > one race’s (only ONE ZONE’S civilians, the army was on a boat and night elves are the most populoused race on Azeroth, owning more zones than every race in the game with the exeception of maybe humans) dying.
I mean, keep telling yourself the horde has it worse for willingly following another morally bankrupt warchief.
Forgot the rest of it bud.
You realize that you’re talking to a guy that thinks that 1-3 results in a positive number, right?
You, the player who is not a character, are telling me, another player who is not a character, the Horde doesn’t have it worse?
Yeah and he’s notorious for moving the goal posts
I mean, keep telling yourself the horde has it worse for willingly following another morally bankrupt warchief.
It’ll sink in eventually.
They do.
They lost all moral standing.
They lost a racial leader.
They lost all governmental control for one race.
They lost an entire zone for one race.
They lost multiple zones which the Alliance reclaimed.
They lost all zones which they had taken in the War of Thorns.
For people who are making jokes about not understanding basic math, you’re both showing an abysmal mastery of it.
I mean, keep telling yourself the horde has it worse for willingly following another morally bankrupt warchief.
I’ll repeat until it sinks in.
Keep spamming, Micah.
That’s not actionable or anything.
I mean, we over on the discord got a pretty good laugh at your definition of a “gain” - but episodes like that are also why people don’t take you seriously.
Which is pretty much all I have to say to you until I’m convinced that you have something of value to say.
Going to go get your discord buddies now and report me for the uncomfortable truth?
I’m not too worried about what a guy who joked about murdering me has to say.
To give the SFD credit, I’m pretty sure that Treng doesn’t run with them.
Probably right, even they would laugh him out of their channel
I love the sound of Ad Hominem. It’s the clarion call of the defeated argument.
Than just admit your wrong and move on Treng. Not that you will or ever do
You guys need to get a room
I’m not though.
The night elves lost one zone (World Stump).
The Horde lost three zones (Tirisfal, Hillsbrad, Stromgarde).
One racial leader. (Saurfang. Also Rastakhan, since the very first thing we learned about BFA was that Zandalari were Horde and Boatsmen were Alliance.)
The Forsaken Government.
The entire war.
That isn’t even speaking to the meta loss of Sylvanas/Nathanos.
And the hell of it is, I know I’m forgetting things the Horde lost in BFA.