Sweet Souls Talent Bugged since 11/28/2022

seems excessive but this is the 3rd thread i have personally made about this issue, i have been testing this talent over the course of the last what 6 + months on 4 seperate demo warlocks and this talent still does not function for me and many other warlocks. DO BETTER.

Sweet Souls - *
Your Healthstone heals you for an additional 10% of your maximum health **** Any party or raid member using a Healthstone also heals you for that amount.
**** This part specifically is bugged.

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tested today at 9:46 am still not working on my warlocks, i do not get healed from my party members healthstone period.

Tested 5:06 pm on 6/17/2023 and confirmed to not be granting any healing from * *Any party or raid member using a Healthstone also heals you for that amount

I’ve noticed the same issue

Warlock nerfs happen monthly in hotfixes but this talent never gets looked at 7 months later. Would be nice if the class had fully working talents before getting nerfs on top of nerfs. Its hilarious that nerfs to healing on deathcoil was targeted but this talent that is suppose to heal Any party or raid member using a Healthstone also heals you for that amount.* doesnt work for most of us, if it was i could gaurentee it would be targeted by nerfs as well so why are we balancing around the idea that talents like this work?

bugged for 206 days and still counting

bump, still need a blue response.

bump, lets get some clarification that the issue is known about.

Still not working for me at all.

Tested again after 10.1.5 and it is still bugged, your telling me the blizzard team cant fix this or at LEAST confirm its being looked into? IT STILL DOESNT HEAL ME FOR THE HEALTHSTONES USED BY PARTY / RAID MEMBERS. BUGGED SINCE 11/28/22, SICK OF REPORTING THIS ISSUE.

I hear the potential bug with this talent is related to the player that uses the healthstone must be on the same server / realm as the warlock.

Still bugged, almost 8 months now. Good work.

WoWScrnShot_072023_232305.jpg ‎- Photos (gyazo.com)

confirmations that its not working, this player used my healthstone 3 times in 1 rbg, i am the only warlock and it did not one time heal me, and thats only accounting for 1 single player ignoring the other 8.

Still bugged after yet another patch.

bump maybe it will be fixed by 2024.


This screenshot is of this talent working (sweet souls) and his team mate was on the same server as him, which seems to be the only circumstance at which this talent can work. Im also using the sweet souls talent and my team mate used healthstone and it did NOT heal me. Example here.
World of Warcraft - Profile 1 - Microsoft​ Edge (gyazo.com)

Its been a year since i posted this and its still an existing bug, can we get some sort of confirmation this is even being addressed or will ever be?

BUMP for clarity.

Fix this bug for the love of warlocks.


happening to me too

This hasnt worked since Since 11/28/2022, only works if the person who uses the healthstone is on the same server you are on. Seems like an easy fix since we know its specifically not working from healthstones used on any server that your character is not on.