Sweet Souls Talent Bugged since 11/28/2022

At this point it’s clear that this talent won’t be fixed (or changed) until at least next expansion. Multi-dollar company.

Its beyond unacceptable to me that this hasnt been fixed even when i have given them so many reports as well as the cause. Hasnt worked correctly since 11 28 2022 which was the release of df. It worked correctly the day prior during the pre patch.

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Its been 639 days since i reported this bug, new expac released on 8/26/2024. This bug still exists and it blows my mind that you guys cant seem to address this issue…remove the talent and give us something as a replacement.

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This. This is the solution. Just replace it. Honestly, put Pact of Gluttony here (which shouldn’t even be a talent, but baseline functionality, as it only exists to address a hilariously massive oversight created years earlier) and put something new where Pact of Gluttony used to be.

Going to keep posting until it eventuially gets changed or fixed, its insane that no one seems to see these posts or bug reports for over 2 years.

Would love to see this working.

same here…