Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

I’m literally shaking

Maybe you could invest some of the money from this store mount into fixing the game so you don’t need multiple 6 hour maintenances every week?

Watching nerds argue over pixels they don’t own…great time filler when work is slow.

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This is a freaking joke! take a mount that was free as a Trading Post reward and if you missed it last year you now have to pay $25 for it! This is sad that Blizzard would do this to it’s player base! So instead of putting it in as a purchasable mount in the Trading Post like they should have they are making a cash grab! That is just scummy!

Honey, nowhere in the NEWS ARTICLE that was posted here does it say “new.” That is what we’re referring to.

And none of us that have the mount can even see it in the shop, because we own it.

Also: the cash shop itself will put a “new” flag on anything that is new to the shop, not the game.

Keep in mind, not everyone wants to waste Tender. There are things that will cycle in and out of the Trading Post and cash shop, as that’s already happened quite a few times. But there are things that will always only be for Tender. And Tender is harder to come across than in game gold or cash for some.

The mount costs roughly 400k gold right now. Or 200k and add another $5 to Bnet balance. Some would rather do that than waste Tender.

I am pretty sure I got this from the trading post last year. I don’t think I have ever used it though. I’ll keep my money on this one.

Once again - who says it won’t be given away for free again in a few months? I mean seriously what’s the rush on wanting the mount NOW?

It makes sense to re-release a seasonal themed mount to maximize sales and prey on people who feel they are missing out.

The truth is for 99.9% of players you get a mount and forget about it in a week because there are so many of them

I was not here when it was available last year and would LOVE the opportunity to get this but I’m not seeing an option. Where do I get this mount? It’s showing in the shop but I can’t buy it? :frowning:

So this was originally a free Trading Post reward and instead of adding it back into the mix for trader’s tender, which would’ve been sensible, you’re charging people $25 for it on the store. Oh, and it’s only there for a limited time so FOMO powers engage.

Damn, I knew y’all were greedy but this ain’t good.

so don’t buy it? sheesh.

you don’t have to do anything. what a weird way to look at the world.

I can understand the disappointment.

so can i. i can’t understand the mindset of “it was free once so it has to be free forever” or the mindset of “i have to have X so i’m being forced to buy it”


I know some people on my server and on the forums that were looking forward to it being on the traders shop.

The idea is that it was greedy to change to money instead of in game currency. Which, I kind of agree with. A new model should have probably been made.

You have a more passive approach and that’s fine, but I think it is kind of uninspiring how they handled this month. It’s like they weren’t prepared and decided to reach back in their pocket to throw something up easier but in the process kind of disappointed a lot of people.

Trust me, this forum can be irrational AF, but I think this complaint is somewhat valid. Nobody needs anything, but if a game wants to hold their attention it probably should have an idea of how to do that without coming off the way they did.

and it still might be. the choice isn’t “pay $25 or never have it”, it’s “pay $25 to have it now or risk that it might be a while before you get it”.

i get the point and like i said i am sympathetic to people who are disappointed, but it seems weird to characterize this as some brewing scandal.

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Definitely not a scandal, and definitely not the end of the world.

I have to say though, it can be kind of perplexing. I feel like I can think up a better mount in my sleep, and keep the broom for the Traders shop, but maybe I’m being a bit harsh, and ignorant.

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It’s in the in-game store, not the website.

You should listen to US blizzard. Enough is enough, this should be available IN GAME for the event. Try something different other than grabbing another freaking quick buck we all pay enough to play the damn game xD

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Leave it to an evoker player to be on here playing defense for blizzard.