Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

What we need to do is start keeping track of these actions to look for a pattern. The potential pattern I see is the influence of Microsoft on Blizzard to make more money from the game wherever possible.

So I’m making a note of the first time a mount that was freely available by playing the game to then be put up for sale. How many more will follow, do you think? Take a look at mounts received through the Trading Post or special events and consider Blizzard’s viewpoint:

“The Dark Phoenix you get through guild stuff for gold, how about we put that up in the shop for $15? Or the Regal Corpsefly from Shadowland, not everyone could get that, lets drop that in with a price tag on its little claw. Not to mention that Violet Protodrake that took so many achievements to earn, lets sell that, people love dragons!.”

Or am I being paranoid? :thinking:

Yes, cackle as you watch them continue to try and quietly normalize associating the Trading Post with the Blizzard Store…

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Exactly this. Same mount, same name, minor recolor. If you compare Eve’s Ghastly Rider in the Trading post (light blue saddle, grey wood, white wraps) to the version in the shop (brown wood, beige straps, dark bronze on the saddle), the only “new” thing about it is the coloring. I just want to know…

WHEN can I buy it? :rofl:

While I am always in favor of more mounts, and own everything in the Shop, the only people to blame for this mount costing real money are all the people who posted begging for this mount in the trading post. If I had been Blizz, and tons of threads and support popped up in the forums for this mount, I would try to make a buck on it too. After all, they are not a 501-c3. They are a for profit public ally traded company. Doesn’t make it right, but I don’t play Blizzard games for their morality.

You know I really only try to criticize you guys when you really screw up… dudes you’re knocking on that door. You gave this away free last year and now you want 25 clams for it? I realize you’re now owned by ‘The Corp’ now and that changed things… but stupid is stupid guys.


For someone who is jobless
Yes ! Yes it is

You actually sub for a year, really? Why?
I have a couple different mmo’s I play, so whatever one I’m playing at the time is where I sub on. It seems silly to have a sub that I’m not actually logging onto.


Youre being paranoid.
Go classic cata, my friend.

I get the sense that Blizzard saw the thread about how this mount wasn’t coming back for October trading post and went AHA. We got them.

It literally says NEW in red letters right on the picture in the shop

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I don’t see the word “new” anywhere in the article. Funny that you can see non-existent words, yet you can’t see all of the punctuation and spelling errors in your own comment…

Also, can I have your gold when you quit, even though we all know you won’t?

All you people saying it doesnt say new, Open your battlenet, go to shop, click world of warcraft scroll down the page to the mounts, IN A BIG RED BUBBLE TOP LEFT CORNER IT SAYS NEW.

That just means it’s a new addition to the shop, not that it’s a new mount.

They don’t get credit for that, it’s not like that’s a rule. Look at the love witch black outfit that they put on the store for 1 month in February. It’s October or 8 months later, a dark colored witch outfit would have been perfect for Hallow’s End and it’s still not on the trading post despite the fact the white version appeared there and it was clearly poached from it for some quick $$$.

At this point I think they’re going to hold it out until next February as it makes little sense for the anniversary celebration or Pilgrim’s bounty (turkey day) in November nor for Winter Veil in December. The holidays it makes the most sense for were February for love is in the air and October for Hallow’s End as an analogue to Halloween where witch costumes are quite popular.

If they actually cared about players the mount would be put on the Holiday vendor for holiday currency far out of the reach of the hands of corporate to put it on the cash shop. That was their original mistake. Anything on the trader’s cart is just a grab away from either never appearing in the first place because it was pulled off to put in the shop or appearing once then never again because they’d rather put it on the shop for a limited time each year for money.

Fact is corporate has an incentive not to repeatedly take something off the store and put it on the trading post because it disincentivizes sales from people who will shrug and wait. If they keep people guessing, waiting months, years, then people will open up their wallets and buy. Not saying it won’t happen but it could easily be a year, next October or it could be never as they may feel they gave people a chance and now they need to pay. We just have no way of knowing.

The only place as bad as GD.

"Please be honest, Blizzard! :pleading_face: "

Meanwhile, willfully misrepresenting the meaning of “new in store” and “new never before seen item.”

I agree, this is very misleading and it does appear like it is a new mount. I never knew it was a TP item before, so when I saw it on the shop I thought it was new. If it wasn’t for this post I wouldn’t have known better because I was not playing this game last year. I see lots of people posting here that, “well it doesn’t say its NEW” like a bunch of ****** with no common sense. But after seeing this, not sure if I’ll be playing next year either. This is a dangerous precedent, and no matter how many times I point this out no one listens, and as we keep seeing, it gets worse every time. For those that agree with having common sense and principles, stay strong. This is just another Blizzard scum move and we need to say no. Those who will inevitably flame me too, you have no principles or morals for yourselves or for the community, so your opinions really don’t mean anything.

Not sure who you are “friend” but I speak how and when I want… Not how and when you want.

I respect your opinion, but frankly, I’m not going to ever give a rats behind about a pet or mount unless that mount is doing something truly unique such as the Brutosaur.

wait it is not free this year? Shame on you, Blizzard!

Some of us enjoy exclusive things. We need more of them.