Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

And this is why we’ll never see the price go down, or improve.

While yes, I agree. It’s not my concern how much money you have, or what you spend it on. I just wish these prices weren’t…so out there. Especially for a mount that was previously given as the end award for the Trading Post that is very much tied to the Hallows eve event.

While I agree its awesome that now players can get it whenever, potentially* year round. I just don’t think ti should be have been the $25 price tag.

*Edit: Added potentially as they elude that it might not be staying on the store at all. Meaning it could forever now become the Store Mount that is only availalbe during October. Adding FOMO purchasing now.

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It was given for free, there is also no indication it won’t be given away for free again… just wait

It’s just a mount after all … most of us have hundreds and frankly won’t even remember it next week


Have they made it so that you can apply mount equipment yet?

As of right now I can find it in the shop under mounts, but for me it doesn’t even have a price tag. Just says “Learn More” and brings me to this forum post. No idea what that means at this point in time haha

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Wait till you find out about Diablo 3 and Tyreal’s Charger.


I’m good Blizz.

25 dollars in 2024 is nothing
25 dollars in 2000s is ALOT

  • Pretty sure you’re living in the past bae

The RAF Zebra has been given away free now twice in very short time frame too…its up this month again in the Trading post …it was given away just few months back with Trading post too…they could of added this Broom as a extra reward of put in a quest line within TP requirements to get it but nope they want to charge money for it…just wrong esp after the mess TWW has caused for 1,000’s and 1,000’s of players that lost stuff out of their guild banks and got nothing but a very small faction back in return…

They’re providing options. The item will likely come back around in some trading post or other, but some would rather have it now. Some would rather pay cash than wait, or obtain it via other means. If it’s a terrible idea, Bliz won’t make any money from it and they won’t do it this way in the future. I’d rather more options than limits. People will speak with their wallets one way or the other, as they should.

This is a pretty despicable move in my opinion. This mount that was easy to get if you happened to be playing the one month it was around is now cash shop? I would be less disgusted if you moved it into the headless horseman’s mount drop spot and made that mount cash shop for people that have been grinding it for it a decade.

Taking advantage of people for not being able to play that one month is pretty awful Blizz and I think you should reconsider this. I pray you don’t do this to any other shortly available mounts in the future.

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

People tend to believe that everyone would rather spend Tender. Some people would actually save their Tender for stuff we know will never be in the shop and use their money or Bnet balance to buy the mount.

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It’s definitely something


I got this mount last year while it was on the trading post. I think it stinks Blizzard is now selling it in the store for $25.00. Right now I have more traders tenders than I can use. Just FYI if you take a break they build up. I came back to over 6k tenders.


Sure, so those that missed shouldn’t have the chance to get it.
Let people who want to buy, buy it.

Lol these nonsensical people always bringing these same discussions back and forth.

Incredibly disappointing that you have to pay for this now, I was really hoping it would come back as a returning mount on the trading post, not the zhevra that was already on the post earlier in the year. I started playing again in November of last year and was very much hoping this would come back around as I’d missed the chance to get it last time, but not for $25

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Yes it should of been a returning mount this month not the Zerba one that many had chance to get a just few short months ago…unlike 12 months when it first came into the game…

Absolutely disgusting that you are charging money for this.

Completely repulsive. Filthy.


So the article doesn’t say how you get it…

I see it in the shop but it doesn’t have a price (maybe because I have it). I also don’t see it in the in-game shop either.

Does it cost real $?

I’m all for handing this out for free to everyone that wants it this year… but don’t take something from tender-town and post it in the shop.

After some sleuthing… I found some screenshots showing $25 for the mount. Wow you guys… really milking it. Maybe the fees can cover some of the guild item restoration, yeah? Oh… you don’t care about customer service and just want money? Hmm… will my mount I earned last year from the post just disappear and now I’ll be forced to pay? Hmm…

Just disappointing the way things have gone.

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Only because I got it last year for just playing along. I realize this is Blizzard’s assets, and we all agree to allow them to use them as they see fit. So I’m not saying this is a bad thing to do, but I personally don’t feel it’s the right thing to do. IMO, the mount should have been made available again in the Trading Post for this season. Not as an alternative to the Hand mount (awesome look for season) but as an additional option. If it was there, at least players would have a choice to freeze it until they acquired enough tenders if they couldn’t afford it yet, vs shelling out more cash this early in the expansion for just a mount.

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