Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

Agreed. I was pretty sad when we didn’t get one that looked like the Magic Broom. People on this forum told me I was crazy. I mean, I am… but not for those reasons. lol

Yeah I wasn’t playing last October and I was jealous when my friend said they got the broom mount. Saw him on it when I came back and went nope, not jealous at all.


I can’t believe they’re charging money for this. Just let us buy with tenders


Perhaps they are waiting to see the response of people before they change their mind lol

25$ too… it’s not even new and they want 25

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It’s unfortunate and I certainly don’t support it, but this isn’t the first mount they’ve sold from the Trading Post. I don’t see why anyone would be surprised.

Correct… that is why you pay your subscription fee.

so far every monthly reward from trading post has been on the shop after, from the ones they’ve brought back at all

I am not going to try to verify that but I am not sure it is true.

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Full price for a trading post mount doesn’t seem right. Especially given it was around only last year. I’d understand if it was an old mount that had been available several times over several years and it was now 5 years later or something but I feel like as a catch-up mechanic paying $25 for mounts is excessive.

Why not $15 which is the cost of a sub that Blizz would have missed out on for that month?

Personally I feel like things that should be tied to the holiday events to begin with like this mount shouldn’t be sold for money. Really should have just been put on the tricky treats vendors for 300 candies. Considering this mount was only put in because of player begging regarding the temporary broom mounts that drop in Hallow’s End.

It’s very bad for players who step away for a while and for new players who find themselves far behind the existing playerbase already on mounts available via in-game mechanics and now are told to shell out hundreds of dollars for mounts, pets, etc they missed being on the trading post to catch up.


the first monthly reward was the cat that changes between night and day. that came to the shop. then the crusty crawler.

and now this

haha, i love FOMO!!
I’ll buy this either way since i missed it last year, but wow does this bite!

Not new, we got it last year. Please stop lying to us.

PS - Remove Pathfinder


I whole heartedly agree. This mount should never have been added to the real money store, Let alone at the price of $25. Especially given that it was added last year as a Hallows eve mount.

It truly is now making anything and everything that is in the trading post FOMO. You either get it while its there, or Fear that they’re going to remove it from the trading post and make it only available via real money on top of the subscription fee you already pay.


nowhere does it say new

ctrl f only goes to NEWS tab on top of the page

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I like that trading post FIRST, pay second much better than the pay first, TP second.

I dunno how to feel about this one.

This is actually the second mount they’ve presented lately that I felt was just sort of… poor taste.

The other one being the “ashes of alar inspired” mount for the 20th. Where I saw it and it was just the store mount? Slightly lighter sapphire skygrazer.

At least pretend to acknowledge that we aren’t that daft!

it shows up in shop but there is no option to buy…(on my screen anyway)…anyone else have this problem?


I’m glad that Blizzard keeps expanding the store. The angry players can stay angry, it’s not their concern what the rest of us spend our money on.

look void elf, I can be medicated it I want to be… :stuck_out_tongue: :boom: :evergreen_tree: