Sweep Across Azeroth Astride Eve’s Ghastly Rider in World of Warcraft

Tyrael’s Charger, Celestial Steed, etc. were both in the Trading Post and on the shop. The Medivh set was also in both. One of the captain’s transmog sets showed up in the shop for a limited time after being in the Trading Post and Blizz mentioned that they’d rotate things in and out of the Trading Post and shop.

If you don’t expect a corporation to make more money and for marketing to always find a way to make more money… then I don’t know what to tell you. This isn’t the Shocked Pikachu Face people are trying to act like.

Because just like the last time they added a mount we all had to the shop, if we have it, we can’t see it. So we can’t even gift it to anyone. And yes, that part is dumb.


Glad it’s available for those that didn’t get it last time.


OK, its not there for me. I can only assume because I already have it?

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Correct. But it sucks, because we can’t gift it to anyone. I guess we just toss them Bnet balance and say, “Here, go buy this.” Not as fun. But oh well.

It should still show in your blizzard store tab just like all the other mounts and battle pets you may have brought though the game store they still show but have green check boxes next to them to tell you you have it.

Maybe so. Doesn’t make it right, or good. Nor should it be defended.

What was given freely to players one year, should Never cost those who come after them money. Let alone $25. If it was for like, $5… Okay. Cool. Greedy Corporation wants a little moneyz. But $25, for the thing I got for free last year… That’s just wrong on so many levels.

I recently had a friend come back that quit WoW, and he’s asking me how to get the mount. And I’m very reluctant to tell him “Oh, yeah… That thing that I was telling you was the cool thing last year for Hallows eve… Yeah… Blizzard wants you to pay them 25 more dollars just to have it.” - It’s utter crap.

Edit: Especially in the current state of this game. With back to back to back weekly extended maintenance cycles with new bugs cropping up. Obviously all this extra cash flow isn’t at all going into making this game any better. They’ll probably make a cool 2-3 million off this mount alone. Will we see improvements to this game with that 2-3 million? Probably not. Some CEO is going to get a nice yacht though.


Well, maybe it should, but it doesn’t. I am sitting here looking at the screencap I was provided, and it isn’t present. Nor is it on the mount tab.

Very odd.

seems odd indeed and smells phishy

Yeah it does now …as I said all mounts I have brought though the store or have in game always have a check box next too them and listed in the mount tab when they are offered up…just strange I can’t see the offer now…I am on a yearly sub offer that is showing in the store now same one but it still shows in my store tab…

Not fishy really, just another Blizzard bumble.

  • Give a version of a much-requested mount via ingame content.
  • Come back later and offer the same much-requested mount only this time you pay for it. Lucky you!
  • But hey, you dont see it if you have it, so if by a freakish chance you might want to buy it for a friend or relative - tough luck, you can’t. Lucky them!

25 dollars for a seasonal trading post mount is beyond ridiculous.


This isn’t a moral dilemma. It’s marketing. Don’t like it, don’t give them any more of your money.

You need a sub to access the Trading Post.

You mean like other mounts and transmogs? Kk.

Welcome to corporate America, where the product sucks but they will consistently find ways to get more money out of you. Thus why I said: if you don’t like it, stop giving them money.


I still see the tab on the bnet app flash by now but as you just posted it lousy way the put it into the store now

No one is forced to buy it. I don’t get the outrage here.

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Still doesn’t make it right, or worthy of defending, but you keep it up. Keep up defending the greedyness. “Its okay because that’s just the way it is. You just gotta live with it.”

You know full well that I was meaning that it was “Free” to the player as in, not requiring them to pay anything additional to what they already are paying this corporation to play.

But again,it’s alright. Because god forbid we don’t defend a corporation or accept this kind of stupid ploy. I will not be giving them additional money for this mount, as I already own it. I just hate that they did this. WHy should a mount cost $25? Their are millions of players.

Do we ever even see improvements done to this game with the money that is made with these high priced pixels? They’re going to easily make 2-3 million off this mount. Will we see 2-3 million dollars worth of improvements to this game with that revenue gained?


I don’t see where Sendryn was defending their greed anywhere. All I am seeing is a realistic mindset about today’s corporate atmosphere.


You seem to be fixated on this “defending” thing.

Giving you the facts of life and logic isn’t defending it. It is what it is. If you want to make a statement about how you hate it, stop giving them money. I did. My year sub was canceled last week.

You going to do the same or just sit here and spout nonsense from your pedestal?


I ended up cancelling mine too. TWW has been giving me serious whiplash.

Also, how dare you be logical!


Hallows End mount is so much better. The newer one looks out of proportion sitting back so far.


Where is Sendryn defending it? Is there any comment about it being good or reasonable?

Its ok to disagree with someone, but stop accusing where there is no such obvious intent.